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Textblocks with "king"

Segments in 61125969:

[1]: ...For the Thought of the warre, introduced the Thought of the delivering up the King to his Enemies; The Thought of that, brought in the Thought of the delivering up of Christ; and that again the Thought of the 30 pence, which was the.....

Complete text of 61125969:

For the Thought of the warre, introduced the Thought of the delivering up the king to his Enemies; The Thought of that, brought in the Thought of the delivering up of Christ; and that again the Thought of the 30 pence, which was the price of that treason: and thence easily followed that malicious question; and all this in a moment of time; for Thought is quick

Complete text of 61126009:

He that first brought them into Greece, men say was Cadmus, the sonne of Agenor, king of Phaenicia

Segments in 61126536:

[1]: ...The King of Persia, Honoured Mordecay, when he appointed he should be conducted through the streets in the Kings Garment, upon one of the Kings Horses, with a.....

[2]: ...The King of Persia, Honoured Mordecay, when he appointed he should be conducted through the streets in the King s Garment, upon one of the Kings Horses, with a Crown on his head, and a Prince before him, proclayming, "Thus shall it be done to him that the King w.....

[3]: ...The King of Persia, Honoured Mordecay, when he appointed he should be conducted through the streets in the Kings Garment, upon one of the King s Horses, with a Crown on his head, and a Prince before him, proclayming, "Thus shall it be done to him that the King will honour.....

[4]: ...e Kings Garment, upon one of the Kings Horses, with a Crown on his head, and a Prince before him, proclayming, "Thus shall it be done to him that the King will honour King will honour.....

Complete text of 61126536:

The king of Persia, Honoured Mordecay, when he appointed he should be conducted through the streets in the Kings Garment, upon one of the Kings Horses, with a Crown on his head, and a Prince before him, proclayming, "Thus shall it be done to him that the king will honour

Segments in 61126537:

[1]: ..." And yet another King of Persia, or the same another time, to one that demanded for some great service, to weare one of the Kings robes, gave him leave so to do; but with .....

[2]: ..." And yet another King of Persia, or the same another time, to one that demanded for some great service, to weare one of the King s robes, gave him leave so to do; but with his addition, that he should weare it as the Kings foole; and then it was Dishonour.....

[3]: ...that demanded for some great service, to weare one of the Kings robes, gave him leave so to do; but with his addition, that he should weare it as the Kings foole; and then it was Dishonour King s foole; and then it was Dishonour.....

Complete text of 61126537:

" And yet another king of Persia, or the same another time, to one that demanded for some great service, to weare one of the Kings robes, gave him leave so to do; but with his addition, that he should weare it as the Kings foole; and then it was Dishonour

Segments in 61126688:

[1]: ...more easily be received: So Numa Pompilius pretended to receive the Ceremonies he instituted amongst the Romans, from the Nymph Egeria: and the first King and founder of the Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with the Holy Ghost, in forme of a Dove King and founder of the Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, preten.....

[2]: ... So Numa Pompilius pretended to receive the Ceremonies he instituted amongst the Romans, from the Nymph Egeria: and the first King and founder of the Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with the Holy Ghost, in forme of a Dove King dome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences .....

Complete text of 61126688:

The Designes Of The Authors Of The Religion Of The Heathen And therefore the first Founders, and Legislators of Common-wealths amongst the Gentiles, whose ends were only to keep the people in obedience, and peace, have in all places taken care; First, to imprint in their minds a beliefe, that those precepts which they gave concerning Religion, might not be thought to proceed from their own device, but from the dictates of some God, or other Spirit; or else that they themselves were of a higher nature than mere mortalls, that their Lawes might the more easily be received: So Numa Pompilius pretended to receive the Ceremonies he instituted amongst the Romans, from the Nymph Egeria: and the first king and founder of the Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with the Holy Ghost, in forme of a Dove

Segments in 61126694:

[1]: ...could not consist with their Civill Government; nor do we read, that any Religion was there forbidden, but that of the Jewes; who (being the peculiar Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever King dome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever.....

[2]: ...on was there forbidden, but that of the Jewes; who (being the peculiar Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever King or State whatsoever.....

Complete text of 61126694:

And therefore the Romans, that had conquered the greatest part of the then known World, made no scruple of tollerating any Religion whatsoever in the City of Rome it selfe; unlesse it had somthing in it, that could not consist with their Civill Government; nor do we read, that any Religion was there forbidden, but that of the Jewes; who (being the peculiar Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall king or State whatsoever

Complete text of 61126697:

It is true, that God is king of all the Earth: Yet may he be king of a peculiar, and chosen Nation

Complete text of 61126699:

God is king of all the Earth by his Power: but of his chosen people, he is king by Covenant

Segments in 61126716:

[1]: ...g constituted by their father Judges in Bersabee, received bribes, and judged unjustly, the people of Israel refused any more to have God to be their King, King , in other manner than he was King of other people; and therefore cryed out to Samuel, to choose them a King after the manner of the Nations.....

[2]: ...es in Bersabee, received bribes, and judged unjustly, the people of Israel refused any more to have God to be their King, in other manner than he was King of other people; and therefore crye King of other people; and therefore cryed out to Samuel, to choose them a King after the manner of the Nations.....

[3]: ... refused any more to have God to be their King, in other manner than he was King of other people; and therefore cryed out to Samuel, to choose them a King after the manner of the Nations King after the manner of the Nations.....

Complete text of 61126716:

3) being constituted by their father Judges in Bersabee, received bribes, and judged unjustly, the people of Israel refused any more to have God to be their king, in other manner than he was king of other people; and therefore cryed out to Samuel, to choose them a king after the manner of the Nations

Segments in 61126721:

[1]: ...For who is there that does not see, to whose benefit it conduceth, to have it believed, that a King hath not his Authority from Christ, unlesse a Bishop crown him? That a King, if he be a Priest, cannot Marry? That whether a Prince be born in lawful.....

[2]: ... does not see, to whose benefit it conduceth, to have it believed, that a King hath not his Authority from Christ, unlesse a Bishop crown him? That a King, if he be a Pri King , if he be a Priest, cannot Marry? That whether a Prince be born in lawfull Marriage, or not, must be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may.....

[3]: ...n in lawfull Marriage, or not, must be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to on.....

[4]: ...be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who d King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, .....

[5]: ...rt of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill King dome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in case.....

[6]: ... and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill Magistrate, and Custome did not more sustain it, than any opinion they have of the Sanctity, Wisdome, or Probity of their Teachers? So that I may attribute all the changes of Religion in the world, to one and the some cause; and that is, unpleasing Priests; and those not onely amon King , in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private in.....

Complete text of 61126721:

For who is there that does not see, to whose benefit it conduceth, to have it believed, that a king hath not his Authority from Christ, unlesse a Bishop crown him? That a king, if he be a Priest, cannot Marry? That whether a Prince be born in lawfull Marriage, or not, must be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the king be judged an Heretique? That a king (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their king, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill Magistrate, and Custome did not more sustain it, than any opinion they have of the Sanctity, Wisdome, or Probity of their Teachers? So that I may attribute all the changes of Religion in the world, to one and the some cause; and that is, unpleasing Priests; and those not onely amongst Catholiques, but even in that Church that hath presumed most of Reformation

Segments in 61127156:

[1]: ...If there had not first been an opinion received of the greatest part of England, that these Powers were divided between the King , and the Lords, and the House of Commons, the people had never been divided, and fallen into this Civill Warre; first between those that disagreed in.....

Complete text of 61127156:

If there had not first been an opinion received of the greatest part of England, that these Powers were divided between the king, and the Lords, and the House of Commons, the people had never been divided, and fallen into this Civill Warre; first between those that disagreed in Politiques; and after between the Dissenters about the liberty of Religion; which have so instructed men in this point of Soveraign Right, that there be few now (in England,) that do not see, that these Rights are inseparable, and will be so generally acknowledged, at the next return of Peace; and so continue, till their miseries are forgotten; and no longer, except the vulgar be better taught than they have hetherto been

Segments in 61127181:

[1]: ...ent of 600 years, was alone called Soveraign, had the title of Majesty from every one of his Subjects, and was unquestionably taken by them for their King; was notwithstanding never considered as their Representative; that name without contradiction passing for the title of those men, which King ; was notwithstanding never considered as their Representative; that name without contradiction passing for the title of those men, which at his comma.....

Complete text of 61127181:

And I know not how this so manifest a truth, should of late be so little observed; that in a Monarchy, he that had the Soveraignty from a descent of 600 years, was alone called Soveraign, had the title of Majesty from every one of his Subjects, and was unquestionably taken by them for their king; was notwithstanding never considered as their Representative; that name without contradiction passing for the title of those men, which at his command were sent up by the people to carry their Petitions, and give him (if he permitted it) their advise

Segments in 61127189:

[1]: ...For no King can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure; whose Subjects are either poore, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissention, to maintain a war a.....

Complete text of 61127189:

For no king can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure; whose Subjects are either poore, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissention, to maintain a war against their enemies: Whereas in a Democracy, or Aristocracy, the publique prosperity conferres not so much to the private fortune of one that is corrupt, or ambitious, as doth many times a perfidious advice, a treacherous action, or a Civill warre

Segments in 61127212:

[1]: ...As for example, Elective King domes; where Kings have the Soveraigne Power put into their hands for a time; of Kingdomes, wherein the King hath a power limited: which Governments, .....

[2]: ...As for example, Elective Kingdomes; where King s have the Soveraigne Power put into their hands for a time; of Kingdomes, wherein the King hath a power limited: which Governments, are nevertheless .....

[3]: ...As for example, Elective Kingdomes; where Kings have the Soveraigne Power put into their hands for a time; of King domes, wherein the King hath a power limited: which Governments, are nevertheless by most Writers called Monarchie.....

[4]: ...As for example, Elective Kingdomes; where Kings have the Soveraigne Power put into their hands for a time; of Kingdomes, wherein the King hath a power limited: which Governments, are nevertheless by most Writers called Monarchie.....

Complete text of 61127212:

As for example, Elective Kingdomes; where Kings have the Soveraigne Power put into their hands for a time; of Kingdomes, wherein the king hath a power limited: which Governments, are nevertheless by most Writers called Monarchie

Segments in 61127216:

[1]: ...And first, concerning an Elective King , whose power is limited to his life, as it is in many places of Christendome at this day; or to certaine Yeares or Moneths, as the Dictators power am.....

Complete text of 61127216:

And first, concerning an Elective king, whose power is limited to his life, as it is in many places of Christendome at this day; or to certaine Yeares or Moneths, as the Dictators power amongst the Romans; If he have Right to appoint his Successor, he is no more Elective but Hereditary

Complete text of 61127221:

Secondly, that king whose power is limited, is not superiour to him, or them that have the power to limit it; and he that is not superiour, is not supreme; that is to say not Soveraign

Segments in 61127252:

[1]: ...To Dispose Of The Succession, Though To A King Of Another Nation, Not Unlawfull But if it be lawfull for a Monarch to dispose of the Succession by words of Contract, or Testament, men may perhap.....

[2]: ...he may sell, or give his Right of governing to a stranger; which, because strangers (that is, men not used to live under the same government, not speaking the same language) do commonly undervalue one another, may turn to the oppression of his Subjects; which is indeed a great inconvenience; but it proceedeth not necessarily from the subjection to a strangers government, but fro king the same language) do commonly undervalue one another, may turn to the oppression of his Subjects; which is indeed a great inconvenience; but it proc.....

