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Textblocks with "kingdome"

Complete text of 61125857:


Complete text of 61125862:


Complete text of 61125865:


Complete text of 61125877:

Lastly, what is the kingdome of Darkness

Segments in 61126342:

[1]: ...To govern well a family, and a kingdome , are not different degrees of Prudence; but different sorts of businesse; no more then to draw a picture in little, or as great, or greater then the .....

Complete text of 61126342:

To govern well a family, and a kingdome, are not different degrees of Prudence; but different sorts of businesse; no more then to draw a picture in little, or as great, or greater then the life, are different degrees of Art

Segments in 61126417:

[1]: ...The Scripture was written to shew unto men the kingdome of God; and to prepare their mindes to become his obedient subjects; leaving the world, and the Philosophy thereof, to the disputation of men, for th.....

Complete text of 61126417:

The Scripture was written to shew unto men the kingdome of God; and to prepare their mindes to become his obedient subjects; leaving the world, and the Philosophy thereof, to the disputation of men, for the exercising of their naturall Reason

Complete text of 61126675:

And the Religion of the later sort is Divine Politiques; and containeth Precepts to those that have yeelded themselves subjects in the kingdome of God

Segments in 61126676:

[1]: ...d the Law-givers of the Gentiles: Of the later sort, were Abraham, Moses, and our Blessed Saviour; by whom have been derived unto us the Lawes of the Kingdome of God Kingdome of God.....

Complete text of 61126676:

Of the former sort, were all the Founders of Common-wealths, and the Law-givers of the Gentiles: Of the later sort, were Abraham, Moses, and our Blessed Saviour; by whom have been derived unto us the Lawes of the kingdome of God

Segments in 61126681:

[1]: ...spirituall Officers, as Charon, Cerberus, and the Furies; and in the night time, all places with Larvae, Lemures, Ghosts of men deceased, and a whole kingdome of Fayries, and Bugbears kingdome of Fayries, and Bugbears.....

Complete text of 61126681:

Besides, that they filled almost all places, with spirits called Daemons; the plains, with Pan, and Panises, or Satyres; the Woods, with Fawnes, and Nymphs; the Sea, with Tritons, and other Nymphs; every River, and Fountayn, with a Ghost of his name, and with Nymphs; every house, with it Lares, or Familiars; every man, with his Genius; Hell, with Ghosts, and spirituall Officers, as Charon, Cerberus, and the Furies; and in the night time, all places with Larvae, Lemures, Ghosts of men deceased, and a whole kingdome of Fayries, and Bugbears

Segments in 61126688:

[1]: ... So Numa Pompilius pretended to receive the Ceremonies he instituted amongst the Romans, from the Nymph Egeria: and the first King and founder of the Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with the Holy Ghost, in forme of a Dove Kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with.....

Complete text of 61126688:

The Designes Of The Authors Of The Religion Of The Heathen And therefore the first Founders, and Legislators of Common-wealths amongst the Gentiles, whose ends were only to keep the people in obedience, and peace, have in all places taken care; First, to imprint in their minds a beliefe, that those precepts which they gave concerning Religion, might not be thought to proceed from their own device, but from the dictates of some God, or other Spirit; or else that they themselves were of a higher nature than mere mortalls, that their Lawes might the more easily be received: So Numa Pompilius pretended to receive the Ceremonies he instituted amongst the Romans, from the Nymph Egeria: and the first King and founder of the kingdome of Peru, pretended himselfe and his wife to be the children of the Sunne: and Mahomet, to set up his new Religion, pretended to have conferences with the Holy Ghost, in forme of a Dove

Segments in 61126694:

[1]: ...could not consist with their Civill Government; nor do we read, that any Religion was there forbidden, but that of the Jewes; who (being the peculiar Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever.....

Complete text of 61126694:

And therefore the Romans, that had conquered the greatest part of the then known World, made no scruple of tollerating any Religion whatsoever in the City of Rome it selfe; unlesse it had somthing in it, that could not consist with their Civill Government; nor do we read, that any Religion was there forbidden, but that of the Jewes; who (being the peculiar Kingdome of God) thought it unlawfull to acknowledge subjection to any mortall King or State whatsoever

Segments in 61126696:

[1]: ...The True Religion, And The Lawes Of Gods Kingdome The Same But where God himselfe, by supernaturall Revelation, planted Religion; there he also made to himselfe a peculiar Kingdome; and gave Lawes, n.....

[2]: ... The Lawes Of Gods Kingdome The Same But where God himselfe, by supernaturall Revelation, planted Religion; there he also made to himselfe a peculiar Kingdome; and gave La Kingdome ; and gave Lawes, not only of behaviour towards himselfe; but also towards one another; and thereby in the Kingdome of God, the Policy, and lawes Civi.....

[3]: ...e also made to himselfe a peculiar Kingdome; and gave Lawes, not only of behaviour towards himselfe; but also towards one another; and thereby in the Kingdome of God, the Policy, and lawes Civill, are a part of Religion; and therefore the distinction of Temporall, and Spirituall Domina Kingdome of God, the Policy, and lawes Civill, are a part of Religion; and therefore the distinction of Temporall, and Spirituall Domination, hath there no pl.....

Complete text of 61126696:

The True Religion, And The Lawes Of Gods kingdome The Same But where God himselfe, by supernaturall Revelation, planted Religion; there he also made to himselfe a peculiar kingdome; and gave Lawes, not only of behaviour towards himselfe; but also towards one another; and thereby in the kingdome of God, the Policy, and lawes Civill, are a part of Religion; and therefore the distinction of Temporall, and Spirituall Domination, hath there no place

Complete text of 61126700:

But to speake more largly of the Kingdome of God, both by Nature, and Covenant, I have in the following discourse assigned an other place

Segments in 61126721:

[1]: ...rt of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases cr.....

Complete text of 61126721:

For who is there that does not see, to whose benefit it conduceth, to have it believed, that a King hath not his Authority from Christ, unlesse a Bishop crown him? That a King, if he be a Priest, cannot Marry? That whether a Prince be born in lawfull Marriage, or not, must be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill Magistrate, and Custome did not more sustain it, than any opinion they have of the Sanctity, Wisdome, or Probity of their Teachers? So that I may attribute all the changes of Religion in the world, to one and the some cause; and that is, unpleasing Priests; and those not onely amongst Catholiques, but even in that Church that hath presumed most of Reformation

Segments in 61126896:

[1]: ...The Kingdome of God is gotten by violence; but what if it could be gotten by unjust violence? were it against Reason so to get it, when it is impossible to receiv.....

Complete text of 61126896:

The kingdome of God is gotten by violence; but what if it could be gotten by unjust violence? were it against Reason so to get it, when it is impossible to receive hurt by it? and if it be not against Reason, it is not against Justice; or else Justice is not to be approved for good

Segments in 61126897:

[1]: ...ed the Name of Vertue; and some that in all other things have disallowed the violation of Faith; yet have allowed it, when it is for the getting of a Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61126897:

From such reasoning as this, Succesfull wickednesse hath obtained the Name of Vertue; and some that in all other things have disallowed the violation of Faith; yet have allowed it, when it is for the getting of a kingdome

Segments in 61126898:

[1]: ...ll descend to him, and Eo Instante the Atteynder be voyd; From which instances a man will be very prone to inferre; that when the Heire apparent of a Kingdome, shall kill him that is in possession, though his father; you may call it Injustice, or by what other name you will; yet it can never be against Reason, seeing all the voluntary actions of men tend to the benefit of themselves; and those actions are most Reasonable, that conduce most to their Kingdome , shall kill him that is in possession, though his father; you may call it Injustice, or by what other name you will; yet it can never be against Reas.....

Complete text of 61126898:

And the Heathen that believed, that Saturn was deposed by his son Jupiter, believed neverthelesse the same Jupiter to be the avenger of Injustice: Somewhat like to a piece of Law in Cokes Commentaries on Litleton; where he sayes, If the right Heire of the Crown be attainted of Treason; yet the Crown shall descend to him, and Eo Instante the Atteynder be voyd; From which instances a man will be very prone to inferre; that when the Heire apparent of a kingdome, shall kill him that is in possession, though his father; you may call it Injustice, or by what other name you will; yet it can never be against Reason, seeing all the voluntary actions of men tend to the benefit of themselves; and those actions are most Reasonable, that conduce most to their ends

Segments in 61127038:

[1]: ...Secondly, by the son of man, his own Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, that came to reduce the Jewes, and induce all Nations into the Kingdome of his Father; not as of himselfe, but as sent from his Father.....

Complete text of 61127038:

Secondly, by the son of man, his own Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, that came to reduce the Jewes, and induce all Nations into the Kingdome of his Father; not as of himselfe, but as sent from his Father

Complete text of 61127155:

And this division is it, whereof it is said, "A kingdome divided in it selfe cannot stand:" For unlesse this division precede, division into opposite Armies can never happen

Segments in 61127257:

[1]: ...Of the lawfulnesse of it, this also is an argument, that whatsoever inconvenience can arrive by giving a Kingdome to a stranger, may arrive also by so marrying with strangers, as the Right of Succession may descend upon them: yet this by all men is accounted lawf.....

Complete text of 61127257:

Of the lawfulnesse of it, this also is an argument, that whatsoever inconvenience can arrive by giving a kingdome to a stranger, may arrive also by so marrying with strangers, as the Right of Succession may descend upon them: yet this by all men is accounted lawfull

Complete text of 61127371:

But one may ask them again, when, or where has there been a kingdome long free from Sedition and Civill Warre

Complete text of 61127595:

Of the whole, as to a Protector, or Regent, may bee committed by the Predecessor of an Infant King, during his minority, the whole Administration of his kingdome

Complete text of 61128169:

Want Of Absolute Power Of which, this is one, "That a man to obtain a kingdome, is sometimes content with lesse Power, than to the Peace, and defence of the Common-wealth is necessarily required

Segments in 61128214:

[1]: ...ith words and distinctions, that of themselves signifie nothing, but bewray (by their obscurity) that there walketh (as some think invisibly) another Kingdome, as it were a Kingdome of Fayries, in the dark Kingdome , as it were a Kingdome of Fayries, in the dark.....

[2]: ...ons, that of themselves signifie nothing, but bewray (by their obscurity) that there walketh (as some think invisibly) another Kingdome, as it were a Kingdome of Fayries, in the dark Kingdome of Fayries, in the dark.....

Complete text of 61128214:

As here have been Doctors, that hold there be three Soules in a man; so there be also that think there may be more Soules, (that is, more Soveraigns,) than one, in a Common-wealth; and set up a Supremacy against the Soveraignty; Canons against Lawes; and a Ghostly Authority against the Civill; working on mens minds, with words and distinctions, that of themselves signifie nothing, but bewray (by their obscurity) that there walketh (as some think invisibly) another kingdome, as it were a kingdome of Fayries, in the dark

Segments in 61128215:

[1]: ...n, another Supreme; where one can make Lawes, and another make Canons; there must needs be two Common-wealths, of one & the same Subjects; which is a Kingdome divided in it selfe, and cannot stand Kingdome divided in it selfe, and cannot stand.....