Complete text of 61127252:

To Dispose Of The Succession, Though To A king Of Another Nation, Not Unlawfull But if it be lawfull for a Monarch to dispose of the Succession by words of Contract, or Testament, men may perhaps object a great inconvenience: for he may sell, or give his Right of governing to a stranger; which, because strangers (that is, men not used to live under the same government, not speaking the same language) do commonly undervalue one another, may turn to the oppression of his Subjects; which is indeed a great inconvenience; but it proceedeth not necessarily from the subjection to a strangers government, but from the unskilfulnesse of the Governours, ignorant of the true rules of Politiques

Complete text of 61127254:

And this was it our most wise king, king James, aymed at, in endeavouring the Union of his two Realms of England and Scotland

Complete text of 61127318:

) "This shall be the Right of the king you will have to reigne over you

Complete text of 61127325:

" Againe, when the people heard what power their king was to have, yet they consented thereto, and say thus, (Verse

Complete text of 61127327:

) "We will be as all other nations, and our king shall judge our causes, and goe before us, to conduct our wars

Complete text of 61127329:

Again, the prayer of King Salomon to God, was this

Segments in 61127352:

[1]: ...And that the King s word, is sufficient to take any thing from any subject, when there is need; and that the King is Judge of that need: For he himselfe, as King of the.....

[2]: ...And that the Kings word, is sufficient to take any thing from any subject, when there is need; and that the King is Judge of that need: For he himselfe, as King of the Jewes, commanded his Disciples to take the Asse, and Asses Colt to carry him into Jerusalem, s.....

[3]: ...at the Kings word, is sufficient to take any thing from any subject, when there is need; and that the King is Judge of that need: For he himselfe, as King King of the Jewes, commanded his Disciples to take the Asse, and Asses Colt to carry him into Jerusalem, saying, (Mat.....

Complete text of 61127352:

And that the Kings word, is sufficient to take any thing from any subject, when there is need; and that the king is Judge of that need: For he himselfe, as king of the Jewes, commanded his Disciples to take the Asse, and Asses Colt to carry him into Jerusalem, saying, (Mat

Complete text of 61127454:

But in after-times, that Liberty of Forcible entry, was taken away by a Statute made (by the king) in Parliament

Complete text of 61127595:

Of the whole, as to a Protector, or Regent, may bee committed by the Predecessor of an Infant king, during his minority, the whole Administration of his Kingdome

Complete text of 61127703:

are Commands; because the reason for which we are to obey them, is drawn from the will of God our king, whom we are obliged to obey

Segments in 61127705:

[1]: ... Baptized in the Name of Jesus," are Counsell; because the reason why we should so do, tendeth not to any benefit of God Almighty, who shall still be King in what manner soever we rebell; but of our selves, who have no other means of avoyding the punishment hanging over us for our sins King in what manner soever we rebell; but of our selves, who have no other means of avoyding the punishment hanging over us for our sins.....

Complete text of 61127705:

" These words, "Go into the village over against you, and you shall find an Asse tyed, and her Colt; loose her, and bring her to me," are a Command: for the reason of their fact is drawn from the will of their Master: but these words, "Repent, and be Baptized in the Name of Jesus," are Counsell; because the reason why we should so do, tendeth not to any benefit of God Almighty, who shall still be king in what manner soever we rebell; but of our selves, who have no other means of avoyding the punishment hanging over us for our sins

Complete text of 61127787:

Item, that the two arms of a Common-wealth, are Force, and Justice; The First Whereof Is In The king; The Other Deposited In The Hands Of The Parlament

Segments in 61128158:

[1]: ... other Passions have compelled him to submit himselfe to Government;) together with the great power of his Governour, whom I compared to Leviathan, taking that comparison out of the two last verses of the one a king that comparison out of the two last verses of the one and fortieth of Job; where God having set forth the great power of Leviathan, called him King o.....

[2]: ...taking that comparison out of the two last verses of the one and fortieth of Job; where God having set forth the great power of Leviathan, called him King of the Proud King of the Proud.....

Complete text of 61128158:

Hitherto I have set forth the nature of Man, (whose Pride and other Passions have compelled him to submit himselfe to Government;) together with the great power of his Governour, whom I compared to Leviathan, taking that comparison out of the two last verses of the one and fortieth of Job; where God having set forth the great power of Leviathan, called him king of the Proud

Complete text of 61128161:

Hee seeth every high thing below him; and is king of all the children of pride

Segments in 61128173:

[1]: ... Succession from his Elder brother, to himselfe,) encreased to a degree, inconsistent with the Soveraign Power, maintained in their Rebellion against King John, by the French King John, by the French.....

Complete text of 61128173:

And so were the Barons, whose power was by William Rufus (to have their help in transferring the Succession from his Elder brother, to himselfe,) encreased to a degree, inconsistent with the Soveraign Power, maintained in their Rebellion against king John, by the French

Segments in 61128204:

[1]: ...So the people of the Jewes were stirred up to reject God, and to call upon the Prophet Samuel, for a King after the manner of the Nations; So also the lesser Cities of Greece, were continually disturbed, with seditions of the Aristocraticall, and Democrat.....

Complete text of 61128204:

So the people of the Jewes were stirred up to reject God, and to call upon the Prophet Samuel, for a king after the manner of the Nations; So also the lesser Cities of Greece, were continually disturbed, with seditions of the Aristocraticall, and Democraticall factions; one part of almost every Common-wealth, desiring to imitate the Lacedaemonians; the other, the Athenians

Complete text of 61128209:

For they say not Regicide, that is, killing of a king, but Tyrannicide, that is, killing of a Tyrant is lawfull

Segments in 61128226:

[1]: ...And therefore if the King bear the person of the People, and the generall Assembly bear also the person of the People, and another assembly bear the person of a Part of the pe.....

Complete text of 61128226:

And therefore if the king bear the person of the People, and the generall Assembly bear also the person of the People, and another assembly bear the person of a Part of the people, they are not one Person, nor one Soveraign, but three Persons, and three Soveraigns

Segments in 61128279:

[1]: ...d had the Jewes every seventh day, a Sabbath, in which the Law was read and expounded; and in the solemnity whereof they were put in mind, that their King was King was God; that having created the world in six days, he rested the seventh day; and by their resting on it from their labour, that that God was their .....

[2]: ... was God; that having created the world in six days, he rested the seventh day; and by their resting on it from their labour, that that God was their King, which redeemed them from their servile, and painfull labour in Egypt, and gave them a time, after they had rejoyced in God, to take joy also in themselves, b King , which redeemed them from their servile, and painfull labour in Egypt, and gave them a time, after they had rejoyced in God, to take joy also in them.....

Complete text of 61128279:

To this end had the Jewes every seventh day, a Sabbath, in which the Law was read and expounded; and in the solemnity whereof they were put in mind, that their king was God; that having created the world in six days, he rested the seventh day; and by their resting on it from their labour, that that God was their king, which redeemed them from their servile, and painfull labour in Egypt, and gave them a time, after they had rejoyced in God, to take joy also in themselves, by lawfull recreation

Segments in 61128280:

[1]: ...So that the first Table of the Commandements, is spent all, in setting down the summe of Gods absolute Power; not onely as God, but as King by pact, (in peculiar) of the Jewes; and may therefore give light, to those that have the Soveraign Power conferred on them by the consent of men, to.....

Complete text of 61128280:

So that the first Table of the Commandements, is spent all, in setting down the summe of Gods absolute Power; not onely as God, but as king by pact, (in peculiar) of the Jewes; and may therefore give light, to those that have the Soveraign Power conferred on them by the consent of men, to see what doctrine they Ought to teach their Subjects

Segments in 61128290:

[1]: ...u shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe:" as the summe of the first Table is reduced to "the love of God;" whom they had then newly received as their King King .....

Complete text of 61128290:

And this is the intention of the tenth Commandement, and the summe of the Second Table; which is reduced all to this one Commandement of mutuall Charity, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe:" as the summe of the first Table is reduced to "the love of God;" whom they had then newly received as their king

Segments in 61128297:

[1]: ...wer of the Common-wealth, principally by the Universities; and that the doctrines maintained by so many Preachers, against the Soveraign Power of the King, and by so many Lawyers, and others, that had their education there, is a sufficient argument, that though the Universities were not authors of King , and by so many Lawyers, and others, that had their education there, is a sufficient argument, that though the Universities were not authors of those.....

Complete text of 61128297:

Yet to the first, I doubt not to answer; that till towards the later end of Henry the Eighth, the Power of the Pope, was alwayes upheld against the Power of the Common-wealth, principally by the Universities; and that the doctrines maintained by so many Preachers, against the Soveraign Power of the king, and by so many Lawyers, and others, that had their education there, is a sufficient argument, that though the Universities were not authors of those false doctrines, yet they knew not how to plant the true

Segments in 61128304:

[1]: ...Soveraign Power; and therefore has no more place in the presence of the Soveraign; that is to say, in a Court of Justice, then the Inequality between Kings, and their Subjects, in the presence of the King King s, and their Subjects, in the presence of the King of Kings.....

[2]: ...n the presence of the Soveraign; that is to say, in a Court of Justice, then the Inequality between Kings, and their Subjects, in the presence of the King of Kings King of Kings.....

[3]: ...esence of the Soveraign; that is to say, in a Court of Justice, then the Inequality between Kings, and their Subjects, in the presence of the King of Kings King s.....

Complete text of 61128304:

The Inequality of Subjects, proceedeth from the Acts of Soveraign Power; and therefore has no more place in the presence of the Soveraign; that is to say, in a Court of Justice, then the Inequality between Kings, and their Subjects, in the presence of the king of Kings

Segments in 61128376:

[1]: ...Lawes, (such of them as oblige all Mankind,) in respect of God, as he is the Author of Nature, are Naturall; and in respect of the same God, as he is King of Kings, are Lawes King of Kings, are Lawes.....

[2]: ...such of them as oblige all Mankind,) in respect of God, as he is the Author of Nature, are Naturall; and in respect of the same God, as he is King of Kings, are Lawes King s, are Lawes.....

Complete text of 61128376:

And the same Law, that dictateth to men that have no Civil Government, what they ought to do, and what to avoyd in regard of one another, dictateth the same to Common-wealths, that is, to the Consciences of Soveraign Princes, and Soveraign Assemblies; there being no Court of Naturall Justice, but in the Conscience onely; where not Man, but God raigneth; whose Lawes, (such of them as oblige all Mankind,) in respect of God, as he is the Author of Nature, are Naturall; and in respect of the same God, as he is King of Kings, are Lawes

Complete text of 61128377:

But of the Kingdome of God, as king of Kings, and as king also of a peculiar People, I shall speak in the rest of this discourse

Complete text of 61128384:

Who Are Subjects In The Kingdome Of God "God is king, let the Earth rejoice," saith the Psalmist

Complete text of 61128388:

And again, "God is king though the Nations be angry; and he that sitteth on the Cherubins, though the earth be moved

Segments in 61128453:

[1]: ...e to signifie our Conception of his Nature, and that is, I AM: and but one Name of his Relation to us, and that is God; in which is contained Father, King, and Lord King , and Lord.....

Complete text of 61128453:

Hee that will attribute to God, nothing but what is warranted by naturall Reason, must either use such Negative Attributes, as Infinite, Eternall, Incomprehensible; or Superlatives, as Most High, Most Great, and the like; or Indefinite, as Good, Just, Holy, Creator; and in such sense, as if he meant not to declare what he is, (for that were to circumscribe him within the limits of our Fancy,) but how much wee admire him, and how ready we would be to obey him; which is a signe of Humility, and of a Will to honour him as much as we can: For there is but one Name to signifie our Conception of his Nature, and that is, I AM: and but one Name of his Relation to us, and that is God; in which is contained Father, king, and Lord

Segments in 61128520:

[1]: ...Secondly, that how great soever the miracle be, yet if it tend to stir up revolt against the King , or him that governeth by the Kings authority, he that doth such miracle, is not to be considered otherwise than as sent to make triall of their alle.....

[2]: ...Secondly, that how great soever the miracle be, yet if it tend to stir up revolt against the King, or him that governeth by the King s authority, he that doth such miracle, is not to be considered otherwise than as sent to make triall of their allegiance.....

Complete text of 61128520:

Secondly, that how great soever the miracle be, yet if it tend to stir up revolt against the king, or him that governeth by the Kings authority, he that doth such miracle, is not to be considered otherwise than as sent to make triall of their allegiance

Complete text of 61128521:

For these words, "revolt from the Lord your God," are in this place equivalent to "revolt from your king

Complete text of 61128522:

" For they had made God their king by pact at the foot of Mount Sinai; who ruled them by Moses only; for he only spake with God, and from time to time declared Gods Commandements to the people

Segments in 61128523:

[1]: ...rist had made his Disciples acknowledge him for the Messiah, (that is to say, for Gods anointed, whom the nation of the Jews daily expected for their King, but refused when he came,) he King , but refused when he came,) he omitted not to advertise them of the danger of miracles.....

Complete text of 61128523:

In like manner, after our Saviour Christ had made his Disciples acknowledge him for the Messiah, (that is to say, for Gods anointed, whom the nation of the Jews daily expected for their King, but refused when he came,) he omitted not to advertise them of the danger of miracles

Complete text of 61128532:

8) That Gospel was, that Christ was king; so that all preaching against the power of the king received, in consequence to these words, is by St

Complete text of 61128534:

For his speech is addressed to those, who by his preaching had already received Jesus for the Christ, that is to say, for king of the Jews

Complete text of 61128550:

For though it be not determined in Scripture, what Laws every Christian king shall constitute in his own Dominions; yet it is determined what laws he shall not constitute

Segments in 61128564:

[1]: ...learned men of the Jews, sent for by Ptolemy King of Egypt, to translate the Jewish Law, out of the Hebrew into the Greek, have left us no other for holy Scripture in the Greek tongue, but the same t.....

Complete text of 61128564:

learned men of the Jews, sent for by Ptolemy king of Egypt, to translate the Jewish Law, out of the Hebrew into the Greek, have left us no other for holy Scripture in the Greek tongue, but the same that are received in the Church of England

Complete text of 61128592:

26) and the same which having been lost, was long time after found again by Hilkiah, and sent to king Josias, who causing it to be read to the People, renewed the Covenant between God and them

Complete text of 61128593:

(2 king

Segments in 61128684:

[1]: ...Proverbs The Proverbs, being a Collection of wise and godly Sayings, partly of Solomon, partly of Agur the son of Jakeh; and partly of the Mother of Kin King Lemuel, cannot probably be thought to have been collected by Solomon, rather then by Agur, or the Mother of Lemues; and that, though the sentences be.....

Complete text of 61128684:

The Proverbs The Proverbs, being a Collection of wise and godly Sayings, partly of Solomon, partly of Agur the son of Jakeh; and partly of the Mother of king Lemuel, cannot probably be thought to have been collected by Solomon, rather then by Agur, or the Mother of Lemues; and that, though the sentences be theirs, yet the collection or compiling them into this one Book, was the work of some other godly man, that lived after them all

Segments in 61128686:

[1]: ...For "The Words of the Preacher, the Son of David, King in Jerusalem;" and, "the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's," seem to have been made for distinctions sake, then, when the Books of Scripture were gat.....

Complete text of 61128686:

For "The Words of the Preacher, the Son of David, king in Jerusalem;" and, "the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's," seem to have been made for distinctions sake, then, when the Books of Scripture were gathered into one body of the Law; to the end, that not the Doctrine only, but the Authors also might be extant

Segments in 61128718:

[1]: ...nealogy of Gods people, from the creation of the World, to the going into Egypt: the other four Books of Moses, contain the Election of God for their King, and the Laws which hee prescribed King , and the Laws which hee prescribed for their Government: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of God.....

[2]: ...s of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of Gods people, till the time they cast off Gods yoke, and called for a King, after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God t King , after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Capti.....

[3]: ... the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles King dome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life,.....

[4]: ...ur God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles King dome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he l.....

Complete text of 61128718:

For the Book of Genesis, deriveth the Genealogy of Gods people, from the creation of the World, to the going into Egypt: the other four Books of Moses, contain the Election of God for their king, and the Laws which hee prescribed for their Government: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of Gods people, till the time they cast off Gods yoke, and called for a king, after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles

Segments in 61128965:

[1]: ...To the contrary, I find the KING DOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manne.....

[2]: ...To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a King dome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their King by Covenant made wi.....

[3]: ...ces of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their King by Covenant made with him, upon Gods promising them the posses King by Covenant made with him, upon Gods promising them the possession of the land of Canaan; and but seldom metaphorically; and then it is taken for Dom.....

[4]: ...ally; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the Kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign King dome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign.....

Complete text of 61128965:

To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their king by Covenant made with him, upon Gods promising them the possession of the land of Canaan; and but seldom metaphorically; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the Kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign

Segments in 61128975:

[1]: ...And though the name of King be not yet given to God, nor of Kingdome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of Gods peculiar Soverai.....

[2]: ...And though the name of King be not yet given to God, nor of King dome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of Gods peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which .....

[3]: ...s peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in the renewing of the same Covenant by Moses, at Mount Sinai, is expressely called a peculiar Kingdome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St King dome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St.....

Complete text of 61128975:

And though the name of king be not yet given to God, nor of Kingdome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of Gods peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in the renewing of the same Covenant by Moses, at Mount Sinai, is expressely called a peculiar Kingdome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St

Segments in 61128984:

[1]: ..." For a "Peculiar people" the vulgar Latine hath, Peculium De Cunctis Populis: the English translation made in the beginning of the Reign of King James, hath, a "Peculiar treasure unto me above all Nations;" and the Geneva French, "the most precious Jewel of all Nations.....

Complete text of 61128984:

" For a "Peculiar people" the vulgar Latine hath, Peculium De Cunctis Populis: the English translation made in the beginning of the Reign of king James, hath, a "Peculiar treasure unto me above all Nations;" and the Geneva French, "the most precious Jewel of all Nations

Segments in 61128999:

[1]: ...It is therefore manifest enough by this one place, that by the King dome of God, is properly meant a Common-wealth, instituted (by the consent of those which were to be subject thereto) for their Civill Government, and.....

[2]: ...he consent of those which were to be subject thereto) for their Civill Government, and the regulating of their behaviour, not onely towards God their King, but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Ki King , but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Kingdome, wherein God was .....

[3]: ...ely towards God their King, but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Kingdome, wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant King dome, wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant.....

[4]: ..., but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Kingdome, wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant King , and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant.....

Complete text of 61128999:

It is therefore manifest enough by this one place, that by the Kingdome of God, is properly meant a Common-wealth, instituted (by the consent of those which were to be subject thereto) for their Civill Government, and the regulating of their behaviour, not onely towards God their king, but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Kingdome, wherein God was king, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant

Segments in 61129004:

[1]: ...) when the Elders of Israel (grieved with the corruption of the Sons of Samuel) demanded a King , Samuel displeased therewith, prayed unto the Lord; and the Lord answering said unto him, "Hearken unto the voice of the People, for they have not re.....

Complete text of 61129004:

) when the Elders of Israel (grieved with the corruption of the Sons of Samuel) demanded a king, Samuel displeased therewith, prayed unto the Lord; and the Lord answering said unto him, "Hearken unto the voice of the People, for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them

Complete text of 61129005:

" Out of which it is evident, that God himself was then their king; and Samuel did not command the people, but only delivered to them that which God from time to time appointed him

Segments in 61129009:

[1]: ...) where Samuel saith to the People, "When yee saw that Nahash King of the Children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a King shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King:" It is manifes.....

[2]: ...) where Samuel saith to the People, "When yee saw that Nahash King of the Children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a King shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King:" It is manifest that God was their King, and governed the Civill State of their Common-wea.....

[3]: ...saw that Nahash King of the Children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a King shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King:" It is manifest that God was their King King :" It is manifest that God was their King, and governed the Civill State of their Common-wealth.....

[4]: ...mmon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a King shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King:" It is manifest that God was their King, and governed the Civill State of their Common-wealth King , and governed the Civill State of their Common-wealth.....

Complete text of 61129009:

) where Samuel saith to the People, "When yee saw that Nahash king of the Children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a king shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King:" It is manifest that God was their king, and governed the Civill State of their Common-wealth

Segments in 61129020:

[1]: ...stand to that Covenant which you made with me by Moses, and brake in your rebellion against me in the days of Samuel, and in your election of another King King .....

Complete text of 61129020:

) I will cause you to passe under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the Covenant;" that is, I will reign over you, and make you to stand to that Covenant which you made with me by Moses, and brake in your rebellion against me in the days of Samuel, and in your election of another king

Segments in 61129023:

[1]: ..." This is also a King dome upon Earth; for the claim whereof, as an enemy to Caesar, he was put to death; the title of his crosse, was, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews;.....

[2]: ...is is also a Kingdome upon Earth; for the claim whereof, as an enemy to Caesar, he was put to death; the title of his crosse, was, Jesus of Nazareth, Kin King of the Jews; hee was crowned in scorn with a crown of Thornes; and for the proclaiming of him, it is said of the Disciples (Acts 17.....

Complete text of 61129023:

" This is also a Kingdome upon Earth; for the claim whereof, as an enemy to Caesar, he was put to death; the title of his crosse, was, Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews; hee was crowned in scorn with a crown of Thornes; and for the proclaiming of him, it is said of the Disciples (Acts 17

Complete text of 61129025:

) "That they did all of them contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there was another king, one Jesus

Segments in 61129033:

[1]: ...If the King dome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lie.....

[2]: ...If the Kingdome of God (called also the King dome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver h.....

[3]: ...If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a King dome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his Commandements to the people, did exercise on Earth; there would not have been so much con.....

[4]: ...on, and warre, about who it is, by whom God speaketh to us; neither would many Priests have troubled themselves with Spirituall Jurisdiction, nor any King have denied it them King have denied it them.....

Complete text of 61129033:

If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his Commandements to the people, did exercise on Earth; there would not have been so much contention, and warre, about who it is, by whom God speaketh to us; neither would many Priests have troubled themselves with Spirituall Jurisdiction, nor any king have denied it them

Complete text of 61129036:

The king of any Countrey is the Publique Person, or Representative of all his own Subjects

Complete text of 61129037:

And God the king of Israel was the Holy One of Israel

Complete text of 61129114:

So also (1 king

Segments in 61129149:

[1]: ...For Pharaoh Necho was an Idolator; yet his Words to the good King Josiah, in which he advised him by Messengers, not to oppose him in his march against Carchemish, are said to have proceeded from the mouth of God; a.....

Complete text of 61129149:

For Pharaoh Necho was an Idolator; yet his Words to the good king Josiah, in which he advised him by Messengers, not to oppose him in his march against Carchemish, are said to have proceeded from the mouth of God; and that Josiah not hearkning to them, was slain in the battle; as is to be read 2 Chron

Complete text of 61129301:

And when God was to be consulted, they put on the holy vestments, and enquired of the Lord, as the king commanded them, and were deprived of their office, when the king thought fit

Complete text of 61129302:

For king Saul (1 Sam

Complete text of 61129312:

In like manner king David, after his being anointed, though before he had possession of the Kingdome, is said to "enquire of the Lord" (1 Sam

Complete text of 61129317:

And king Solomon (1 Kings 2

Complete text of 61129410:

and in the New Testament there was but one onely mark; and that was the preaching of this Doctrine, That Jesus Is The Christ, that is, the King of the Jews, promised in the Old Testament

Segments in 61129565:

[1]: ...By the King dome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets hi.....

[2]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the King dome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and a.....

[3]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar.....

[4]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his King dome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar, and the Soveraign Priests, till in t.....

[5]: ...ants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar, and the Soveraign Priests, till in the days of Samuel they rebelled, and would have a mortall man for their King, after the manner of other Nations King , after the manner of other Nations.....

Complete text of 61129565:

By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the king that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar, and the Soveraign Priests, till in the days of Samuel they rebelled, and would have a mortall man for their king, after the manner of other Nations

Segments in 61129566:

[1]: ...rist, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of Heaven, be King dome of Heaven, because our King shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to h.....

[2]: ...nisters, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of Heaven, because our King shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; withou King shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his happinesse any higher than Go.....