Complete text of 61128215:

Now seeing it is manifest, that the Civill Power, and the Power of the Common-wealth is the same thing; and that Supremacy, and the Power of making Canons, and granting Faculties, implyeth a Common-wealth; it followeth, that where one is Soveraign, another Supreme; where one can make Lawes, and another make Canons; there must needs be two Common-wealths, of one & the same Subjects; which is a kingdome divided in it selfe, and cannot stand

Segments in 61128218:

[1]: ...Or, if it be but one Kingdome , either the Civill, which is the Power of the Common-wealth, must be subordinate to the Ghostly; or the Ghostly must be subordinate to the Temporall .....

Complete text of 61128218:

Or, if it be but one kingdome, either the Civill, which is the Power of the Common-wealth, must be subordinate to the Ghostly; or the Ghostly must be subordinate to the Temporall and then there is no Supremacy but the Temporall

Complete text of 61128225:

In the kingdome of God, there may be three Persons independent, without breach of unity in God that Reigneth; but where men Reigne, that be subject to diversity of opinions, it cannot be so

Segments in 61128263:

[1]: ...uch Principles of Reason; yet I am sure they are Principles from Authority of Scripture; as I shall make it appear, when I shall come to speak of the Kingdome of God, (administred by Moses,) Kingdome of God, (administred by Moses,) over the Jewes, his peculiar people by Covenant.....

Complete text of 61128263:

But supposing that these of mine are not such Principles of Reason; yet I am sure they are Principles from Authority of Scripture; as I shall make it appear, when I shall come to speak of the kingdome of God, (administred by Moses,) over the Jewes, his peculiar people by Covenant

Complete text of 61128265:

I should be glad, that the Rich, and Potent Subjects of a kingdome, or those that are accounted the most Learned, were no lesse incapable than they

Complete text of 61128377:

But of the kingdome of God, as King of Kings, and as King also of a peculiar People, I shall speak in the rest of this discourse

Segments in 61128379:

[1]: ...OF THE KINGDOME OF GOD BY NATURE The Scope Of The Following Chapters That the condition of meer Nature, that is to say, of absolute Liberty, such as is theirs, .....

Complete text of 61128379:

OF THE kingdome OF GOD BY NATURE The Scope Of The Following Chapters That the condition of meer Nature, that is to say, of absolute Liberty, such as is theirs, that neither are Soveraigns, nor Subjects, is Anarchy, and the condition of Warre: That the Praecepts, by which men are guided to avoyd that condition, are the Lawes of Nature: That a Common-wealth, without Soveraign Power, is but a word, without substance, and cannot stand: That Subjects owe to Soveraigns, simple Obedience, in all things, wherein their obedience is not repugnant to the Lawes of God, I have sufficiently proved, in that which I have already written

Complete text of 61128383:

And seeing the knowledge of all Law, dependeth on the knowledge of the Soveraign Power; I shall say something in that which followeth, of the KINGDOME OF GOD

Complete text of 61128384:

Who Are Subjects In The kingdome Of God "God is King, let the Earth rejoice," saith the Psalmist

Complete text of 61128394:

But to call this Power of God, which extendeth it selfe not onely to Man, but also to Beasts, and Plants, and Bodies inanimate, by the name of kingdome, is but a metaphoricall use of the word

Segments in 61128396:

[1]: ...Subjects therefore in the Kingdome of God, are not Bodies Inanimate, nor creatures Irrationall; because they understand no Precepts as his: Nor Atheists; nor they that believe not that.....

Complete text of 61128396:

Subjects therefore in the kingdome of God, are not Bodies Inanimate, nor creatures Irrationall; because they understand no Precepts as his: Nor Atheists; nor they that believe not that God has any care of the actions of mankind; because they acknowledge no Word for his, nor have hope of his rewards, or fear of his threatnings

Segments in 61128402:

[1]: ...A Twofold Kingdome Of God, Naturall And Prophetique From the difference between the other two kinds of Gods Word, Rationall, and Prophetique, there may be attributed to.....

[2]: ... And Prophetique From the difference between the other two kinds of Gods Word, Rationall, and Prophetique, there may be attributed to God, a two-fold Kingdome, Naturall, and Prophetiqu Kingdome , Naturall, and Prophetique: Naturall, wherein he governeth as many of Mankind as acknowledge his Providence, by the naturall Dictates of Right Reason.....

Complete text of 61128402:

A Twofold kingdome Of God, Naturall And Prophetique From the difference between the other two kinds of Gods Word, Rationall, and Prophetique, there may be attributed to God, a two-fold kingdome, Naturall, and Prophetique: Naturall, wherein he governeth as many of Mankind as acknowledge his Providence, by the naturall Dictates of Right Reason; And Prophetique, wherein having chosen out one peculiar Nation (the Jewes) for his Subjects, he governed them, and none but them, not onely by naturall Reason, but by Positive Lawes, which he gave them by the mouths of his holy Prophets

Complete text of 61128403:

Of the Naturall kingdome of God I intend to speak in this Chapter

Segments in 61128408:

[1]: ...ose Power is irresistible, the dominion of all men adhaereth naturally by their excellence of Power; and consequently it is from that Power, that the Kingdome over men, a Kingdome over men, and the Right of afflicting men at his pleasure, belongeth Naturally to God Almighty; not as Creator, and Gracious; but as Omnipotent.....

Complete text of 61128408:

To those therefore whose Power is irresistible, the dominion of all men adhaereth naturally by their excellence of Power; and consequently it is from that Power, that the kingdome over men, and the Right of afflicting men at his pleasure, belongeth Naturally to God Almighty; not as Creator, and Gracious; but as Omnipotent

Segments in 61128460:

[1]: ...And that disputing of Gods nature is contrary to his Honour: For it is supposed, that in this naturall Kingdome of God, there is no other way to know any thing, but by naturall Reason; that is, from the Principles of naturall Science; which are so farre from te.....

Complete text of 61128460:

And that disputing of Gods nature is contrary to his Honour: For it is supposed, that in this naturall kingdome of God, there is no other way to know any thing, but by naturall Reason; that is, from the Principles of naturall Science; which are so farre from teaching us any thing of Gods nature, as they cannot teach us our own nature, nor the nature of the smallest creature living

Complete text of 61128478:

And that which is said in the Scripture, "It is better to obey God than men," hath place in the kingdome of God by Pact, and not by Nature

Complete text of 61128479:

Naturall Punishments Having thus briefly spoken of the Naturall kingdome of God, and his Naturall Lawes, I will adde onely to this Chapter a short declaration of his Naturall Punishments

Segments in 61128717:

[1]: ... Writers were all indued with one and the same Spirit, in that they conspire to one and the same end, which is the setting forth of the Rights of the Kingdome of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Kingdome of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.....

Complete text of 61128717:

Their Scope And although these Books were written by divers men, yet it is manifest the Writers were all indued with one and the same Spirit, in that they conspire to one and the same end, which is the setting forth of the Rights of the kingdome of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Segments in 61128718:

[1]: ... the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles Kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and.....

[2]: ...ur God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles Kingdome , whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left .....

Complete text of 61128718:

For the Book of Genesis, deriveth the Genealogy of Gods people, from the creation of the World, to the going into Egypt: the other four Books of Moses, contain the Election of God for their King, and the Laws which hee prescribed for their Government: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of Gods people, till the time they cast off Gods yoke, and called for a King, after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the kingdome of God, even our blessed Saviour God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles

Complete text of 61128740:

" Which question cannot bee resolved, without a more particular consideration of the kingdome of God; from whence also, wee are to judge of the Authority of Interpreting the Scripture

Segments in 61128964:

[1]: ...OF THE SIGNIFICATION IN SCRIPTURE OF KINGDOME OF GOD, OF HOLY, SACRED, AND SACRAMENT Kingdom Of God Taken By Divines Metaphorically But In The Scriptures Properly The Kingdome of God in the.....

[2]: ... SCRIPTURE OF KINGDOME OF GOD, OF HOLY, SACRED, AND SACRAMENT Kingdom Of God Taken By Divines Metaphorically But In The Scriptures Properly The Kingdome of God in the Kingdome of God in the Writings of Divines, and specially in Sermons, and Treatises of Devotion, is taken most commonly for Eternall Felicity, after this life.....

[3]: ...in Sermons, and Treatises of Devotion, is taken most commonly for Eternall Felicity, after this life, in the Highest Heaven, which they also call the Kingdome of Glory; and sometimes for (the earnest of that felicity) Sanctification, which they terme the Kingdome of Grace, but never for the Monarchy, that is to say, the Soveraign Power of God over any Subjects acquired by their Kingdome of Glory; and sometimes for (the earnest of that felicity) Sanctification, which they terme the Kingdome of Grace, but never for the Monarchy, that i.....

[4]: ...the Highest Heaven, which they also call the Kingdome of Glory; and sometimes for (the earnest of that felicity) Sanctification, which they terme the Kingdome of Grace, but never for the Monarchy, that is to say, the Soveraign Power of God over any Subjects acquired by their own consent, which is the proper signification of Kingdome Kingdome of Grace, but never for the Monarchy, that is to say, the Soveraign Power of God over any Subjects acquired by their own consent, which is the proper.....

[5]: ...er for the Monarchy, that is to say, the Soveraign Power of God over any Subjects acquired by their own consent, which is the proper signification of Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61128964:

OF THE SIGNIFICATION IN SCRIPTURE OF kingdome OF GOD, OF HOLY, SACRED, AND SACRAMENT Kingdom Of God Taken By Divines Metaphorically But In The Scriptures Properly The kingdome of God in the Writings of Divines, and specially in Sermons, and Treatises of Devotion, is taken most commonly for Eternall Felicity, after this life, in the Highest Heaven, which they also call the kingdome of Glory; and sometimes for (the earnest of that felicity) Sanctification, which they terme the kingdome of Grace, but never for the Monarchy, that is to say, the Soveraign Power of God over any Subjects acquired by their own consent, which is the proper signification of kingdome

Segments in 61128965:

[1]: ...To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; w.....

[2]: ...To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their King by Covenant made with h.....

[3]: ...ally; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the Kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign Kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign.....

Complete text of 61128965:

To the contrary, I find the kingdome OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their King by Covenant made with him, upon Gods promising them the possession of the land of Canaan; and but seldom metaphorically; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign

Segments in 61128967:

[1]: ...And afterwards God punished his posterity, for their vices, all but eight persons, with an universall deluge; And in these eight did consist the then Kingdome Of God Kingdome Of God.....

Complete text of 61128967:

In which manner he Reigned over Adam, and gave him commandement to abstaine from the tree of cognizance of Good and Evill; which when he obeyed not, but tasting thereof, took upon him to be as God, judging between Good and Evill, not by his Creators commandement, but by his own sense, his punishment was a privation of the estate of Eternall life, wherein God had at first created him: And afterwards God punished his posterity, for their vices, all but eight persons, with an universall deluge; And in these eight did consist the then kingdome Of God

Complete text of 61128968:

The Originall Of The kingdome Of God After this, it pleased God to speak to Abraham, and (Gen

Segments in 61128975:

[1]: ...And though the name of King be not yet given to God, nor of Kingdome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of Gods peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in t.....

[2]: ...s peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in the renewing of the same Covenant by Moses, at Mount Sinai, is expressely called a peculiar Kingdome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St Kingdome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St.....

Complete text of 61128975:

And though the name of King be not yet given to God, nor of kingdome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of Gods peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in the renewing of the same Covenant by Moses, at Mount Sinai, is expressely called a peculiar kingdome of God over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St

Complete text of 61128980:

That The kingdome Of God Is Properly His Civill Soveraignty Over A Peculiar People By Pact This Covenant, at the Foot of Mount Sinai, was renewed by Moses (Exod

Segments in 61128983:

[1]: ...y my voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then yee shall be a peculiar people to me, for all the Earth is mine; and yee shall be unto me a Sacerdotall Kingdome, and an holy Nation Kingdome , and an holy Nation.....

Complete text of 61128983:

) where the Lord commandeth Moses to speak to the people in this manner, "If you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then yee shall be a peculiar people to me, for all the Earth is mine; and yee shall be unto me a Sacerdotall kingdome, and an holy Nation

Complete text of 61128990:

The same is again confirmed in expresse words in the same Text, "Yee shall be to me a Sacerdotall kingdome, and an holy Nation

Segments in 61128995:

[1]: ...The English Translation before mentioned, following that of Geneva, has, "a Kingdome of Priests;" which is either meant of the succession of one High Priest after another, or else it accordeth not with St.....

Complete text of 61128995:

The English Translation before mentioned, following that of Geneva, has, "a kingdome of Priests;" which is either meant of the succession of one High Priest after another, or else it accordeth not with St

Segments in 61128999:

[1]: ...It is therefore manifest enough by this one place, that by the Kingdome of God, is properly meant a Common-wealth, instituted (by the consent of those which were to be subject thereto) for their Civill Government, and the.....

[2]: ...ely towards God their King, but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a Kingdome, wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant Kingdome , wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant.....

Complete text of 61128999:

It is therefore manifest enough by this one place, that by the kingdome of God, is properly meant a Common-wealth, instituted (by the consent of those which were to be subject thereto) for their Civill Government, and the regulating of their behaviour, not onely towards God their King, but also towards one another in point of justice, and towards other Nations both in peace and warre; which properly was a kingdome, wherein God was King, and the High priest was to be (after the death of Moses) his sole Viceroy, or Lieutenant

Segments in 61129022:

[1]: ...the Son of the Most High, and the Lord shall give him the throne of his Father David; and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his Kingdome there shall be no end Kingdome there shall be no end.....

Complete text of 61129022:

32,33) "He shall be great, and be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord shall give him the throne of his Father David; and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdome there shall be no end

Segments in 61129023:

[1]: ..." This is also a Kingdome upon Earth; for the claim whereof, as an enemy to Caesar, he was put to death; the title of his crosse, was, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews; hee.....

Complete text of 61129023:

" This is also a kingdome upon Earth; for the claim whereof, as an enemy to Caesar, he was put to death; the title of his crosse, was, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews; hee was crowned in scorn with a crown of Thornes; and for the proclaiming of him, it is said of the Disciples (Acts 17

Segments in 61129026:

[1]: ...The Kingdome therefore of God, is a reall, not a metaphoricall Kingdome; and so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the.....

[2]: ...The Kingdome therefore of God, is a reall, not a metaphoricall Kingdome ; and so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of.....

[3]: ...therefore of God, is a reall, not a metaphoricall Kingdome; and so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the Kingdome, th Kingdome , the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of Gods Kingdome, by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such a Kingdome God al.....

[4]: ...so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of Gods Kingdome, by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such Kingdome , by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such a Kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "T.....

[5]: ...is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of Gods Kingdome, by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such a Kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome Kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome of .....

[6]: ...y force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such a Kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome of God by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the election of Saul Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome of God by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the elect.....

[7]: ...h a Kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome of God by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the election of Saul Kingdome of God by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the election of Saul.....

Complete text of 61129026:

The Kingdome therefore of God, is a reall, not a metaphoricall kingdome; and so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the kingdome, the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of Gods kingdome, by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of Gods Power; for such a kingdome God alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that kingdome of God by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the election of Saul

Complete text of 61129027:

Nor had it been proper to say, "The kingdome of Heaven is at hand," or to pray, "Thy Kingdome come," if it had still continued

Complete text of 61129029:

This they have observed, that in stead of a Sacerdotall Kingdome, translate, a kingdome of Priests: for they may as well translate a Royall Priesthood, (as it is in St

Segments in 61129032:

[1]: ...In short, the Kingdome of God is a Civill Kingdome; which consisted, first in the obligation of the people of Israel to those Laws, which Moses should bring unto them from .....

[2]: ...In short, the Kingdome of God is a Civill Kingdome ; which consisted, first in the obligation of the people of Israel to those Laws, which Moses should bring unto them from Mount Sinai; and which after.....

[3]: ...t Sinai; and which afterwards the High Priest of the time being, should deliver to them from before the Cherubins in the Sanctum Sanctorum; and which kingdome having been cast off, in the election of Saul, the Prophets foretold, should be restored by Christ; and the Restauration whereof we daily pray for, when we say in the kingdome having been cast off, in the election of Saul, the Prophets foretold, should be restored by Christ; and the Restauration whereof we daily pray for, w.....

[4]: ...n of Saul, the Prophets foretold, should be restored by Christ; and the Restauration whereof we daily pray for, when we say in the Lords Prayer, "Thy Kingdome come;" and the Right whereof we acknowledge, when we adde, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Proclaiming whereof, was the Preaching of the Apostles; and to which men are prepared, by the Teachers of the Gospel; to embrace which Gospel, (that is to say, to promise obedience to Gods government) is, to bee in the Kingdome come;" and the Right whereof we acknowledge, when we adde, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Procla.....

[5]: ...hereof we daily pray for, when we say in the Lords Prayer, "Thy Kingdome come;" and the Right whereof we acknowledge, when we adde, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Proclaiming whereof, was the Preaching of the Apostles; and to which men are prepared, by the Teachers of the Gospel; to embrace which Gospel, (that is to say, to promise obedience to Gods government) is, to bee in the Kingdome of Grace, because God hath gratis given to such the power to bee the subjects (that is, Children) of God hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty to judge the Kingdome , the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Proclaiming whereof, was the Preaching of the Apostles; and to which men are prepared, by th.....

[6]: ...men are prepared, by the Teachers of the Gospel; to embrace which Gospel, (that is to say, to promise obedience to Gods government) is, to bee in the Kingdome of Grace, because God hath gratis given to such the power to bee the subjects (that is, Children) of God hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty to judge the world, and actually to govern his owne people, which is called the Kingdome of Glory Kingdome of Grace, because God hath gratis given to such the power to bee the subjects (that is, Children) of God hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty.....

[7]: ...hat is, Children) of God hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty to judge the world, and actually to govern his owne people, which is called the Kingdome of Glory Kingdome of Glory.....

Complete text of 61129032:

In short, the kingdome of God is a Civill kingdome; which consisted, first in the obligation of the people of Israel to those Laws, which Moses should bring unto them from Mount Sinai; and which afterwards the High Priest of the time being, should deliver to them from before the Cherubins in the Sanctum Sanctorum; and which kingdome having been cast off, in the election of Saul, the Prophets foretold, should be restored by Christ; and the Restauration whereof we daily pray for, when we say in the Lords Prayer, "Thy kingdome come;" and the Right whereof we acknowledge, when we adde, "For thine is the kingdome, the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Proclaiming whereof, was the Preaching of the Apostles; and to which men are prepared, by the Teachers of the Gospel; to embrace which Gospel, (that is to say, to promise obedience to Gods government) is, to bee in the kingdome of Grace, because God hath gratis given to such the power to bee the subjects (that is, Children) of God hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty to judge the world, and actually to govern his owne people, which is called the kingdome of Glory

Segments in 61129033:

[1]: ...If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieuten.....

[2]: ...If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his C.....

[3]: ...If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his Commandements to the people, did exercise on Earth; there would not have been so much content.....

Complete text of 61129033:

If the kingdome of God (called also the kingdome of Heaven, from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his Commandements to the people, did exercise on Earth; there would not have been so much contention, and warre, about who it is, by whom God speaketh to us; neither would many Priests have troubled themselves with Spirituall Jurisdiction, nor any King have denied it them

Complete text of 61129034:

Out of this literall interpretation of the kingdome of God, ariseth also the true interpretation of the word HOLY

Complete text of 61129035:

For it is a word, which in Gods kingdome answereth to that, which men in their Kingdomes use to call Publique, or the Kings

Complete text of 61129048:

Sacred What And the word Profane, is usually taken in the Scripture for the same with Common; and consequently their contraries, Holy, and Proper, in the Kingdome of God must be the same also

Segments in 61129055:

[1]: ...RAMENT, is a separation of some visible thing from common use; and a consecration of it to Gods service, for a sign, either of our admission into the Kingdome of God Kingdome of God, to be of the number of his peculiar people, or for a Commemoration of the same.....

Complete text of 61129055:

Sacrament A SACRAMENT, is a separation of some visible thing from common use; and a consecration of it to Gods service, for a sign, either of our admission into the kingdome of God, to be of the number of his peculiar people, or for a Commemoration of the same

Complete text of 61129076:

) the Word of God, is called the Word of the Gospel, because it containeth the Doctrine of the kingdome of Christ; and the same Word (Rom

Complete text of 61129083:

) "When any one heareth the Word of the kingdome;" that is, the Doctrine of the kingdome taught by Christ

Complete text of 61129312:

In like manner King David, after his being anointed, though before he had possession of the kingdome, is said to "enquire of the Lord" (1 Sam

Segments in 61129356:

[1]: ... such as feared God; and of these, were those Seventy, whom God by putting upon them Moses spirit, inclined to aid Moses in the Administration of the Kingdome: and in this sense the Spirit of God is said (1 Sam Kingdome : and in this sense the Spirit of God is said (1 Sam.....

Complete text of 61129356:

) that Moses following the counsell of Jethro his Father-in-law, did appoint Judges, and Officers over the people, such as feared God; and of these, were those Seventy, whom God by putting upon them Moses spirit, inclined to aid Moses in the Administration of the Kingdome: and in this sense the Spirit of God is said (1 Sam

Segments in 61129565:

[1]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Li.....

[2]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after.....

[3]: ...By the Kingdome of Heaven, is meant the Kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his Kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar, and the Soveraign Priests, till in the d.....