Complete text of 61129566:

And when our Saviour Christ, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of Heaven, because our king shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his happinesse any higher than Gods Footstool the Earth

Complete text of 61129621:

"Hell is troubled how to meet thee," (that is, the king of Babylon) "and will displace the Giants for thee:" and here again the place of the Damned, (if the sense be literall,) is to be under water

Segments in 61129636:

[1]: ...) where the King commandeth his Servants, "to bind hand and foot the man that had not on his Wedding garment, and to cast him out," Eis To Skotos To Exoteron, Externa.....

Complete text of 61129636:

) where the king commandeth his Servants, "to bind hand and foot the man that had not on his Wedding garment, and to cast him out," Eis To Skotos To Exoteron, Externall Darknesse, or Darknesse Without: which though translated Utter Darknesse, does not signifie How Great, but Where that darknesse is to be; namely, Without The Habitation of Gods Elect

Segments in 61129660:

[1]: ... bodily paines, and calamities, as are incident to those, who not onely live under evill and cruell Governours, but have also for Enemy, the Eternall King of the Saints, God Almighty King of the Saints, God Almighty.....

Complete text of 61129660:

And because such felicity in others, is not sensible but by comparison with their own actuall miseries; it followeth that they are to suffer such bodily paines, and calamities, as are incident to those, who not onely live under evill and cruell Governours, but have also for Enemy, the Eternall king of the Saints, God Almighty

Segments in 61129696:

[1]: ...For by Salvation is set forth unto us, a glorious Reign of our King , by Conquest; not a safety by Escape: and therefore there where we look for Salvation, we must look also for Triumph; and before Triumph, for Victory.....

Complete text of 61129696:

For by Salvation is set forth unto us, a glorious Reign of our king, by Conquest; not a safety by Escape: and therefore there where we look for Salvation, we must look also for Triumph; and before Triumph, for Victory; and before Victory, for Battell; which cannot well be supposed, shall be in Heaven

Complete text of 61129703:

For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, he will save us

Complete text of 61129707:

The Saviour of it, "the Lord, their Judge, their Lawgiver, their king, he will save us;" the Salvation, "the Lord shall be to them as a broad mote of swift waters," &c

Segments in 61129732:

[1]: ... to prove any Ascension of the Saints into Heaven; that is to say, into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King King dome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to.....

[2]: ... into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to reduce them to their obedience; and shall send h King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to reduce them to their obedience; and shall send him thence again, .....

[3]: ...hence again, to rule both them, and all other faithfull men, from the day of Judgment, Everlastingly: or from that, that the Throne of this our Great King is in Heaven; whereas the Earth is but his Footstoole King is in Heaven; whereas the Earth is but his Footstoole.....

Complete text of 61129732:

On the other side, I have not found any text that can probably be drawn, to prove any Ascension of the Saints into Heaven; that is to say, into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was king of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to reduce them to their obedience; and shall send him thence again, to rule both them, and all other faithfull men, from the day of Judgment, Everlastingly: or from that, that the Throne of this our Great King is in Heaven; whereas the Earth is but his Footstoole

Segments in 61129733:

[1]: ...But that the Subjects of God should have any place as high as his throne, or higher than his Footstoole, it seemeth not sutable to the dignity of a King , nor can I find any evident text for it in holy Scripture.....

Complete text of 61129733:

But that the Subjects of God should have any place as high as his throne, or higher than his Footstoole, it seemeth not sutable to the dignity of a king, nor can I find any evident text for it in holy Scripture

Segments in 61129888:

[1]: ...Saul After the death of Joshua, till the time of Saul, the time between is noted frequently in the Book of Judges, "that there was in those dayes no King in Israel;" and sometimes with this addition, that King in Israel;" and sometimes with this addition, that "every man did that which was right in his own eyes.....

Complete text of 61129888:

Of The Soveraign Power Between The Time Of Joshua And Of Saul After the death of Joshua, till the time of Saul, the time between is noted frequently in the Book of Judges, "that there was in those dayes no king in Israel;" and sometimes with this addition, that "every man did that which was right in his own eyes

Complete text of 61129889:

" By which is to bee understood, that where it is said, "there was no king," is meant, "there was no Soveraign Power" in Israel

Complete text of 61129901:

Of The Rights Of The Kings Of Israel To the Judges, succeeded Kings; And whereas before, all authority, both in Religion, and Policy, was in the High Priest; so now it was all in the king

Segments in 61129906:

[1]: ...) "make us a King to judge us, like all the Nations," they signified that they would no more bee governed by the commands that should bee laid upon them by the Priest,.....

Complete text of 61129906:

) "make us a king to judge us, like all the Nations," they signified that they would no more bee governed by the commands that should bee laid upon them by the Priest, in the name of God; but by one that should command them in the same manner that all other nations were commanded; and consequently in deposing the High Priest of Royall authority, they deposed that peculiar Government of God

Segments in 61129909:

[1]: ..." Having therefore rejected God, in whose Right the Priests governed, there was no authority left to the Priests, but such as the King was pleased to allow them; which was more, or lesse, according as the Kings were good, or evill.....

[2]: ...ests governed, there was no authority left to the Priests, but such as the King was pleased to allow them; which was more, or lesse, according as the Kings were good, or evill King s were good, or evill.....

Complete text of 61129909:

" Having therefore rejected God, in whose Right the Priests governed, there was no authority left to the Priests, but such as the king was pleased to allow them; which was more, or lesse, according as the Kings were good, or evill

Complete text of 61129910:

And for the Government of Civill affaires, it is manifest, it was all in the hands of the king

Complete text of 61129912:

They say they will be like all the Nations; that their king shall be their Judge, and goe before them, and fight their battells; that is, he shall have the whole authority, both in Peace and War

Complete text of 61129924:

) that David made Hashabiah and his brethren, Hebronites, Officers of Israel among them Westward, "in all businesse of the Lord, and in the service of the king

Segments in 61129926:

[1]: ...es, and the halfe tribe of Manasseh" (these were the rest of Israel that dwelt beyond Jordan) "for every matter pertaining to God, and affairs of the King King .....

Complete text of 61129926:

) that hee made other Hebronites, "rulers over the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manasseh" (these were the rest of Israel that dwelt beyond Jordan) "for every matter pertaining to God, and affairs of the king

Segments in 61129930:

[1]: ...And afterwards when they demanded a King , after the manner of the nations; yet it was not with a design to depart from the worship of God their King; but despairing of the justice of the son.....

[2]: ...And afterwards when they demanded a King, after the manner of the nations; yet it was not with a design to depart from the worship of God their King ; but despairing of the justice of the sons of Samuel, they would have a King to judg them in Civill actions; but not that they would allow their King.....

[3]: ...ns; yet it was not with a design to depart from the worship of God their King; but despairing of the justice of the sons of Samuel, they would have a King to judg them in Civill actions; but not that they would allow the King to judg them in Civill actions; but not that they would allow their King to change the Religion which they thought was recommended to them by Moses.....

[4]: ...King; but despairing of the justice of the sons of Samuel, they would have a King to judg them in Civill actions; but not that they would allow their King to change the Religion which they thought was recommended to them by Moses King to change the Religion which they thought was recommended to them by Moses.....

Complete text of 61129930:

And afterwards when they demanded a king, after the manner of the nations; yet it was not with a design to depart from the worship of God their king; but despairing of the justice of the sons of Samuel, they would have a king to judg them in Civill actions; but not that they would allow their king to change the Religion which they thought was recommended to them by Moses

Segments in 61129932:

[1]: ...Samuel was displeased with the people, for that they desired a King , (for God was their King already, and Samuel had but an authority under him); yet did Samuel, when Saul observed not his counsell, in destroying Agag.....

[2]: ...Samuel was displeased with the people, for that they desired a King, (for God was their King already, and Samuel had but an authority under him); yet did Samuel, when Saul observed not his counsell, in destroying Agag as God had commanded, an.....

[3]: ... Samuel had but an authority under him); yet did Samuel, when Saul observed not his counsell, in destroying Agag as God had commanded, anoint another King, namely David, to take the succession from his heirs King , namely David, to take the succession from his heirs.....

Complete text of 61129932:

Samuel was displeased with the people, for that they desired a king, (for God was their king already, and Samuel had but an authority under him); yet did Samuel, when Saul observed not his counsell, in destroying Agag as God had commanded, anoint another king, namely David, to take the succession from his heirs

Complete text of 61129937:

) as Jehosaphat was reproved by the Prophet Jehu, for aiding the king of Israel against the Syrians; and Hezekiah, by Isaiah, for shewing his treasures to the Ambassadors of Babylon

Segments in 61129944:

[1]: ...he second of a Pastor, Counsellour, or Teacher, that is, of a Prophet sent from God, to convert such as God hath elected to Salvation; The third of a King, and Eternall King, but under his Father, as Moses and the High Priests were in their severall times King , and Eternall King, but under his Father, as Moses and the High Priests were in their severall times.....

[2]: ...or, Counsellour, or Teacher, that is, of a Prophet sent from God, to convert such as God hath elected to Salvation; The third of a King, and Eternall King, but under his Father, as Moses and the High Priests were in their severall times King , but under his Father, as Moses and the High Priests were in their severall times.....

Complete text of 61129944:

OF THE OFFICE OF OUR BLESSED SAVIOUR Three Parts Of The Office Of Christ We find in Holy Scripture three parts of the Office of the Messiah: the first of a Redeemer, or Saviour: The second of a Pastor, Counsellour, or Teacher, that is, of a Prophet sent from God, to convert such as God hath elected to Salvation; The third of a king, and Eternall king, but under his Father, as Moses and the High Priests were in their severall times

Segments in 61129969:

[1]: ...Christs King dome Not Of This World For as much therefore, as he that Redeemeth, hath no title to the Thing Redeemed, before the Redemption, and Ransome paid; and.....

[2]: ... Redeemed, before the Redemption, and Ransome paid; and this Ransome was the Death of the Redeemer; it is manifest, that our Saviour (as man) was not King of those that he Redeemed, before hee suffered death; that is, during that time hee conversed bodily King of those that he Redeemed, before hee suffered death; that is, during that time hee conversed bodily on the Earth.....

Complete text of 61129969:

Christs Kingdome Not Of This World For as much therefore, as he that Redeemeth, hath no title to the Thing Redeemed, before the Redemption, and Ransome paid; and this Ransome was the Death of the Redeemer; it is manifest, that our Saviour (as man) was not king of those that he Redeemed, before hee suffered death; that is, during that time hee conversed bodily on the Earth

Segments in 61129970:

[1]: ...I say, he was not then King in present, by vertue of the Pact, which the faithfull make with him in Baptisme; Neverthelesse, by the renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, .....

[2]: ..., which the faithfull make with him in Baptisme; Neverthelesse, by the renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, they were obliged to obey him for King, (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to King , (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to take the Kingdome upon him.....

[3]: ...e renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, they were obliged to obey him for King, (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to take the Kingdome upon him King dome upon him.....

Complete text of 61129970:

I say, he was not then king in present, by vertue of the Pact, which the faithfull make with him in Baptisme; Neverthelesse, by the renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, they were obliged to obey him for king, (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to take the Kingdome upon him

Complete text of 61129979:

" To reward every man according to his works, is to execute the Office of a king; and this is not to be till he come in the glory of his Father, with his Angells

Segments in 61129989:

[1]: ..." And yet our Saviour came into this world that hee might bee a King , and a Judge in the world to come: For hee was the Messiah, that is, the Christ, that is, the Anointed Priest, and the Soveraign Prophet of God; that.....

[2]: ...aign Prophet of God; that is to say, he was to have all the power that was in Moses the Prophet, in the High Priests that succeeded Moses, and in the Kings that succeeded the Priests King s that succeeded the Priests.....

Complete text of 61129989:

" And yet our Saviour came into this world that hee might bee a king, and a Judge in the world to come: For hee was the Messiah, that is, the Christ, that is, the Anointed Priest, and the Soveraign Prophet of God; that is to say, he was to have all the power that was in Moses the Prophet, in the High Priests that succeeded Moses, and in the Kings that succeeded the Priests

Segments in 61130001:

[1]: ...Which to doe, he was to preach unto them, that he was the Messiah, that is, the King promised to them by the Prophets; and to offer himselfe in sacrifice for the sinnes of them that should by faith submit themselves thereto; and in ca.....