Complete text of 61129565:

By the kingdome of Heaven, is meant the kingdome of the King that dwelleth in Heaven; and his kingdome was the people of Israel, whom he ruled by the Prophets his Lieutenants, first Moses, and after him Eleazar, and the Soveraign Priests, till in the days of Samuel they rebelled, and would have a mortall man for their King, after the manner of other Nations

Segments in 61129566:

[1]: ...rist, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of Heaven, be Kingdome of Heaven, because our King shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his h.....

Complete text of 61129566:

And when our Saviour Christ, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new kingdome of Heaven, because our King shall then be God, whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his happinesse any higher than Gods Footstool the Earth

Complete text of 61129608:

For the points of doctrine concerning the kingdome (of) God, have so great influence on the kingdome of Man, as not to be determined, but by them, that under God have the Soveraign Power

Segments in 61129609:

[1]: ...The Place After Judgment, Of Those Who Were Never In The Kingdome Of God, Or Having Been In, Are Cast Out As the Kingdome of God, and Eternall Life, so also Gods Enemies, and their Torments after Judgment, appear .....

[2]: ...The Place After Judgment, Of Those Who Were Never In The Kingdome Of God, Or Having Been In, Are Cast Out As the Kingdome of God, and Eternall Life, so also Gods Enemies, and their Torments after Judgment, appear by the Scripture, to have their place on Earth.....

Complete text of 61129609:

The Place After Judgment, Of Those Who Were Never In The kingdome Of God, Or Having Been In, Are Cast Out As the kingdome of God, and Eternall Life, so also Gods Enemies, and their Torments after Judgment, appear by the Scripture, to have their place on Earth

Segments in 61129645:

[1]: ...And because by the Enemy, the Accuser, and Destroyer, is meant, the Enemy of them that shall be in the Kingdome of God; therefore if the Kingdome of God after the Resurrection, bee upon the Earth, (as in the former Chapter I have shewn by Scripture it seems to .....

[2]: ...And because by the Enemy, the Accuser, and Destroyer, is meant, the Enemy of them that shall be in the Kingdome of God; therefore if the Kingdome of God after the Resurrection, bee upon the Earth, (as in the former Chapter I have shewn by Scripture it seems to be,) The Enemy, and his Kingdome m.....

[3]: ...e Kingdome of God after the Resurrection, bee upon the Earth, (as in the former Chapter I have shewn by Scripture it seems to be,) The Enemy, and his Kingdome must be on Earth also Kingdome must be on Earth also.....

Complete text of 61129645:

And because by the Enemy, the Accuser, and Destroyer, is meant, the Enemy of them that shall be in the kingdome of God; therefore if the Kingdome of God after the Resurrection, bee upon the Earth, (as in the former Chapter I have shewn by Scripture it seems to be,) The Enemy, and his kingdome must be on Earth also

Complete text of 61129647:

For Gods kingdome was in Palestine; and the Nations round about, were the Kingdomes of the Enemy; and consequently by Satan, is meant any Earthly Enemy of the Church

Complete text of 61129694:

The Place Of Eternall Salvation But concerning the Generall Salvation, because it must be in the Kingdome of Heaven, there is great difficulty concerning the Place

Complete text of 61129695:

On one side, by kingdome (which is an estate ordained by men for their perpetuall security against enemies, and want) it seemeth that this Salvation should be on Earth

Segments in 61129710:

[1]: ... reign, (at the coming again of Christ) in Jerusalem; and from Jerusalem shall proceed the Salvation of the Gentiles that shall be received into Gods Kingdome; as is also more expressely declared by the same Prophet, Chap Kingdome ; as is also more expressely declared by the same Prophet, Chap.....

Complete text of 61129710:

" By which it is evident, that Salvation shall be on Earth, then, when God shall reign, (at the coming again of Christ) in Jerusalem; and from Jerusalem shall proceed the Salvation of the Gentiles that shall be received into Gods kingdome; as is also more expressely declared by the same Prophet, Chap

Segments in 61129714:

[1]: ...And I will also take of them for Priests and for Levites, saith the Lord:" Whereby it is manifest, that the chief seat of Gods Kingdome (which is the Place, from whence the Salvation of us that were Gentiles, shall proceed) shall be Jerusalem; And the same is also confirmed by our Sav.....

Complete text of 61129714:

And I will also take of them for Priests and for Levites, saith the Lord:" Whereby it is manifest, that the chief seat of Gods kingdome (which is the Place, from whence the Salvation of us that were Gentiles, shall proceed) shall be Jerusalem; And the same is also confirmed by our Saviour, in his discourse with the woman of Samaria, concerning the place of Gods worship; to whom he saith, John 4

Complete text of 61129731:

" All these places are for Salvation, and the Kingdome of God (after the day of Judgement) upon Earth

Segments in 61129732:

[1]: ... to prove any Ascension of the Saints into Heaven; that is to say, into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to red.....

Complete text of 61129732:

On the other side, I have not found any text that can probably be drawn, to prove any Ascension of the Saints into Heaven; that is to say, into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of Heaven; which name it may have, because God, that was King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to reduce them to their obedience; and shall send him thence again, to rule both them, and all other faithfull men, from the day of Judgment, Everlastingly: or from that, that the Throne of this our Great King is in Heaven; whereas the Earth is but his Footstoole

Complete text of 61129744:

) "My Kingdome is not of this World

Complete text of 61129745:

" For he came onely to teach men the way of Salvation, and to renew the kingdome of his Father, by his doctrine

Segments in 61129800:

[1]: ...CHAPTER XL OF THE RIGHTS OF THE KINGDOME OF GOD, IN ABRAHAM, MOSES, HIGH PRIESTS, AND THE KINGS OF JUDAH The Soveraign Rights Of Abraham The Father of the Faithfull, and first in the K.....

[2]: ...E OF GOD, IN ABRAHAM, MOSES, HIGH PRIESTS, AND THE KINGS OF JUDAH The Soveraign Rights Of Abraham The Father of the Faithfull, and first in the Kingdome of God by Covenant, was Abraha Kingdome of God by Covenant, was Abraham.....

Complete text of 61129800:

CHAPTER XL OF THE RIGHTS OF THE kingdome OF GOD, IN ABRAHAM, MOSES, HIGH PRIESTS, AND THE KINGS OF JUDAH The Soveraign Rights Of Abraham The Father of the Faithfull, and first in the kingdome of God by Covenant, was Abraham

Segments in 61129817:

[1]: ...) in such manner, as they became from that time forward the Peculiar Kingdome of God; whose Lieutenant was Moses, for his owne time; and the succession to that office was setled upon Aaron, and his heirs after him, to bee to Go.....

[2]: ...ieutenant was Moses, for his owne time; and the succession to that office was setled upon Aaron, and his heirs after him, to bee to God a Sacerdotall Kingdome for ever Kingdome for ever.....

Complete text of 61129817:

) in such manner, as they became from that time forward the Peculiar kingdome of God; whose Lieutenant was Moses, for his owne time; and the succession to that office was setled upon Aaron, and his heirs after him, to bee to God a Sacerdotall Kingdome for ever

Complete text of 61129818:

By this constitution, a kingdome is acquired to God

Segments in 61129832:

[1]: ...Was (Under God) Soveraign Of The Jews, All His Own Time, Though Aaron Had The Priesthood And notwithstanding the Covenant constituted a Sacerdotall Kingd Kingdome , that is to say, a Kingdome hereditary to Aaron; yet that is to be understood of the succession, after Moses should bee dead.....

[2]: ... The Jews, All His Own Time, Though Aaron Had The Priesthood And notwithstanding the Covenant constituted a Sacerdotall Kingdome, that is to say, a Kingdome hereditary to Aaron; yet Kingdome hereditary to Aaron; yet that is to be understood of the succession, after Moses should bee dead.....

Complete text of 61129832:

Moses Was (Under God) Soveraign Of The Jews, All His Own Time, Though Aaron Had The Priesthood And notwithstanding the Covenant constituted a Sacerdotall kingdome, that is to say, a kingdome hereditary to Aaron; yet that is to be understood of the succession, after Moses should bee dead

Segments in 61129878:

[1]: ...After Moses The Soveraignty Was In The High Priest Aaron being dead, and after him also Moses, the Kingdome , as being a Sacerdotall Kingdome, descended by vertue of the Covenant, to Aarons Son, Eleazar the High Priest: And God declared him (next under himse.....

[2]: ...After Moses The Soveraignty Was In The High Priest Aaron being dead, and after him also Moses, the Kingdome, as being a Sacerdotall Kingdome , descended by vertue of the Covenant, to Aarons Son, Eleazar the High Priest: And God declared him (next under himself) for Soveraign, at the same ti.....

Complete text of 61129878:

After Moses The Soveraignty Was In The High Priest Aaron being dead, and after him also Moses, the kingdome, as being a Sacerdotall kingdome, descended by vertue of the Covenant, to Aarons Son, Eleazar the High Priest: And God declared him (next under himself) for Soveraign, at the same time that he appointed Joshua for the Generall of their Army

Segments in 61129927:

[1]: ..." Is not this full Power, both Temporall and Spirituall, as they call it, that would divide it? To conclude; from the first institution of Gods Kingdome , to the Captivity, the Supremacy of Religion, was in the same hand with that of the Civill Soveraignty; and the Priests office after the election of .....

Complete text of 61129927:

" Is not this full Power, both Temporall and Spirituall, as they call it, that would divide it? To conclude; from the first institution of Gods kingdome, to the Captivity, the Supremacy of Religion, was in the same hand with that of the Civill Soveraignty; and the Priests office after the election of Saul, was not Magisteriall, but Ministeriall

Segments in 61129929:

[1]: ...ration which had not seen the wonders of God, but were left to their own weak reason, not knowing themselves obliged by the Covenant of a Sacerdotall Kingdome, regarded no more the Commandement of the Priest, nor any Kingdome , regarded no more the Commandement of the Priest, nor any law of Moses, but did every man that which was right in his own eyes; and obeyed in Civill .....

Complete text of 61129929:

As for example, after the death of Eleazar and Joshua, the next generation which had not seen the wonders of God, but were left to their own weak reason, not knowing themselves obliged by the Covenant of a Sacerdotall kingdome, regarded no more the Commandement of the Priest, nor any law of Moses, but did every man that which was right in his own eyes; and obeyed in Civill affairs, such men, as from time to time they thought able to deliver them from the neighbour Nations that oppressed them; and consulted not with God (as they ought to doe,) but with such men, or women, as they guessed to bee Prophets by their Praedictions of things to come; and thought they had an Idol in their Chappel, yet if they had a Levite for their Chaplain, they made account they worshipped the God of Israel

Segments in 61129941:

[1]: ...name of Father, till such time as he sent into the world his Son Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind from their sins, and bring them into his Everlasting Kingdome, to be saved for evermore Kingdome , to be saved for evermore.....

Complete text of 61129941:

And therefore so far forth as concerneth the Old Testament, we may conclude, that whosoever had the Soveraignty of the Common-wealth amongst the Jews, the same had also the Supreme Authority in matter of Gods externall worship; and represented Gods Person; that is the person of God the Father; though he were not called by the name of Father, till such time as he sent into the world his Son Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind from their sins, and bring them into his Everlasting kingdome, to be saved for evermore

Segments in 61129969:

[1]: ...Christs Kingdome Not Of This World For as much therefore, as he that Redeemeth, hath no title to the Thing Redeemed, before the Redemption, and Ransome paid; and thi.....

Complete text of 61129969:

Christs kingdome Not Of This World For as much therefore, as he that Redeemeth, hath no title to the Thing Redeemed, before the Redemption, and Ransome paid; and this Ransome was the Death of the Redeemer; it is manifest, that our Saviour (as man) was not King of those that he Redeemed, before hee suffered death; that is, during that time hee conversed bodily on the Earth

Segments in 61129970:

[1]: ...e renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, they were obliged to obey him for King, (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to take the Kingdome upon him Kingdome upon him.....

Complete text of 61129970:

I say, he was not then King in present, by vertue of the Pact, which the faithfull make with him in Baptisme; Neverthelesse, by the renewing of their Pact with God in Baptisme, they were obliged to obey him for King, (under his Father) whensoever he should be pleased to take the kingdome upon him

Complete text of 61129973:

) "My kingdome is not of this world

Segments in 61129974:

[1]: ... and shall remain to the day of Judgment, (which is therefore also called, The Last Day;) and that which shall bee a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the Kingdome of Christ is not to begin till the general Resurrection Kingdome of Christ is not to begin till the general Resurrection.....

Complete text of 61129974:

" Now seeing the Scripture maketh mention but of two worlds; this that is now, and shall remain to the day of Judgment, (which is therefore also called, The Last Day;) and that which shall bee a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the kingdome of Christ is not to begin till the general Resurrection

Segments in 61130000:

[1]: ..." The End Of Christs Comming Was To Renew The Covenant Of The Kingdome Of God, And To Perswade The Elect To Imbrace It, Which Was The Second Part Of His Office If then Christ while hee was on Earth, had no Kingdome in.....

[2]: ...he Kingdome Of God, And To Perswade The Elect To Imbrace It, Which Was The Second Part Of His Office If then Christ while hee was on Earth, had no Kingdome in this World, to what end was his first coming? It w Kingdome in this World, to what end was his first coming? It was to restore unto God, by a new Covenant, the Kingdome, which being his by the Old Covenant, ha.....

[3]: ...en Christ while hee was on Earth, had no Kingdome in this World, to what end was his first coming? It was to restore unto God, by a new Covenant, the Kingdome, which being his by the Old Covenant, had been cut off by the rebellion of the Israelites in the election of Saul Kingdome , which being his by the Old Covenant, had been cut off by the rebellion of the Israelites in the election of Saul.....

Complete text of 61130000:

" The End Of Christs Comming Was To Renew The Covenant Of The kingdome Of God, And To Perswade The Elect To Imbrace It, Which Was The Second Part Of His Office If then Christ while hee was on Earth, had no kingdome in this World, to what end was his first coming? It was to restore unto God, by a new Covenant, the kingdome, which being his by the Old Covenant, had been cut off by the rebellion of the Israelites in the election of Saul

Segments in 61130002:

[1]: ... to live so, as to be worthy of the Immortality Beleevers were to enjoy, at such time as he should come in majesty, to take possession of his Fathers Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61130002:

So that there are two parts of our Saviours Office during his aboad upon the Earth; One to Proclaim himself the Christ; and another by Teaching, and by working of Miracles, to perswade, and prepare men to live so, as to be worthy of the Immortality Beleevers were to enjoy, at such time as he should come in majesty, to take possession of his Fathers kingdome

Segments in 61130003:

[1]: ...And therefore it is, that the time of his preaching, is often by himself called the Regeneration; which is not properly a Kingdome , and thereby a warrant to deny obedience to the Magistrates that then were, (for hee commanded to obey those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to p.....

[2]: ...gistrates that then were, (for hee commanded to obey those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to pay tribute to Caesar;) but onely an earnest of the Kingdome of God that was to come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the King Kingdome of God that was to come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to b.....

[3]: ...o come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome.....

[4]: ... be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61130003:

And therefore it is, that the time of his preaching, is often by himself called the Regeneration; which is not properly a kingdome, and thereby a warrant to deny obedience to the Magistrates that then were, (for hee commanded to obey those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to pay tribute to Caesar;) but onely an earnest of the kingdome of God that was to come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly kingdome

Segments in 61130005:

[1]: ...e Common-wealth which then was amongst the Jews, both they that bare rule amongst them, that they that were governed, did all expect the Messiah, and Kingdome of God; Kingdome of God; which they could not have done if their Laws had forbidden him (when he came) to manifest, and declare himself.....

Complete text of 61130005:

For as touching the Common-wealth which then was amongst the Jews, both they that bare rule amongst them, that they that were governed, did all expect the Messiah, and kingdome of God; which they could not have done if their Laws had forbidden him (when he came) to manifest, and declare himself

Segments in 61130007:

[1]: ...The Kingdome hee claimed was to bee in another world; He taught all men to obey in the mean time them that sate in Moses seat: he allowed them to give Caesar his .....

Complete text of 61130007:

The kingdome hee claimed was to bee in another world; He taught all men to obey in the mean time them that sate in Moses seat: he allowed them to give Caesar his tribute, and refused to take upon himselfe to be a Judg

Segments in 61130011:

[1]: ... His Office Was To Be King (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be King, I have already shewn that his Kingdome was not to be Kingdome was not to begin till the Resurrection.....

Complete text of 61130011:

" The Third Part Of His Office Was To Be King (Under His Father) Of The Elect As for the third part of his Office, which was to be King, I have already shewn that his kingdome was not to begin till the Resurrection

Complete text of 61130026:

"I appoint unto you a kingdome, as my Father hath appointed to mee, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdome, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel

Segments in 61130027:

[1]: ..." By which it is manifest that the Kingdome of Christ appointed to him by his Father, is not to be before the Son of Man shall come in Glory, and make his Apostles Judges of the twelve tribes o.....

Complete text of 61130027:

" By which it is manifest that the Kingdome of Christ appointed to him by his Father, is not to be before the Son of Man shall come in Glory, and make his Apostles Judges of the twelve tribes of Israel

Segments in 61130028:

[1]: ...But a man may here ask, seeing there is no marriage in the Kingdome of Heaven, whether men shall then eat, and drink; what eating therefore is meant in this place? This is expounded by our Saviour (John 6.....

Complete text of 61130028:

But a man may here ask, seeing there is no marriage in the kingdome of Heaven, whether men shall then eat, and drink; what eating therefore is meant in this place? This is expounded by our Saviour (John 6

Complete text of 61130031:

" So that by eating at Christs table, is meant the eating of the Tree of Life; that is to say, the enjoying of Immortality, in the kingdome of the Son of Man

Complete text of 61130032:

By which places, and many more, it is evident, that our Saviours kingdome is to bee exercised by him in his humane nature

Segments in 61130033:

[1]: ...Christs Authority In The Kingdome Of God Subordinate To His Father Again, he is to be King then, no otherwise than as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was in th.....

Complete text of 61130033:

Christs Authority In The kingdome Of God Subordinate To His Father Again, he is to be King then, no otherwise than as subordinate, or Viceregent of God the Father, as Moses was in the wildernesse; and as the High Priests were before the reign of Saul; and as the Kings were after it

Segments in 61130038:

[1]: ...to the people, that is, (as I have said before,) to speak unto them in the name of God; so our Saviour also ordained seventy Disciples, to preach his Kingdome, and Salvation to all Nations Kingdome , and Salvation to all Nations.....

Complete text of 61130038:

For as Moses chose twelve Princes of the tribes, to govern under him; so did our Saviour choose twelve Apostles, who shall sit on twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel; And as Moses authorized Seventy Elders, to receive the Spirit of God, and to Prophecy to the people, that is, (as I have said before,) to speak unto them in the name of God; so our Saviour also ordained seventy Disciples, to preach his kingdome, and Salvation to all Nations

Complete text of 61130043:

" Again, our Saviour resembled Moses in the institution of Sacraments, both of Admission into the kingdome of God, and of Commemoration of his deliverance of his Elect from their miserable condition

Segments in 61130044:

[1]: ...As the Children of Israel had for Sacrament of their Reception into the Kingdome of God, before the time of Moses, the rite of Circumcision, which rite having been omitted in the Wildernesse, was again restored as soon as they cam.....

Complete text of 61130044:

As the Children of Israel had for Sacrament of their Reception into the kingdome of God, before the time of Moses, the rite of Circumcision, which rite having been omitted in the Wildernesse, was again restored as soon as they came into the land of Promise; so also the Jews, before the coming of our Saviour, had a rite of Baptizing, that is, of washing with water all those that being Gentiles, embraced the God of Israel

Segments in 61130054:

[1]: ...The same is more expressely signified, by that that hee teacheth us to pray, "Our Father, Let thy Kingdome come;" and, "For thine is the Kingdome, the power and the Glory;" and by that it is said, that "Hee shall come in the Glory of his Father;" and by th.....

[2]: ...The same is more expressely signified, by that that hee teacheth us to pray, "Our Father, Let thy Kingdome come;" and, "For thine is the Kingdome , the power and the Glory;" and by that it is said, that "Hee shall come in the Glory of his Father;" and by that which St.....

Complete text of 61130054:

The same is more expressely signified, by that that hee teacheth us to pray, "Our Father, Let thy kingdome come;" and, "For thine is the kingdome, the power and the Glory;" and by that it is said, that "Hee shall come in the Glory of his Father;" and by that which St

Complete text of 61130058:

) "then commeth the end, when hee shall have delivered up the kingdome to God, even the Father;" and by many other most expresse places

Segments in 61130064:

[1]: ...s were ordained; by which was signified the giving of the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of God, to those whom they ordained Ministers of God, to advance his Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61130064:

Of The Holy Spirit That Fel On The Apostles And for the time between, it is manifest, that the Power Ecclesiasticall, was in the Apostles; and after them in such as were by them ordained to Preach the Gospell, and to convert men to Christianity, and to direct them that were converted in the way of Salvation; and after these the Power was delivered again to others by these ordained, and this was done by Imposition of hands upon such as were ordained; by which was signified the giving of the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of God, to those whom they ordained Ministers of God, to advance his kingdome

Segments in 61130111:

[1]: ...An Argument Thereof, The Power Of Christ Himself I have shewn already (in the last Chapter,) that the Kingdome of Christ is not of this world: therefore neither can his Ministers (unlesse they be Kings,) require obedience in his name.....