Complete text of 61130001:

Which to doe, he was to preach unto them, that he was the Messiah, that is, the king promised to them by the Prophets; and to offer himselfe in sacrifice for the sinnes of them that should by faith submit themselves thereto; and in case the nation generally should refuse him, to call to his obedience such as should beleeve in him amongst the Gentiles

Segments in 61130010:

[1]: ...id so, he pronounced openly, that he found no fault in him: And put for title of his condemnation, not as the Jews required, "that he pretended to be King;" but simply, "That hee was King of the Jews;" and notwithstanding their clamour, refused King ;" but simply, "That hee was King of the Jews;" and notwithstanding their clamour, refused to alter it; saying, "What I have written, I have written.....

[2]: ... he found no fault in him: And put for title of his condemnation, not as the Jews required, "that he pretended to be King;" but simply, "That hee was King of the Jews;" and notwithstanding their clamour, refused to alter it; saying, "What I have written, I have written King of the Jews;" and notwithstanding their clamour, refused to alter it; saying, "What I have written, I have written.....

Complete text of 61130010:

For though Pilate himself (to gratifie the Jews) delivered him to be crucified; yet before he did so, he pronounced openly, that he found no fault in him: And put for title of his condemnation, not as the Jews required, "that he pretended to be king;" but simply, "That hee was king of the Jews;" and notwithstanding their clamour, refused to alter it; saying, "What I have written, I have written

Segments in 61130011:

[1]: ..." The Third Part Of His Office Was To Be King (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be King, I have already shewn that his Kingdome was not to begin .....

[2]: ..." The Third Part Of His Office Was To Be King (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be King , I have already shewn that his Kingdome was not to begin till the Resurrection.....

[3]: ... His Office Was To Be King (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be King, I have already shewn that his Kingdome was not to be King dome was not to begin till the Resurrection.....

Complete text of 61130011:

" The Third Part Of His Office Was To Be king (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be king, I have already shewn that his Kingdome was not to begin till the Resurrection

Segments in 61130012:

[1]: ...But then he shall be King , not onely as God, in which sense he is King already, and ever shall be, of all the Earth, in vertue of his omnipotence; but also peculiarly of his o.....

[2]: ...But then he shall be King, not onely as God, in which sense he is King already, and ever shall be, of all the Earth, in vertue of his omnipotence; but also peculiarly of his own Elect, by vertue of the pact they make wit.....

Complete text of 61130012:

But then he shall be king, not onely as God, in which sense he is King already, and ever shall be, of all the Earth, in vertue of his omnipotence; but also peculiarly of his own Elect, by vertue of the pact they make with him in their Baptisme

Segments in 61130033:

[1]: ...Christs Authority In The King dome Of God Subordinate To His Father Again, he is to be King then, no otherwise than as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was i.....

[2]: ...Christs Authority In The Kingdome Of God Subordinate To His Father Again, he is to be King then, no otherwise than as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was in the wildernesse; and as the High Priests were before the rei.....

[3]: ...n as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was in the wildernesse; and as the High Priests were before the reign of Saul; and as the Kings were after it King s were after it.....

Complete text of 61130033:

Christs Authority In The Kingdome Of God Subordinate To His Father Again, he is to be king then, no otherwise than as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was in the wildernesse; and as the High Priests were before the reign of Saul; and as the Kings were after it

Complete text of 61130063:

For it was long after the Ascension, before any king, or Civill Soveraign embraced, and publiquely allowed the teaching of Christian Religion

Complete text of 61130112:

For if the Supreme king, have not his Regall Power in this world; by what authority can obedience be required to his Officers? As my Father sent me, (so saith our Saviour) I send you

Segments in 61130150:

[1]: ...) "Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lords sake, whether it bee to the King , as Supreme, or unto Governours, as to them that be sent by him for the punishment of evill doers, and for the praise of them that doe well; for so i.....

Complete text of 61130150:

) "Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lords sake, whether it bee to the king, as Supreme, or unto Governours, as to them that be sent by him for the punishment of evill doers, and for the praise of them that doe well; for so is the will of God

Segments in 61130159:

[1]: ...How then can wee be obliged to doe any thing contrary to the Command of the King , or other Soveraign Representant of the Common-wealth, whereof we are members, and by whom we look to be protected? It is therefore manifest, that Ch.....

Complete text of 61130159:

How then can wee be obliged to doe any thing contrary to the Command of the king, or other Soveraign Representant of the Common-wealth, whereof we are members, and by whom we look to be protected? It is therefore manifest, that Christ hath not left to his Ministers in this world, unlesse they be also endued with Civill Authority, any authority to Command other men

Segments in 61130160:

[1]: ...What Christians May Do To Avoid Persecution But what (may some object) if a King , or a Senate, or other Soveraign Person forbid us to beleeve in Christ? To this I answer, that such forbidding is of no effect, because Beleef, and U.....

Complete text of 61130160:

What Christians May Do To Avoid Persecution But what (may some object) if a king, or a Senate, or other Soveraign Person forbid us to beleeve in Christ? To this I answer, that such forbidding is of no effect, because Beleef, and Unbeleef never follow mens Commands

Complete text of 61130190:

" Now Preaching in the originall, is that act, which a Crier, Herald, or other Officer useth to doe publiquely in Proclaiming of a king

Complete text of 61130212:

For they that Proclaim the comming of a king, must withall make known by what right he commeth, if they mean men shall submit themselves unto him: As St

Segments in 61130214:

[1]: ..." But to teach out of the Old Testament that Jesus was Christ, (that is to say, King ,) and risen from the dead, is not to say, that men are bound after they beleeve it, to obey those that tell them so, against the laws, and commands o.....

Complete text of 61130214:

" But to teach out of the Old Testament that Jesus was Christ, (that is to say, king,) and risen from the dead, is not to say, that men are bound after they beleeve it, to obey those that tell them so, against the laws, and commands of their Soveraigns; but that they shall doe wisely, to expect the coming of Christ hereafter, in Patience, and Faith, with Obedience to their present Magistrates

Segments in 61130344:

[1]: ...Excommunicationis (that is, the Thunderbolt Of Excommunication) proceeded from an imagination of the Bishop of Rome, which first used it, that he was King of Kings, as King of Kings, as the Heathen made Jupiter King of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictures, a Thunderbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish.....

[2]: ...icationis (that is, the Thunderbolt Of Excommunication) proceeded from an imagination of the Bishop of Rome, which first used it, that he was King of Kings, as the Heathen made King s, as the Heathen made Jupiter King of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictures, a Thunderbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Gia.....

[3]: ... Of Excommunication) proceeded from an imagination of the Bishop of Rome, which first used it, that he was King of Kings, as the Heathen made Jupiter King of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictur King of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictures, a Thunderbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Giants, that should dare to deny his p.....

[4]: ...derbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Giants, that should dare to deny his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary King dome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not on.....

[5]: ...his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary shall bee proved in its due place King dome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof .....

Complete text of 61130344:

The name of Fulmen Excommunicationis (that is, the Thunderbolt Of Excommunication) proceeded from an imagination of the Bishop of Rome, which first used it, that he was king of Kings, as the Heathen made Jupiter king of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictures, a Thunderbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Giants, that should dare to deny his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary shall bee proved in its due place

Segments in 61130372:

[1]: ...r thing then to the Beleef of that which the Apostles preached: And the Apostles preached nothing, but that Jesus was the Christ, that is to say, the King that was to save them, King that was to save them, and reign over them eternally in the world to come; and consequently that hee was not dead, but risen again from the dead, and.....

Complete text of 61130372:

Men were converted to no other thing then to the Beleef of that which the Apostles preached: And the Apostles preached nothing, but that Jesus was the Christ, that is to say, the king that was to save them, and reign over them eternally in the world to come; and consequently that hee was not dead, but risen again from the dead, and gone up into Heaven, and should come again one day to judg the world, (which also should rise again to be judged,) and reward every man according to his works

Segments in 61130389:

[1]: ..." that is, "Thou shalt not have for Gods, the Gods that other Nations worship; but onely me:" whereby they were forbidden to obey, or honor, as their King and Governour, any other God, than him that spake unto them then by Moses, and afterwards by the High Priest King and Governour, any other God, than him that spake unto them then by Moses, and afterwards by the High Priest.....

Complete text of 61130389:

That they should not obey, nor honour the Gods of other Nations, in these words, "Non habebis Deos alienos coram me," that is, "Thou shalt not have for Gods, the Gods that other Nations worship; but onely me:" whereby they were forbidden to obey, or honor, as their King and Governour, any other God, than him that spake unto them then by Moses, and afterwards by the High Priest

Complete text of 61130393:

That "they should not take the Name of God in vain;" that is, they should not speak rashly of their king, nor dispute his Right, nor the commissions of Moses and Aaron, his Lieutenants

Segments in 61130435:

[1]: ...etween the time when the Law was lost, (which is not mentioned in the Scripture, but may probably be thought to be the time of Rehoboam, when Shishak King of Egypt took the spoil King of Egypt took the spoils of the Temple,(1 Kings 14.....

[2]: ...s not mentioned in the Scripture, but may probably be thought to be the time of Rehoboam, when Shishak King of Egypt took the spoils of the Temple,(1 Kings 14 King s 14.....

Complete text of 61130435:

" And before the Captivity, between the time when the Law was lost, (which is not mentioned in the Scripture, but may probably be thought to be the time of Rehoboam, when Shishak king of Egypt took the spoils of the Temple,(1 Kings 14

Segments in 61130460:

[1]: ...And there also the King , or Soveraign, maketh it a Law to himself; by which he subjecteth himselfe, not to the Doctor, or Apostle, that converted him, but to God himself, an.....

Complete text of 61130460:

And there also the King, or Soveraign, maketh it a Law to himself; by which he subjecteth himselfe, not to the Doctor, or Apostle, that converted him, but to God himself, and his Son Jesus Christ, as immediately as did the Apostles themselves

Segments in 61130529:

[1]: ...and thence by metaphor was taken, not only amongst the Jews that were originally Shepherds, but also amongst the Heathen, to signifie the Office of a King, or any other Ruler, or Guide of People, whether he ruled by Laws, or Doctrine King , or any other Ruler, or Guide of People, whether he ruled by Laws, or Doctrine.....

Complete text of 61130529:

What Offices In The Church Are Magisteriall Bishop, a word formed in our language, out of the Greek Episcopus, signifieth an overseer, or Superintendent of any businesse, and particularly a Pastor or Shepherd; and thence by metaphor was taken, not only amongst the Jews that were originally Shepherds, but also amongst the Heathen, to signifie the Office of a king, or any other Ruler, or Guide of People, whether he ruled by Laws, or Doctrine

Segments in 61130606:

[1]: ..." For God being then King , and having constituted the Tribe of Levi to be his Publique Ministers, he allowed them for their maintenance, the Publique revenue, that is to say, .....

Complete text of 61130606:

" For God being then King, and having constituted the Tribe of Levi to be his Publique Ministers, he allowed them for their maintenance, the Publique revenue, that is to say, the part that God had reserved to himself; which were Tythes, and Offerings: and that it is which is meant, where God saith, I am thine inheritance

Segments in 61130608:

[1]: ...Now seeing in this time God himself was their King , and Moses, Aaron, and the succeeding High Priests were his Lieutenants; it is manifest, that the Right of Tythes, and Offerings was constituted by t.....

Complete text of 61130608:

Now seeing in this time God himself was their king, and Moses, Aaron, and the succeeding High Priests were his Lieutenants; it is manifest, that the Right of Tythes, and Offerings was constituted by the Civill Power

Segments in 61130609:

[1]: ...After their rejection of God in the demand of a King , they enjoyed still the same revenue; but the Right thereof was derived from that, that the Kings did never take it from them: for the Publique Reven.....

[2]: ...After their rejection of God in the demand of a King, they enjoyed still the same revenue; but the Right thereof was derived from that, that the King s did never take it from them: for the Publique Revenue was at the disposing of him that was the Publique Person; and that (till the Captivity) was th.....