Complete text of 61130111:

An Argument Thereof, The Power Of Christ Himself I have shewn already (in the last Chapter,) that the kingdome of Christ is not of this world: therefore neither can his Ministers (unlesse they be Kings,) require obedience in his name

Segments in 61130113:

[1]: ...But our Saviour was sent to perswade the Jews to return to, and to invite the Gentiles, to receive the Kingdome of his Father, and not to reign in Majesty, no not, as his Fathers Lieutenant, till the day of Judgment.....

Complete text of 61130113:

But our Saviour was sent to perswade the Jews to return to, and to invite the Gentiles, to receive the kingdome of his Father, and not to reign in Majesty, no not, as his Fathers Lieutenant, till the day of Judgment

Segments in 61130172:

[1]: ...eunto, we are to distinguish the persons that have been for that cause put to death; whereof some have received a Calling to preach, and professe the Kingdome of Christ openly; others have had no such Calling, nor more has been required of them than their owne faith Kingdome of Christ openly; others have had no such Calling, nor more has been required of them than their owne faith.....

Complete text of 61130172:

" Of Martyrs But what then shall we say of all those Martyrs we read of in the History of the Church, that they have needlessely cast away their lives? For answer hereunto, we are to distinguish the persons that have been for that cause put to death; whereof some have received a Calling to preach, and professe the kingdome of Christ openly; others have had no such Calling, nor more has been required of them than their owne faith

Segments in 61130180:

[1]: ...his, that Jesus Is The Christ; that is to say, He that hath redeemed us, and shall come again to give us salvation, and eternall life in his glorious Kingdome Kingdome .....

Complete text of 61130180:

'Tis one Article onely, which to die for, meriteth so honorable a name; and that Article is this, that Jesus Is The Christ; that is to say, He that hath redeemed us, and shall come again to give us salvation, and eternall life in his glorious kingdome

Complete text of 61130189:

) that the twelve Apostles were sent "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel," and commanded to Preach, "that the Kingdome of God was at hand

Complete text of 61130195:

) to say, "The Kingdome of God is come nigh unto you;" and by kingdome here is meant, not the kingdome of Grace, but the kingdome of Glory; for they are bidden to denounce it (ver

Segments in 61130218:

[1]: ...ews; and to Jesus Christ, his Sonne, God, and Man, that hath redeemed us, and shall in his humane nature Represent his Fathers Person in his eternall Kingdome after the Resurrection; and to acknowledge the Doctrine of the Apostles, who assisted by the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, were left for guides to bring us into that Kingdome, to be the onely Kingdome after the Resurrection; and to acknowledge the Doctrine of the Apostles, who assisted by the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, were left for guid.....

[2]: ...and to acknowledge the Doctrine of the Apostles, who assisted by the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, were left for guides to bring us into that Kingdome, to be the onely, and assured way thereunto Kingdome , to be the onely, and assured way thereunto.....

Complete text of 61130218:

He that is Baptized, is Dipped or Washed, as a sign of becomming a new man, and a loyall subject to that God, whose Person was represented in old time by Moses, and the High Priests, when he reigned over the Jews; and to Jesus Christ, his Sonne, God, and Man, that hath redeemed us, and shall in his humane nature Represent his Fathers Person in his eternall Kingdome after the Resurrection; and to acknowledge the Doctrine of the Apostles, who assisted by the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, were left for guides to bring us into that kingdome, to be the onely, and assured way thereunto

Segments in 61130224:

[1]: ...n his owne order, Christ the first fruits, afterward they that are Christs, at his comming; Then Commeth the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdome of Go Kingdome of God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all Rule, and all Authority and Power") it is manifest, that we do not in Baptisme constitute ov.....

Complete text of 61130224:

But every man in his owne order, Christ the first fruits, afterward they that are Christs, at his comming; Then Commeth the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdome of God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all Rule, and all Authority and Power") it is manifest, that we do not in Baptisme constitute over us another authority, by which our externall actions are to be governed in this life; but promise to take the doctrine of the Apostles for our direction in the way to life eternall

Segments in 61130225:

[1]: ...ve, And Retain Sinnes The Power of Remission, And Retention Of Sinnes, called also the Power of Loosing, and Binding, and sometimes the Keyes Of The Kingdome Of Kingdome Of Heaven, is a consequence of the Authority to Baptize, or refuse to Baptize.....

Complete text of 61130225:

And To Forgive, And Retain Sinnes The Power of Remission, And Retention Of Sinnes, called also the Power of Loosing, and Binding, and sometimes the Keyes Of The kingdome Of Heaven, is a consequence of the Authority to Baptize, or refuse to Baptize

Segments in 61130226:

[1]: ...For Baptisme is the Sacrament of Allegeance, of them that are to be received into the Kingdome of God; that is to say, into Eternall life; that is to say, to Remission of Sin: For as Eternall life was lost by the Committing, so it is recovered .....

Complete text of 61130226:

For Baptisme is the Sacrament of Allegeance, of them that are to be received into the kingdome of God; that is to say, into Eternall life; that is to say, to Remission of Sin: For as Eternall life was lost by the Committing, so it is recovered by the Remitting of mens Sins

Segments in 61130229:

[1]: ..." And therefore seeing to Baptize is to declare the Reception of men into Gods Kingdome ; and to refuse to Baptize is to declare their Exclusion; it followeth, that the Power to declare them Cast out, or Retained in it, was given to the s.....

Complete text of 61130229:

" And therefore seeing to Baptize is to declare the Reception of men into Gods kingdome; and to refuse to Baptize is to declare their Exclusion; it followeth, that the Power to declare them Cast out, or Retained in it, was given to the same Apostles, and their Substitutes, and Successors

Segments in 61130257:

[1]: ...Of Excommunication This part of the Power of the Keyes, by which men were thrust out from the Kingdome of God, is that which is called Excommunication; and to excommunicate, is in the Originall, Aposunagogon Poiein, To Cast Out Of The Synagogue; that i.....

Complete text of 61130257:

Of Excommunication This part of the Power of the Keyes, by which men were thrust out from the kingdome of God, is that which is called Excommunication; and to excommunicate, is in the Originall, Aposunagogon Poiein, To Cast Out Of The Synagogue; that is, out of the place of Divine service; a word drawn from the custom of the Jews, to cast out of their Synagogues, such as they thought in manners, or doctrine, contagious, as Lepers were by the Law of Moses separated from the congregation of Israel, till such time as they should be by the Priest pronounced clean

Complete text of 61130281:

For without the Kingdom of Christ, all other Kingdomes after Judgment, are comprehended in the kingdome of Satan

Segments in 61130344:

[1]: ...derbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Giants, that should dare to deny his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely .....

[2]: ...his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the Kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary shall bee proved in its due place Kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof ther.....

Complete text of 61130344:

The name of Fulmen Excommunicationis (that is, the Thunderbolt Of Excommunication) proceeded from an imagination of the Bishop of Rome, which first used it, that he was King of Kings, as the Heathen made Jupiter King of the Gods; and assigned him in their Poems, and Pictures, a Thunderbolt, wherewith to subdue, and punish the Giants, that should dare to deny his power: Which imagination was grounded on two errours; one, that the kingdome of Christ is of this world, contrary to our Saviours owne words, "My kingdome is not of this world;" the other, that hee is Christs Vicar, not onely over his owne Subjects, but over all the Christians of the World; whereof there is no ground in Scripture, and the contrary shall bee proved in its due place

Complete text of 61130374:

For to Interpret the Laws, is part of the Administration of a present kingdome; which the Apostles had not

Complete text of 61130375:

They prayed then, and all other Pastors ever since, "Let thy kingdome come;" and exhorted their Converts to obey their then Ethnique Princes

Segments in 61130387:

[1]: ...Before that time there was no written Law of God, who as yet having not chosen any people to bee his peculiar Kingdome , had given no Law to men, but the Law of Nature, that is to say, the Precepts of Naturall Reason, written in every mans own heart.....

Complete text of 61130387:

Before that time there was no written Law of God, who as yet having not chosen any people to bee his peculiar kingdome, had given no Law to men, but the Law of Nature, that is to say, the Precepts of Naturall Reason, written in every mans own heart

Segments in 61130402:

[1]: ..." It was therefore onely Moses then, and after him the High Priest, whom (by Moses) God declared should administer this his peculiar Kingdome , that had on Earth, the power to make this short Scripture of the Decalogue to bee Law in the Common-wealth of Israel.....

Complete text of 61130402:

" It was therefore onely Moses then, and after him the High Priest, whom (by Moses) God declared should administer this his peculiar kingdome, that had on Earth, the power to make this short Scripture of the Decalogue to bee Law in the Common-wealth of Israel

Segments in 61130451:

[1]: ...Seeing then our Saviour hath denyed his Kingdome to be in this world, seeing he hath said, he came not to judge, but to save the world, he hath not subjected us to other Laws than those of the Commo.....

Complete text of 61130451:

Seeing then our Saviour hath denyed his kingdome to be in this world, seeing he hath said, he came not to judge, but to save the world, he hath not subjected us to other Laws than those of the Common-wealth; that is, the Jews to the Law of Moses, (which he saith (Mat

Segments in 61130453:

[1]: ...selfe, and his Apostles have in their teaching recommended to us, as a necessary condition of being admitted by him in the last day into his eternall Kingdome, wherein shall be Protection, and Life everlasting Kingdome , wherein shall be Protection, and Life everlasting.....

Complete text of 61130453:

) he came not to destroy, but to fulfill,) and other Nations to the Laws of their severall Soveraigns, and all men to the Laws of Nature; the observing whereof, both he himselfe, and his Apostles have in their teaching recommended to us, as a necessary condition of being admitted by him in the last day into his eternall kingdome, wherein shall be Protection, and Life everlasting

Segments in 61130455:

[1]: ...Again, our Saviour Christs Commission to his Apostles, and Disciples, was to Proclaim his Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and to Teach all Nations; and to Baptize them that should beleeve; and to enter into the houses of them that should recei.....

Complete text of 61130455:

Again, our Saviour Christs Commission to his Apostles, and Disciples, was to Proclaim his kingdome (not present, but) to come; and to Teach all Nations; and to Baptize them that should beleeve; and to enter into the houses of them that should receive them; and where they were not received, to shake off the dust of their feet against them; but not to call for fire from heaven to destroy them, nor to compell them to obedience by the Sword

Segments in 61130470:

[1]: ..." For first, the Apostles power was no other than that of our Saviour, to invite men to embrace the Kingdome of God; which they themselves acknowledged for a Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and they that have no Kingdome, can make no Laws.....

[2]: ...rst, the Apostles power was no other than that of our Saviour, to invite men to embrace the Kingdome of God; which they themselves acknowledged for a Kingdom Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and they that have no Kingdome, can make no Laws.....

[3]: ...ur, to invite men to embrace the Kingdome of God; which they themselves acknowledged for a Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and they that have no Kingdome, can make no Laws Kingdome , can make no Laws.....

Complete text of 61130470:

" For first, the Apostles power was no other than that of our Saviour, to invite men to embrace the kingdome of God; which they themselves acknowledged for a kingdome (not present, but) to come; and they that have no kingdome, can make no Laws

Segments in 61130474:

[1]: ... which they might accept, or refuse at their own perill, without a new sin, though not without the hazard of being condemned, and excluded out of the Kingdome of God for their sins past Kingdome of God for their sins past.....

Complete text of 61130474:

And therefore by the Burthen, which the Apostles might lay on such as they had converted, are not to be understood Laws, but Conditions, proposed to those that sought Salvation; which they might accept, or refuse at their own perill, without a new sin, though not without the hazard of being condemned, and excluded out of the kingdome of God for their sins past

Segments in 61130540:

[1]: ...The Kingdome of God was yet to come, in a new world; so that there could be no authority to compell in any Church, till the Common-wealth had embraced the Christi.....

Complete text of 61130540:

The Kingdome of God was yet to come, in a new world; so that there could be no authority to compell in any Church, till the Common-wealth had embraced the Christian Faith; and consequently no diversity of Authority, though there were diversity of Employments

Segments in 61130607:

[1]: ... to the Levites might not unfitly be attributed the name of Clergy from Kleros, which signifieth Lot, or Inheritance; not that they were heirs of the Kingdome of Kingdome of God, more than other; but that Gods inheritance, was their maintenance.....

Complete text of 61130607:

And therefore to the Levites might not unfitly be attributed the name of Clergy from Kleros, which signifieth Lot, or Inheritance; not that they were heirs of the kingdome of God, more than other; but that Gods inheritance, was their maintenance

Segments in 61130642:

[1]: ...spell; because Moses and the High Priests were the Civill Soveraigns of the people under God, whose Kingdom amongst the Jews was present; whereas the Kingdome of God by Christ is yet to come Kingdome of God by Christ is yet to come.....

Complete text of 61130642:

The Right of Tythes in Moses Law, could not be applyed to the then Ministers of the Gospell; because Moses and the High Priests were the Civill Soveraigns of the people under God, whose Kingdom amongst the Jews was present; whereas the kingdome of God by Christ is yet to come

Complete text of 61130798:

) preaching only this, "The kingdome of God is at hand

Segments in 61130823:

[1]: ...Peter, or our Saviour himself had converted any of them to beleeve him, and to acknowledge his Kingdome ; yet because his Kingdome is not of this world, he had left the supreme care of converting his subjects to none but him; or else hee must have depriv.....

[2]: ...Peter, or our Saviour himself had converted any of them to beleeve him, and to acknowledge his Kingdome; yet because his Kingdome is not of this world, he had left the supreme care of converting his subjects to none but him; or else hee must have deprived him of the Soveraignty,.....

Complete text of 61130823:

Peter, or our Saviour himself had converted any of them to beleeve him, and to acknowledge his kingdome; yet because his kingdome is not of this world, he had left the supreme care of converting his subjects to none but him; or else hee must have deprived him of the Soveraignty, to which the Right of Teaching is inseparably annexed

Segments in 61130834:

[1]: ...This expectation of theirs, made them obnoxious to the Imposture of all such, as had both the ambition to attempt the attaining of the Kingdome , and the art to deceive the People by counterfeit miracles, by hypocriticall life, or by orations and doctrine plausible.....

Complete text of 61130834:

This expectation of theirs, made them obnoxious to the Imposture of all such, as had both the ambition to attempt the attaining of the kingdome, and the art to deceive the People by counterfeit miracles, by hypocriticall life, or by orations and doctrine plausible

Segments in 61130866:

[1]: ...It is true, the Pope in taking upon him to give Laws to all Christian Kings, and Nations, usurpeth a Kingdome in this world, which Christ took not on him: but he doth it not As Christ, but as For Christ, wherein there is nothing of the Antichrist.....

Complete text of 61130866:

It is true, the Pope in taking upon him to give Laws to all Christian Kings, and Nations, usurpeth a kingdome in this world, which Christ took not on him: but he doth it not As Christ, but as For Christ, wherein there is nothing of the Antichrist

Segments in 61130873:

[1]: ...resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our Saviour celebrated the same with his Apostles, which he said, till the Kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to b Kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to betray him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should b.....

Complete text of 61130873:

The Priests and Scribes seeking to kill our Saviour at the Passeover, and Judas possessed with a resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our Saviour celebrated the same with his Apostles, which he said, till the kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to betray him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should be; and withall (seeing the next Passeover their Master would celebrate should be when he was King) entred into a contention, who should then be the greater man

Segments in 61130874:

[1]: ...s, and are called by a name (in Hebrew) that signifies Bountifull; but I cannot be so to you, you must endeavour to serve one another; I ordain you a Kingdome, but it is such as my Father hath ordained mee; a Kingdome that I am now to purchase Kingdome , but it is such as my Father hath ordained mee; a Kingdome that I am now to purchase with my blood, and not to possesse till my second coming; then y.....

[2]: ...tifull; but I cannot be so to you, you must endeavour to serve one another; I ordain you a Kingdome, but it is such as my Father hath ordained mee; a Kingdome that I am now to purchase with my blood, and not to possesse till my second coming; then yee shall eat and drink at my Table, and sit on Throne Kingdome that I am now to purchase with my blood, and not to possesse till my second coming; then yee shall eat and drink at my Table, and sit on Thrones, jud.....

Complete text of 61130874:

Our Saviour therefore told them, that the Kings of the Nations had Dominion over their Subjects, and are called by a name (in Hebrew) that signifies Bountifull; but I cannot be so to you, you must endeavour to serve one another; I ordain you a Kingdome, but it is such as my Father hath ordained mee; a kingdome that I am now to purchase with my blood, and not to possesse till my second coming; then yee shall eat and drink at my Table, and sit on Thrones, judging the twelve Tribes of Israel: And then addressing himself to St

Segments in 61130875:

[1]: ...our faith of the future; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith shall not fail; Thou therefore (Note this,) being converted, and understanding my Kingdome as of another world, confirm the same faith in thy Brethren: To which S Kingdome as of another world, confirm the same faith in thy Brethren: To which S.....

Complete text of 61130875:

Peter, he saith, Simon, Simon, Satan seeks by suggesting a present domination, to weaken your faith of the future; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith shall not fail; Thou therefore (Note this,) being converted, and understanding my kingdome as of another world, confirm the same faith in thy Brethren: To which S

Segments in 61130880:

[1]: ...tributed to it out of this Text, than that Peter should continue in the beleef of this point, namely, that Christ should come again, and possesse the Kingdome at the day of Judgement; which was not given by the Text to al Kingdome at the day of Judgement; which was not given by the Text to all his Successors; for wee see they claim it in the World that now is.....

Complete text of 61130880:

Peters sentence definitive in matter of Faith, there is no more to be attributed to it out of this Text, than that Peter should continue in the beleef of this point, namely, that Christ should come again, and possesse the kingdome at the day of Judgement; which was not given by the Text to all his Successors; for wee see they claim it in the World that now is

Segments in 61130939:

[1]: ...iour was sent to Redeem (by his Death) such as should Beleeve; and by his own, and his Apostles preaching to prepare them for their entrance into his Kingdome; wh Kingdome ; which he himself saith, is not of this world, and hath taught us to pray for the coming of it hereafter, though hee refused (Acts 1.....

Complete text of 61130939:

" But our Saviour was sent to Redeem (by his Death) such as should Beleeve; and by his own, and his Apostles preaching to prepare them for their entrance into his kingdome; which he himself saith, is not of this world, and hath taught us to pray for the coming of it hereafter, though hee refused (Acts 1

Segments in 61130965:

[1]: ... which is not in its owne nature a Punishment, but onely a Denouncing of punishment, that Christ shall inflict, when he shall be in possession of his Kingdome, at the day of Judgment Kingdome , at the day of Judgment.....

Complete text of 61130965:

"Shall I come unto you with a Rod, or in love, and the spirit of lenity?" But here again, it is not the Power of a Magistrate to punish offenders, that is meant by a Rod; but onely the Power of Excommunication, which is not in its owne nature a Punishment, but onely a Denouncing of punishment, that Christ shall inflict, when he shall be in possession of his kingdome, at the day of Judgment

Segments in 61130966:

[1]: ... a Punishment, as upon a Subject that hath broken the Law; but a Revenge, as upon an Enemy, or Revolter, that denyeth the Right of our Saviour to the Kingdome: And therefore this prove Kingdome : And therefore this proveth not the Legislative Power of any Bishop, that has not also the Civill Power.....

Complete text of 61130966:

Nor then also shall it bee properly a Punishment, as upon a Subject that hath broken the Law; but a Revenge, as upon an Enemy, or Revolter, that denyeth the Right of our Saviour to the kingdome: And therefore this proveth not the Legislative Power of any Bishop, that has not also the Civill Power

Segments in 61130975:

[1]: ...Paul; nor the flock under the charge of Timothy, his Subjects in the Kingdome , but his Scholars in the Schoole of Christ: If all the Precepts he giveth Timothy, be Laws, why is not this also a Law, "Drink no longer water, but u.....

Complete text of 61130975:

Paul; nor the flock under the charge of Timothy, his Subjects in the kingdome, but his Scholars in the Schoole of Christ: If all the Precepts he giveth Timothy, be Laws, why is not this also a Law, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy healths sake"? And why are not also the Precepts of good Physitians, so many Laws? but that it is not the Imperative manner of speaking, but an absolute Subjection to a Person, that maketh his Precept Laws

Segments in 61131034:

[1]: ... man: for that is a Power which he refused to take upon himselfe, saying, "Who made me a Judge, or a Divider, amongst you?" and in another place, "My Kingdome is not of this world Kingdome is not of this world.....

Complete text of 61131034:

Therefore when he alledgeth out of the 6 of Luke, that our Saviour called his Disciples together, and chose twelve of them which he named Apostles, he proveth that he Elected them (all, except Matthias, Paul and Barnabas,) and gave them Power and Command to Preach, but not to Judge of Causes between man and man: for that is a Power which he refused to take upon himselfe, saying, "Who made me a Judge, or a Divider, amongst you?" and in another place, "My kingdome is not of this world

Complete text of 61131080:

"If a King at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his kingdome of Haeretiques, and being Excommunicate for the same, make not satisfaction within a year, his subjects are absolved of their Obedience

Segments in 61131081:

[1]: ...of Chilperique, King of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John King of England; in Transferring the Kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of Kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of France, and in many more occurrences.....

Complete text of 61131081:

" And the practise hereof hath been seen on divers occasions; as in the Deposing of Chilperique, King of France; in the Translation of the Roman Empire to Charlemaine; in the Oppression of John King of England; in Transferring the kingdome of Navarre; and of late years, in the League against Henry the third of France, and in many more occurrences

Segments in 61131110:

[1]: ...But Spirituall Common-wealth there is none in this world: for it is the same thing with the Kingdome of Christ; which he himselfe saith, is not of this world; but shall be in the next world, at the Resurrection, when they that have lived justly, and .....