[3]: ...did never take it from them: for the Publique Revenue was at the disposing of him that was the Publique Person; and that (till the Captivity) was the King King .....

Complete text of 61130609:

After their rejection of God in the demand of a king, they enjoyed still the same revenue; but the Right thereof was derived from that, that the Kings did never take it from them: for the Publique Revenue was at the disposing of him that was the Publique Person; and that (till the Captivity) was the king

Segments in 61130659:

[1]: ...For let it be supposed, that a Christian King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King, (as divers Christian Kings allow that power to the Pope;) he doth not the.....

[2]: ...For let it be supposed, that a Christian King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King , (as divers Christian Kings allow that power to the Pope;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his Peop.....

[3]: ...For let it be supposed, that a Christian King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King, (as divers Christian King s allow that power to the Pope;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his People; for that were to depriv.....

Complete text of 61130659:

For let it be supposed, that a Christian king commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another king, (as divers Christian Kings allow that power to the Pope;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his People; for that were to deprive himself of the Civill Power; which depending on the opinion men have of their Duty to him, and the fear they have of Punishment in another world, would depend also on the skill, and loyalty of Doctors, who are no lesse subject, not only to Ambition, but also to Ignorance, than any other sort of men

Segments in 61130665:

[1]: ...ngs, and who gave thee this authority:" he can make no other just Answer, but that he doth it by the Authority of the Common-wealth, given him by the King, or Assembly that representeth it King , or Assembly that representeth it.....

Complete text of 61130665:

) asked our Saviour, "By what authority dost thou these things, and who gave thee this authority:" he can make no other just Answer, but that he doth it by the Authority of the Common-wealth, given him by the king, or Assembly that representeth it

Complete text of 61130667:

But the king, and every other Soveraign executeth his Office of Supreme Pastor, by immediate Authority from God, that is to say, In Gods Right, or Jure Divino

Segments in 61130673:

[1]: ...There is no doubt but any King , in case he were skilfull in the Sciences, might by the same Right of his Office, read Lectures of them himself, by which he authorizeth others to re.....

Complete text of 61130673:

There is no doubt but any king, in case he were skilfull in the Sciences, might by the same Right of his Office, read Lectures of them himself, by which he authorizeth others to read them in the Universities

Segments in 61130675:

[1]: ...A King may also if he please, sit in Judgment, to hear and determine all manner of Causes, as well as give others authority to doe it in his name; but that .....

Complete text of 61130675:

A king may also if he please, sit in Judgment, to hear and determine all manner of Causes, as well as give others authority to doe it in his name; but that the charge that lyeth upon him of Command and Government, constrain him to bee continually at the Helm, and to commit the Ministeriall Offices to others under him

Complete text of 61130689:

And as concerning Imposition of Hands, whether it be needfull, for the authorizing of a king to Baptize, and Consecrate, we may consider thus

Segments in 61130766:

[1]: ...e Priest only had right to Consecrate, during the time that the Soveraignty was in the High Priest; yet it was not so when the Soveraignty was in the King: For we read (1 Kings 8 King : For we read (1 Kings 8.....

[2]: ...ht to Consecrate, during the time that the Soveraignty was in the High Priest; yet it was not so when the Soveraignty was in the King: For we read (1 Kings 8 King s 8.....

Complete text of 61130766:

And in the Old Testament, though the Priest only had right to Consecrate, during the time that the Soveraignty was in the High Priest; yet it was not so when the Soveraignty was in the king: For we read (1 Kings 8

Segments in 61130833:

[1]: ...vident that the Prophets of the Old Testament foretold, and the Jews expected a Messiah, that is, a Christ, that should re-establish amongst them the kingdo king dom of God, which had been rejected by them in the time of Samuel, when they required a King after the manner of other Nations.....

[2]: ...t is, a Christ, that should re-establish amongst them the kingdom of God, which had been rejected by them in the time of Samuel, when they required a King after the manner of other Nations King after the manner of other Nations.....

Complete text of 61130833:

It is evident that the Prophets of the Old Testament foretold, and the Jews expected a Messiah, that is, a Christ, that should re-establish amongst them the kingdom of God, which had been rejected by them in the time of Samuel, when they required a king after the manner of other Nations

Segments in 61130873:

[1]: ...The Priests and Scribes se king to kill our Saviour at the Passeover, and Judas possessed with a resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our Savio.....

[2]: ...resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our Saviour celebrated the same with his Apostles, which he said, till the Kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to b King dome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to betray him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it shou.....

[3]: ... him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should be; and withall (seeing the next Passeover their Master would celebrate should be when he was King) entred into a contention, who should then be the greater man King ) entred into a contention, who should then be the greater man.....

Complete text of 61130873:

The Priests and Scribes seeking to kill our Saviour at the Passeover, and Judas possessed with a resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our Saviour celebrated the same with his Apostles, which he said, till the Kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to betray him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should be; and withall (seeing the next Passeover their Master would celebrate should be when he was king) entred into a contention, who should then be the greater man

Segments in 61130984:

[1]: ...is place therefore it followeth, that he which heareth his Soveraign being a Christian, heareth Christ; and hee that despiseth the Doctrine which his King being a Christian, authorizeth, despiseth the Doctrine of Christ (which is not that which Bellarmine intendeth here to prove, but the contrary) King being a Christian, authorizeth, despiseth the Doctrine of Christ (which is not that which Bellarmine intendeth here to prove, but the contrary).....

Complete text of 61130984:

But who are those now that are sent by Christ, but such as are ordained Pastors by lawfull Authority? and who are lawfully ordained, that are not ordained by the Soveraign Pastor? and who is ordained by the Soveraign Pastor in a Christian Common-wealth, that is not ordained by the authority of the Soveraign thereof? Out of this place therefore it followeth, that he which heareth his Soveraign being a Christian, heareth Christ; and hee that despiseth the Doctrine which his king being a Christian, authorizeth, despiseth the Doctrine of Christ (which is not that which Bellarmine intendeth here to prove, but the contrary)

Complete text of 61130986:

Nay more, a Christian king, as a Pastor, and Teacher of his Subjects, makes not thereby his Doctrines Laws

Segments in 61130998:

[1]: ...; though as is said in the 8th verse, "he that despiseth them, despiseth not man, but God": For our Saviour himself came not to Judge, that is, to be King in this world; but to Sacrifice himself for Sinners, and leave Doctors in his Church, to lead, not to drive men to Christ, who never accepteth forced actions, (which is all the Law produceth,) but the inward conversion of the heart; which is not the work of King in this world; but to Sacrifice himself for Sinners, and leave Doctors in his Church, to lead, not to drive men to Christ, who never accepteth forced.....

Complete text of 61130998:

"You know what commandements we gave you:" where the Greek word is paraggelias edokamen, equivalent to paredokamen, what wee delivered to you, as in the place next before alledged, which does not prove the Traditions of the Apostles, to be any more than Counsells; though as is said in the 8th verse, "he that despiseth them, despiseth not man, but God": For our Saviour himself came not to Judge, that is, to be king in this world; but to Sacrifice himself for Sinners, and leave Doctors in his Church, to lead, not to drive men to Christ, who never accepteth forced actions, (which is all the Law produceth,) but the inward conversion of the heart; which is not the work of Laws, but of Counsell, and Doctrine

Segments in 61131057:

[1]: ...Before the People of Israel had (by the commandment of God to Samuel) set over themselves a King , after the manner of other Nations, the High Priest had the Civill Government; and none but he could make, nor depose an inferiour Priest: But that P.....

[2]: ... Nations, the High Priest had the Civill Government; and none but he could make, nor depose an inferiour Priest: But that Power was afterwards in the King, as may be proved by this same argument of Bellarmine; For if the Priest (be he the High Priest or any other) had his King , as may be proved by this same argument of Bellarmine; For if the Priest (be he the High Priest or any other) had his Jurisdiction immediately from G.....

[3]: ...roved by this same argument of Bellarmine; For if the Priest (be he the High Priest or any other) had his Jurisdiction immediately from God, then the King could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to Gods ordinance: But it is certain, that King Solomon (1 Kings 2 King could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to Gods ordinance: But it is certain, that King Solomon (1 Kings 2.....

[4]: ...sdiction immediately from God, then the King could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to Gods ordinance: But it is certain, that King Solomon (1 Kings 2 King Solomon (1 Kings 2.....

[5]: ...tely from God, then the King could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to Gods ordinance: But it is certain, that King Solomon (1 Kings 2 King s 2.....

Complete text of 61131057:

Before the People of Israel had (by the commandment of God to Samuel) set over themselves a king, after the manner of other Nations, the High Priest had the Civill Government; and none but he could make, nor depose an inferiour Priest: But that Power was afterwards in the king, as may be proved by this same argument of Bellarmine; For if the Priest (be he the High Priest or any other) had his Jurisdiction immediately from God, then the king could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to Gods ordinance: But it is certain, that king Solomon (1 Kings 2

Complete text of 61131080:

"If a king at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his Kingdome of Haeretiques, and being Excommunicate for the same, make not satisfaction within a year, his subjects are absolved of their Obedience

Segments in 61131081:

[1]: ..." And the practise hereof hath been seen on divers occasions; as in the Deposing of Chilperique, King of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John King of England; in Transferring the Kingdome of Navarre;.....

[2]: ...divers occasions; as in the Deposing of Chilperique, King of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John King of England; in Transferring the Kingdo King of England; in Transferring the Kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of France, and in many more occurrences.....

[3]: ...of Chilperique, King of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John King of England; in Transferring the Kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of King dome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of France, and in many more occurrences.....

Complete text of 61131081:

" And the practise hereof hath been seen on divers occasions; as in the Deposing of Chilperique, king of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John king of England; in Transferring the Kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of France, and in many more occurrences

Segments in 61131092:

[1]: ...If then it be granted, that the Civill Government be ordained as a means to bring us to a Spirituall felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the Pope the Spirituall, that therefore the King is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every .....

[2]: ...s to bring us to a Spirituall felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the Pope the Spirituall, that therefore the King is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obe King is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider.....

Complete text of 61131092:

If then it be granted, that the Civill Government be ordained as a means to bring us to a Spirituall felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the Pope the Spirituall, that therefore the king is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider

Complete text of 61131112:

The third Argument is this; "It is not lawfull for Christians to tolerate an Infidel, or Haereticall king, in case he endeavour to draw them to his Haeresie, or Infidelity

Complete text of 61131113:

But to judge whether a king draw his subjects to Haeresie, or not, belongeth to the Pope

Segments in 61131116:

[1]: ...For Christians, (or men of what Religion soever,) if they tolerate not their King , whatsoever law hee maketh, though it bee concerning Religion, doe violate their faith, contrary to the Divine Law, both Naturall and Positive: Nor i.....

Complete text of 61131116:

For Christians, (or men of what Religion soever,) if they tolerate not their king, whatsoever law hee maketh, though it bee concerning Religion, doe violate their faith, contrary to the Divine Law, both Naturall and Positive: Nor is there any Judge of Haeresie amongst Subjects, but their own Civill Soveraign; for "Haeresie is nothing else, but a private opinion, obstinately maintained, contrary to the opinion which the Publique Person (that is to say, the Representant of the Common-wealth) hath commanded to bee taught

Segments in 61131121:

[1]: ...where God forbiddeth the Jews, when they shall set a King over themselves, to choose a stranger; And from thence inferreth, that it is unlawfull for a Christian, to choose a King, that is not a Christian.....

[2]: ... Jews, when they shall set a King over themselves, to choose a stranger; And from thence inferreth, that it is unlawfull for a Christian, to choose a King, that is not a Chr King , that is not a Christian.....

Complete text of 61131121:

where God forbiddeth the Jews, when they shall set a king over themselves, to choose a stranger; And from thence inferreth, that it is unlawfull for a Christian, to choose a king, that is not a Christian

Segments in 61131122:

[1]: ...And 'tis true, that he that is a Christian, that is, hee that hath already obliged himself to receive our Saviour when he shall come, for his King , shal tempt God too much in choosing for King in this world, one that hee knoweth will endeavour, both by terrour, and perswasion to make him violate.....

[2]: ...tian, that is, hee that hath already obliged himself to receive our Saviour when he shall come, for his King, shal tempt God too much in choosing for King in this world, one that hee know King in this world, one that hee knoweth will endeavour, both by terrour, and perswasion to make him violate his faith.....

Complete text of 61131122:

And 'tis true, that he that is a Christian, that is, hee that hath already obliged himself to receive our Saviour when he shall come, for his king, shal tempt God too much in choosing for king in this world, one that hee knoweth will endeavour, both by terrour, and perswasion to make him violate his faith

Complete text of 61131123:

But, it is (saith hee) the same danger, to choose one that is not a Christian, for king, and not to depose him, when hee is chosen

Segments in 61131140:

[1]: ...This is true; for Christian King s are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the Po.....

[2]: ...Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the Pope is no more but King, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe King , and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe.....

Complete text of 61131140:

This is true; for Christian Kings are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the Pope is no more but king, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe

Segments in 61131158:

[1]: ...Out of which it followeth, that the Pope, as Pastor of Christian men, is King of Kings: which all Christian Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every o.....

[2]: ...Out of which it followeth, that the Pope, as Pastor of Christian men, is King of King s: which all Christian Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every one in hi.....

[3]: ...Out of which it followeth, that the Pope, as Pastor of Christian men, is King of Kings: which all Christian King s ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every one in his own Dominion.....

Complete text of 61131158:

Out of which it followeth, that the Pope, as Pastor of Christian men, is king of Kings: which all Christian Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every one in his own Dominion

Complete text of 61131162:

) was either by the Authority of king Joash, or it was a horrible Crime in the High Priest, which (ever after the election of king Saul) was a mere Subject

Segments in 61131227:

[1]: ...By the name of Christ, is understood the King , which God had before promised by the Prophets of the Old Testament, to send into the world, to reign (over the Jews, and over such of other nations .....

Complete text of 61131227:

By the name of Christ, is understood the king, which God had before promised by the Prophets of the Old Testament, to send into the world, to reign (over the Jews, and over such of other nations as should beleeve in him) under himself eternally; and to give them that eternall life, which was lost by the sin of Adam

Segments in 61131231:

[1]: ...Gospell is this, That Jesus was of the stock of David; Born of a Virgin; which are the Marks of the true Christ: That the Magi came to worship him as King of King of the Jews: That Herod for the same cause sought to kill him: That John Baptist proclaimed him: That he preached by himselfe, and his Apostles that .....

[2]: ...: That Herod for the same cause sought to kill him: That John Baptist proclaimed him: That he preached by himselfe, and his Apostles that he was that King; That he taught the Law, not as a Scribe, but as a man of Authority: That he cured diseases by his Word onely, and did many other Miracles, which were foretold the Chris King ; That he taught the Law, not as a Scribe, but as a man of Authority: That he cured diseases by his Word onely, and did many other Miracles, which wer.....

[3]: ...n of Authority: That he cured diseases by his Word onely, and did many other Miracles, which were foretold the Christ should doe: That he was saluted King when he entered into Jerusalem: That he fore-warned them to beware of all others that should pretend to be Christ: That he was taken, accused, and put to death, for saying, hee was King: That the cause of his condemnation written on the Crosse, was JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWES King when he entered into Jerusalem: That he fore-warned them to beware of all others that should pretend to be Christ: That he was taken, accused, and pu.....

[4]: ... That he fore-warned them to beware of all others that should pretend to be Christ: That he was taken, accused, and put to death, for saying, hee was King: That the cause of his condemnation written on the Crosse, was JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWES King : That the cause of his condemnation written on the Crosse, was JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWES.....

[5]: ... was taken, accused, and put to death, for saying, hee was King: That the cause of his condemnation written on the Crosse, was JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWES KING OF THE JEWES.....

Complete text of 61131231:

Matthews Gospell is this, That Jesus was of the stock of David; Born of a Virgin; which are the Marks of the true Christ: That the Magi came to worship him as king of the Jews: That Herod for the same cause sought to kill him: That John Baptist proclaimed him: That he preached by himselfe, and his Apostles that he was that king; That he taught the Law, not as a Scribe, but as a man of Authority: That he cured diseases by his Word onely, and did many other Miracles, which were foretold the Christ should doe: That he was saluted king when he entered into Jerusalem: That he fore-warned them to beware of all others that should pretend to be Christ: That he was taken, accused, and put to death, for saying, hee was king: That the cause of his condemnation written on the Crosse, was JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE king OF THE JEWES

Complete text of 61131247:

giveth he any Commission to them, other than this, "As ye go, Preach, saying, the Kingdome of Heaven is at hand;" that is, that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the king which was to come

Complete text of 61131252:

And these all do contrary to the Decrees of Caesar, saying, that there is another king, one Jesus:" And out of the 2

Segments in 61131258:

[1]: ...The Thief upon the Crosse though repenting, could not have been saved for saying, "Lord remember me when thou commest into thy King dome;" by which he testified no beleefe of any other Article, but this, That Jesus Was The King.....

[2]: ...r saying, "Lord remember me when thou commest into thy Kingdome;" by which he testified no beleefe of any other Article, but this, That Jesus Was The King King .....

Complete text of 61131258:

The Thief upon the Crosse though repenting, could not have been saved for saying, "Lord remember me when thou commest into thy Kingdome;" by which he testified no beleefe of any other Article, but this, That Jesus Was The king

Segments in 61131352:

[1]: ...potent Creator of all things, doe therein also beleeve, that God is the Omnipotent Creator of all things? Or how can a man beleeve, that Jesus is the King that shall reign eternally, unlesse hee beleeve him also risen again from the dead? For a dead man cannot exercise the Office of a King King that shall reign eternally, unlesse hee beleeve him also risen again from the dead? For a dead man cannot exercise the Office of a King.....

[2]: ... Jesus is the King that shall reign eternally, unlesse hee beleeve him also risen again from the dead? For a dead man cannot exercise the Office of a King King .....

Complete text of 61131352:

For who is there that does not see, that they who beleeve Jesus to be the Son of the God of Israel, and that the Israelites had for God the Omnipotent Creator of all things, doe therein also beleeve, that God is the Omnipotent Creator of all things? Or how can a man beleeve, that Jesus is the king that shall reign eternally, unlesse hee beleeve him also risen again from the dead? For a dead man cannot exercise the Office of a king

Segments in 61131365:

[1]: ... observed, our Saviour added, "Sell all thou hast, give it to the Poor, and come and follow me:" which was as much as to say, Relye on me that am the King: Therefore to fulfill the Law, and to beleeve that Jesus is the King, is all that is required to bring a man to eternall life King : Therefore to fulfill the Law, and to beleeve that Jesus is the King, is all that is required to bring a man to eternall life.....

[2]: ...r, and come and follow me:" which was as much as to say, Relye on me that am the King: Therefore to fulfill the Law, and to beleeve that Jesus is the King, is all that is required to bring a man to eternall life King , is all that is required to bring a man to eternall life.....

Complete text of 61131365:

) "What shall I doe to inherit eternall life?" Answered (verse 20) "Thou knowest the Commandements, Doe not commit Adultery, Doe not Kill, Doe not Steal, Doe not bear false witnesse, Honor thy Father, and thy Mother;" which when he said he had observed, our Saviour added, "Sell all thou hast, give it to the Poor, and come and follow me:" which was as much as to say, Relye on me that am the king: Therefore to fulfill the Law, and to beleeve that Jesus is the king, is all that is required to bring a man to eternall life

Segments in 61131386:

[1]: ...But suppose that a Christian King should from this Foundation, Jesus Is The Christ, draw some false consequences, that is to say, make some superstructions of Hay, or Stubble, and com.....

Complete text of 61131386:

But suppose that a Christian king should from this Foundation, Jesus Is The Christ, draw some false consequences, that is to say, make some superstructions of Hay, or Stubble, and command the teaching of the same; yet seeing St

Segments in 61131397:

[1]: ...But what Infidel King is so unreasonable, as knowing he has a Subject, that waiteth for the second comming of Christ, after the present world shall be burnt, and intendeth.....

[2]: ...to obey him (which is the intent of beleeving that Jesus is the Christ,) and in the mean time thinketh himself bound to obey the Laws of that Infidel King, (which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning the Kingdome of God, an King , (which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning t.....

[3]: ...which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning the Kingdome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall King dome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall.....

Complete text of 61131397:

But what Infidel king is so unreasonable, as knowing he has a Subject, that waiteth for the second comming of Christ, after the present world shall be burnt, and intendeth then to obey him (which is the intent of beleeving that Jesus is the Christ,) and in the mean time thinketh himself bound to obey the Laws of that Infidel king, (which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning the Kingdome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall

Segments in 61131433:

[1]: ...Errors From Misinterpreting The Scriptures, Concerning The King dome Of God The greatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it.....

[2]: ...eatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to prove that the Kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or mu King dome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise aga.....

[3]: ...in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again at the last day: whereas the Kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in the election of Saul, when they refused to be governed by God any more, and demanded a King after the manner of King dome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, .....

[4]: ...therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in the election of Saul, when they refused to be governed by God any more, and demanded a King after the manner of the nations; which God himself consented unto, as I have more at large proved before, in the 35 King after the manner of the nations; which God himself consented unto, as I have more at large proved before, in the 35.....

Complete text of 61131433:

Errors From Misinterpreting The Scriptures, Concerning The Kingdome Of God The greatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to prove that the Kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again at the last day: whereas the Kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in the election of Saul, when they refused to be governed by God any more, and demanded a king after the manner of the nations; which God himself consented unto, as I have more at large proved before, in the 35

Segments in 61131435:

[1]: ...After that time, there was no other King dome of God in the world, by any Pact, or otherwise, than he ever was, is, and shall be King, of all men, and of all creatures, as governing according.....

[2]: ...After that time, there was no other Kingdome of God in the world, by any Pact, or otherwise, than he ever was, is, and shall be King , of all men, and of all creatures, as governing according to his Will, by his infinite Power.....

Complete text of 61131435:

After that time, there was no other Kingdome of God in the world, by any Pact, or otherwise, than he ever was, is, and shall be King, of all men, and of all creatures, as governing according to his Will, by his infinite Power

Segments in 61131439:

[1]: ...And That The Pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the Pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that King dom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian King, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as.....

[2]: ... present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian King, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gra King , to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is.....

[3]: ...eceive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is made King by the favour of God, when he is crowned by the authority of Gods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the Pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the f King by the favour of God, when he is crowned by the authority of Gods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, t.....

Complete text of 61131439:

And That The Pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the Pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian king, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is made king by the favour of God, when he is crowned by the authority of Gods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the Pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under Pope Innocent the third, (Chap

Segments in 61131442:

[1]: ...) "That if a King at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his Kingdome of Haeresies, and being excommunicate for the same, doe not give satisfaction within a year, his .....

[2]: ...) "That if a King at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his King dome of Haeresies, and being excommunicate for the same, doe not give satisfaction within a year, his Subjects are absolved of the bond of their obedi.....

Complete text of 61131442:

) "That if a king at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his Kingdome of Haeresies, and being excommunicate for the same, doe not give satisfaction within a year, his Subjects are absolved of the bond of their obedience

Segments in 61131449:

[1]: ...o a double tribute; one to the State, another to the Clergy; whereof, that to the Clergy, being the tenth of their revenue, is double to that which a King of Athens (and esteemed a Tyrant) exacted of his King of Athens (and esteemed a Tyrant) exacted of his subjects for the defraying of all publique charges: For he demanded no more but the twentieth part; .....

Complete text of 61131449:

By which meanes, the people every where were obliged to a double tribute; one to the State, another to the Clergy; whereof, that to the Clergy, being the tenth of their revenue, is double to that which a king of Athens (and esteemed a Tyrant) exacted of his subjects for the defraying of all publique charges: For he demanded no more but the twentieth part; and yet abundantly maintained therewith the Commonwealth

Segments in 61131462:

[1]: ...heir Rods nothing like a Serpent, and in the Water enchanted, nothing like Bloud, nor like any thing else but Water, but that they had faced down the King, that they were Serpents that looked like Rods, and that it was Bloud that seemed Water? That had been both Enchantment, and Lying King , that they were Serpents that looked like Rods, and that it was Bloud that seemed Water? That had been both Enchantment, and Lying.....

Complete text of 61131462:

The Egyptian Conjurers, that are said to have turned their Rods to Serpents, and the Water into Bloud, are thought but to have deluded the senses of the Spectators by a false shew of things, yet are esteemed Enchanters: But what should wee have thought of them, if there had appeared in their Rods nothing like a Serpent, and in the Water enchanted, nothing like Bloud, nor like any thing else but Water, but that they had faced down the king, that they were Serpents that looked like Rods, and that it was Bloud that seemed Water? That had been both Enchantment, and Lying

Segments in 61131494:

[1]: ...As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present King dome of God administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, .....

[2]: ...od administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which ti King dome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any King.....

[3]: ...ent, that the Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any King King .....

Complete text of 61131494:

As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present Kingdome of God administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any king

Segments in 61131495:

[1]: ...That which the High Priest did to Athaliah, was not done in his own right, but in the right of the young King Joash her Son: But Solomon in his own right deposed the High Priest Abiathar, and set up another in his place.....

Complete text of 61131495:

That which the High Priest did to Athaliah, was not done in his own right, but in the right of the young king Joash her Son: But Solomon in his own right deposed the High Priest Abiathar, and set up another in his place

Segments in 61131510:

[1]: ...to serve the living and true God, and to waite for his Sonne from Heaven:" Where to waite for his Sonne from Heaven, is to wait for his comming to be King in power; which were not n King in power; which were not necessary, if this Kingdome had beene then present.....

[2]: ...r his Sonne from Heaven:" Where to waite for his Sonne from Heaven, is to wait for his comming to be King in power; which were not necessary, if this Kingdome had beene then present King dome had beene then present.....

Complete text of 61131510:

) "That they turned from Idols, to serve the living and true God, and to waite for his Sonne from Heaven:" Where to waite for his Sonne from Heaven, is to wait for his comming to be king in power; which were not necessary, if this Kingdome had beene then present

Segments in 61131542:

[1]: ...Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the Pope, and the lesser the King ; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the Pope, and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Sc.....

[2]: ... the Pope, and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the Pope, and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that King : Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of the.....

[3]: ... wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91 King s; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91.....

Complete text of 61131542:

Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the Pope, and the lesser the king; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the Pope, and by Earth the king: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91

Complete text of 61131549:

When king Solomon, (the civill Soveraigne of Israel) consecrated the Temple hee had built, (2 Kings 8

Segments in 61131551:

[1]: ...Here was no Procession; the King stood still in his first place; no Exorcised Water; no Asperges Me, nor other impertinent application of words spoken upon another occasion; but a de.....

[2]: ... Water; no Asperges Me, nor other impertinent application of words spoken upon another occasion; but a decent, and rationall speech, and such as in making to God a present of his new built House, was most conformable to the oc king to God a present of his new built House, was most conformable to the occasion.....

Complete text of 61131551:

Here was no Procession; the king stood still in his first place; no Exorcised Water; no Asperges Me, nor other impertinent application of words spoken upon another occasion; but a decent, and rationall speech, and such as in making to God a present of his new built House, was most conformable to the occasion

Segments in 61131639:

[1]: ...t capable of beleeving,) to undertake for the persons of their deceased friends, that they should be ready to obey, and receive our Saviour for their King, at his coming again; and then the forgivenesse of sins in the world to come, has no need of a Purgatory King , at his coming again; and then the forgivenesse of sins in the world to come, has no need of a Purgatory.....

Complete text of 61131639:

Pauls time, there was a custome by receiving Baptisme for the dead, (as men that now beleeve, are Sureties and Undertakers for the Faith of Infants, that are not capable of beleeving,) to undertake for the persons of their deceased friends, that they should be ready to obey, and receive our Saviour for their king, at his coming again; and then the forgivenesse of sins in the world to come, has no need of a Purgatory

Segments in 61131788:

[1]: ...For God being King of the Jews, and his Lieutenant being first Moses, and afterward the High Priest; if the people had been permitted to worship, and pray to Images, (w.....

Complete text of 61131788:

For God being king of the Jews, and his Lieutenant being first Moses, and afterward the High Priest; if the people had been permitted to worship, and pray to Images, (which are Representations of their own Fancies,) they had had no farther dependence on the true God, of whom there can be no similitude; nor on his prime Ministers, Moses, and the High Priests; but every man had governed himself according to his own appetite, to the utter eversion of the Common-wealth, and their own destruction for want of Union

Complete text of 61131791:

" For it is the same deposing of a king, to submit to another king, whether he be set up by a neighbour nation, or by our selves

Segments in 61131800:

[1]: ...To fall prostrate before a King , in him that thinks him but a Man, is but Civill Worship: And he that but putteth off his hat in the Church, for this cause, that he thinketh it the .....

Complete text of 61131800:

To fall prostrate before a king, in him that thinks him but a Man, is but Civill Worship: And he that but putteth off his hat in the Church, for this cause, that he thinketh it the House of God, worshippeth with Divine Worship

Segments in 61131825:

[1]: ...To pray to a King for such things, as hee is able to doe for us, though we prostrate our selves before him, is but Civill Worship; because we acknowledge no other powe.....

Complete text of 61131825:

To pray to a king for such things, as hee is able to doe for us, though we prostrate our selves before him, is but Civill Worship; because we acknowledge no other power in him, but humane: But voluntarily to pray unto him for fair weather, or for any thing which God onely can doe for us, is Divine Worship, and Idolatry

Segments in 61131826:

[1]: ...On the other side, if a King compell a man to it by the terrour of Death, or other great corporall punishment, it is not Idolatry: For the Worship which the Soveraign commandeth .....

Complete text of 61131826:

On the other side, if a king compell a man to it by the terrour of Death, or other great corporall punishment, it is not Idolatry: For the Worship which the Soveraign commandeth to bee done unto himself by the terrour of his Laws, is not a sign that he that obeyeth him, does inwardly honour him as a God, but that he is desirous to save himselfe from death, or from a miserable life; and that which is not a sign of internall honor, is no Worship; and therefore no Idolatry

Segments in 61131828:

[1]: ...aration to Gods use; or for Christians to worship in the Churches, which are once solemnly dedicated to God for that purpose, by the Authority of the King, or other true Representant of the Church King , or other true Representant of the Church.....

Complete text of 61131828:

To worship God, in some peculiar Place, or turning a mans face towards an Image, or determinate Place, is not to worship, or honor the Place, or Image; but to acknowledge it Holy, that is to say, to acknowledge the Image, or the Place to be set apart from common use: for that is the meaning of the word Holy; which implies no new quality in the Place, or Image; but onely a new Relation by Appropriation to God; and therefore is not Idolatry; no more than it was Idolatry to worship God before the Brazen Serpent; or for the Jews when they were out of their owne countrey, to turn their faces (when they prayed) toward the Temple of Jerusalem; or for Moses to put off his Shoes when he was before the Flaming Bush, the ground appertaining to Mount Sinai; which place God had chosen to appear in, and to give his Laws to the People of Israel, and was therefore Holy ground, not by inhaerent sanctity, but by separation to Gods use; or for Christians to worship in the Churches, which are once solemnly dedicated to God for that purpose, by the Authority of the king, or other true Representant of the Church

Segments in 61131848:

[1]: ...ple: but is a pretence of Scandall which hee taketh of himselfe for an excuse before men: For an unlearned man, that is in the power of an idolatrous King, or State, if commanded on pain of death to worship before an Idoll, hee detesteth the Idoll in his heart, hee doth well; though if he had the fortitude to suffer death, rather than worship King , or State, if commanded on pain of death to worship before an Idoll, hee detesteth the Idoll in his heart, hee doth well; though if he had the fortit.....

Complete text of 61131848:

But if one being no Pastor, nor of eminent reputation for knowledge in Christian Doctrine, doe the same, and another follow him; this is no Scandall given; for he had no cause to follow such example: but is a pretence of Scandall which hee taketh of himselfe for an excuse before men: For an unlearned man, that is in the power of an idolatrous King, or State, if commanded on pain of death to worship before an Idoll, hee detesteth the Idoll in his heart, hee doth well; though if he had the fortitude to suffer death, rather than worship it, he should doe better

Segments in 61132010:

[1]: ... the name began to signifie, not onely the thing it did before, but with it, the hatred which the Popular States bare towards it: As also the name of King became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified King became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attr.....

[2]: ...ing it did before, but with it, the hatred which the Popular States bare towards it: As also the name of King became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attribute, that is given in despight, and to a great Enemy King s in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attribute, that is given in despight, and to a gr.....

Complete text of 61132010:

A Tyrant originally signified no more simply, but a Monarch: But when afterwards in most parts of Greece that kind of government was abolished, the name began to signifie, not onely the thing it did before, but with it, the hatred which the Popular States bare towards it: As also the name of king became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attribute, that is given in despight, and to a great Enemy

Segments in 61132055:

[1]: ...And in England it was so in effect; saving that they, by whom the King s administred the Government of Religion, by maintaining their imployment to be in Gods Right, seemed to usurp, if not a Supremacy, yet an Independenc.....

[2]: ...o usurp, if not a Supremacy, yet an Independency on the Civill Power: and they but seemed to usurp it, in as much as they acknowledged a Right in the King, to deprive them of the Exercise of their Functions at his pleasure King , to deprive them of the Exercise of their Functions at his pleasure.....

Complete text of 61132055:

And in England it was so in effect; saving that they, by whom the Kings administred the Government of Religion, by maintaining their imployment to be in Gods Right, seemed to usurp, if not a Supremacy, yet an Independency on the Civill Power: and they but seemed to usurp it, in as much as they acknowledged a Right in the king, to deprive them of the Exercise of their Functions at his pleasure

Segments in 61132058:

[1]: ...For what is it for men to excommunicate their lawful King , but to keep him from all places of Gods publique Service in his own Kingdom? and with force to resist him, when he with force endeavoureth to correc.....

[2]: ...For what is it for men to excommunicate their lawful King, but to keep him from all places of Gods publique Service in his own King dom? and with force to resist him, when he with force endeavoureth to correct them? Or what is it, without Authority from the Civill Soveraign, to exc.....

Complete text of 61132058:

For what is it for men to excommunicate their lawful king, but to keep him from all places of Gods publique Service in his own Kingdom? and with force to resist him, when he with force endeavoureth to correct them? Or what is it, without Authority from the Civill Soveraign, to excommunicate any person, but to take from him his Lawfull Liberty, that is, to usurpe an unlawfull Power over their Brethren? The Authors therefore of this Darknesse in Religion, are the Romane, and the Presbyterian Clergy

Segments in 61132064:

[1]: ...of Sacerdotes, that is, Sacrificers, which was the title of the Civill Soveraign, and his publique Ministers, amongst the Jews, whilest God was their King King .....

Complete text of 61132064:

The Names Of Sacerdotes, And Sacrifices Fourthly, the giving to their Priests (which is no more in the New Testament but Presbyters, that is, Elders) the name of Sacerdotes, that is, Sacrificers, which was the title of the Civill Soveraign, and his publique Ministers, amongst the Jews, whilest God was their king

Complete text of 61132068:

For if a king be a Priest, he cannot Marry, and transmit his Kingdome to his Posterity; If he be not a Priest then the Pope pretendeth this Authority Ecclesiasticall over him, and over his people

Complete text of 61132094:

The Fairies in what Nation soever they converse, have but one Universall King, which some Poets of ours call king Oberon; but the Scripture calls Beelzebub, Prince of Daemons

Complete text of 61132095:

The Ecclesiastiques likewise, in whose Dominions soever they be found, acknowledge but one Universall king, the Pope