Complete text of 61131110:

But Spirituall Common-wealth there is none in this world: for it is the same thing with the kingdome of Christ; which he himselfe saith, is not of this world; but shall be in the next world, at the Resurrection, when they that have lived justly, and beleeved that he was the Christ, shall (though they died Naturall bodies) rise Spirituall bodies; and then it is, that our Saviour shall judge the world, and conquer his Adversaries, and make a Spirituall Common-wealth

Segments in 61131111:

[1]: ...wealth amongst men that are yet in the flesh; unlesse wee call Preachers, that have Commission to Teach, and prepare men for their reception into the Kingdome of Christ at the Resurrection, a Common-wealth; which I have proved to bee none Kingdome of Christ at the Resurrection, a Common-wealth; which I have proved to bee none.....

Complete text of 61131111:

In the mean time, seeing there are no men on earth, whose bodies are Spirituall; there can be no Spirituall Common-wealth amongst men that are yet in the flesh; unlesse wee call Preachers, that have Commission to Teach, and prepare men for their reception into the kingdome of Christ at the Resurrection, a Common-wealth; which I have proved to bee none

Complete text of 61131172:


Segments in 61131177:

[1]: ...d, and the Civill Soveraign on earth, to those that can distinguish between what is Necessary, and what is not Necessary for their Reception into the Kingdome of God, is of no moment Kingdome of God, is of no moment.....

Complete text of 61131177:

Is None To Them That Distinguish Between What Is, And What Is Not Necessary To Salvation But this difficulty of obeying both God, and the Civill Soveraign on earth, to those that can distinguish between what is Necessary, and what is not Necessary for their Reception into the kingdome of God, is of no moment

Segments in 61131187:

[1]: ...That nothing else is Necessarily required to Salvation, is manifest from this, that the Kingdome of Heaven, is shut to none but to Sinners; that is to say, to the disobedient, or transgressors of the Law; nor to them, in case they Repent, and Bel.....

Complete text of 61131187:

That nothing else is Necessarily required to Salvation, is manifest from this, that the kingdome of Heaven, is shut to none but to Sinners; that is to say, to the disobedient, or transgressors of the Law; nor to them, in case they Repent, and Beleeve all the Articles of Christian Faith, Necessary to Salvation

Segments in 61131190:

[1]: ...of his transgressions, or that loveth God with all his heart, and his neighbor as himself, hath all the Obedience Necessary to his Reception into the Kingdome of God: For if God should require perfect Innocence, there could no flesh be saved Kingdome of God: For if God should require perfect Innocence, there could no flesh be saved.....

Complete text of 61131190:

Whosoever therefore unfeignedly desireth to fulfill the Commandements of God, or repenteth him truely of his transgressions, or that loveth God with all his heart, and his neighbor as himself, hath all the Obedience Necessary to his Reception into the Kingdome of God: For if God should require perfect Innocence, there could no flesh be saved

Complete text of 61131244:

to Preach the kingdome of God: For neither there, nor Mat

Complete text of 61131247:

giveth he any Commission to them, other than this, "As ye go, Preach, saying, the Kingdome of Heaven is at hand;" that is, that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the King which was to come

Segments in 61131258:

[1]: ...The Thief upon the Crosse though repenting, could not have been saved for saying, "Lord remember me when thou commest into thy Kingdome ;" by which he testified no beleefe of any other Article, but this, That Jesus Was The King.....

Complete text of 61131258:

The Thief upon the Crosse though repenting, could not have been saved for saying, "Lord remember me when thou commest into thy Kingdome;" by which he testified no beleefe of any other Article, but this, That Jesus Was The King

Complete text of 61131301:

" Therefore this Article beleeved, Jesus Is The Christ, is sufficient to Baptisme, that is to say, to our Reception into the kingdome of God, and by consequence, onely Necessary

Segments in 61131340:

[1]: ...who speaking of the Restauration of the Kingdome of God, saith thus, "Two parts therein shall be cut off, and die, but the third shall be left therein; and I will bring the third part through the Fi.....

Complete text of 61131340:

who speaking of the Restauration of the kingdome of God, saith thus, "Two parts therein shall be cut off, and die, but the third shall be left therein; and I will bring the third part through the Fire, and will refine them as Silver is refined, and will try them as Gold is tryed; they shall call on the name of the Lord, and I will hear them

Complete text of 61131341:

" The day of Judgment, is the day of the Restauration of the kingdome of God; and at that day it is, that St

Segments in 61131348:

[1]: ...Paul here saith, that The Day (that is, the Day of Judgment, the Great Day of our Saviours comming to restore the Kingdome of God in Israel) shall try every mans doctrine, by Judging, which are Gold, Silver, Pretious Stones, Wood, Hay, Stubble; And then they that have bui.....

Complete text of 61131348:

Paul here saith, that The Day (that is, the Day of Judgment, the Great Day of our Saviours comming to restore the kingdome of God in Israel) shall try every mans doctrine, by Judging, which are Gold, Silver, Pretious Stones, Wood, Hay, Stubble; And then they that have built false Consequences on the true Foundation, shall see their Doctrines condemned; neverthelesse they themselves shall be saved, and passe unhurt through this universall Fire, and live eternally, to call upon the name of the true and onely God

Complete text of 61131354:

And therefore it holdeth still good, that the beleef of this one Article is sufficient faith to obtaine remission of sinnes to the Penitent, and consequently to bring them into the kingdome of Heaven

Segments in 61131397:

[1]: ...which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning the Kingdome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall Kingdome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall.....

Complete text of 61131397:

But what Infidel King is so unreasonable, as knowing he has a Subject, that waiteth for the second comming of Christ, after the present world shall be burnt, and intendeth then to obey him (which is the intent of beleeving that Jesus is the Christ,) and in the mean time thinketh himself bound to obey the Laws of that Infidel King, (which all Christians are obliged in conscience to doe,) to put to death, or to persecute such a Subject? And thus much shall suffice, concerning the kingdome of God, and Policy Ecclesiasticall

Segments in 61131399:

[1]: ...one, but is such sense as is most plain, and agreeable to the harmony and scope of the whole Bible; which was written for the re-establishment of the Kingdome of God in Christ Kingdome of God in Christ.....

Complete text of 61131399:

And in the allegation of Scripture, I have endeavoured to avoid such Texts as are of obscure, or controverted Interpretation; and to alledge none, but is such sense as is most plain, and agreeable to the harmony and scope of the whole Bible; which was written for the re-establishment of the kingdome of God in Christ

Segments in 61131402:

[1]: ...OF SPIRITUALL DARKNESSE FROM MISINTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE The Kingdome Of Darknesse What Besides these Soveraign Powers, Divine, and Humane, of which I have hitherto discoursed, there is mention in Scripture of another .....

Complete text of 61131402:

OF SPIRITUALL DARKNESSE FROM MISINTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE The kingdome Of Darknesse What Besides these Soveraign Powers, Divine, and Humane, of which I have hitherto discoursed, there is mention in Scripture of another Power, namely, (Eph

Complete text of 61131408:

), "the kingdome of Satan," and, (Mat

Segments in 61131419:

[1]: ...This considered, the Kingdome of Darknesse, as it is set forth in these, and other places of the Scripture, is nothing else but a "Confederacy of Deceivers, that to obtain dominio.....

[2]: ..., endeavour by dark, and erroneous Doctrines, to extinguish in them the Light, both of Nature, and of the Gospell; and so to dis-prepare them for the Kingdome of God to come Kingdome of God to come.....

Complete text of 61131419:

This considered, the kingdome of Darknesse, as it is set forth in these, and other places of the Scripture, is nothing else but a "Confederacy of Deceivers, that to obtain dominion over men in this present world, endeavour by dark, and erroneous Doctrines, to extinguish in them the Light, both of Nature, and of the Gospell; and so to dis-prepare them for the kingdome of God to come

Segments in 61131421:

[1]: ...s to acknowledge their owne Darknesse, but onely by reasoning from the un-forseen mischances, that befall them in their ways; The Darkest part of the Kingdome of Satan, is that which is without the Church of Go Kingdome of Satan, is that which is without the Church of God; that is to say, amongst them that beleeve not in Jesus Christ.....

Complete text of 61131421:

And from hence it comes to passe, that men have no other means to acknowledge their owne Darknesse, but onely by reasoning from the un-forseen mischances, that befall them in their ways; The Darkest part of the kingdome of Satan, is that which is without the Church of God; that is to say, amongst them that beleeve not in Jesus Christ

Segments in 61131433:

[1]: ...Errors From Misinterpreting The Scriptures, Concerning The Kingdome Of God The greatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to.....

[2]: ...eatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to prove that the Kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or mu Kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again a.....

[3]: ...in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again at the last day: whereas the Kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in the election of Saul, when they refused to be governed by God any more, and demanded a King after the manner of Kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in t.....

Complete text of 61131433:

Errors From Misinterpreting The Scriptures, Concerning The kingdome Of God The greatest, and main abuse of Scripture, and to which almost all the rest are either consequent, or subservient, is the wresting of it, to prove that the kingdome of God, mentioned so often in the Scripture, is the present Church, or multitude of Christian men now living, or that being dead, are to rise again at the last day: whereas the kingdome of God was first instituted by the Ministery of Moses, over the Jews onely; who were therefore called his Peculiar People; and ceased afterward, in the election of Saul, when they refused to be governed by God any more, and demanded a King after the manner of the nations; which God himself consented unto, as I have more at large proved before, in the 35

Segments in 61131435:

[1]: ...After that time, there was no other Kingdome of God in the world, by any Pact, or otherwise, than he ever was, is, and shall be King, of all men, and of all creatures, as governing according to .....

Complete text of 61131435:

After that time, there was no other kingdome of God in the world, by any Pact, or otherwise, than he ever was, is, and shall be King, of all men, and of all creatures, as governing according to his Will, by his infinite Power

Segments in 61131436:

[1]: ...e the sins of them all by his death, and to prepare them by his Doctrine, to receive him at his second coming: Which second coming not yet being, the Kingdome of God is not yet come, and wee are not now under any other Kings by Pact, but our Civill Soveraigns; saving onely, that Christian men are already in the Kingdome of Grace, in as much as they have already the Promise of being received at his comming againe Kingdome of God is not yet come, and wee are not now under any other Kings by Pact, but our Civill Soveraigns; saving onely, that Christian men are already in.....

[2]: ...od is not yet come, and wee are not now under any other Kings by Pact, but our Civill Soveraigns; saving onely, that Christian men are already in the Kingdome of Grace, in as much as they have already the Promise of being received at his comming againe Kingdome of Grace, in as much as they have already the Promise of being received at his comming againe.....

Complete text of 61131436:

Neverthelesse, he promised by his Prophets to restore this his Government to them again, when the time he hath in his secret counsell appointed for it shall bee fully come, and when they shall turn unto him by repentance, and amendment of life; and not onely so, but he invited also the Gentiles to come in, and enjoy the happinesse of his Reign, on the same conditions of conversion and repentance; and hee promised also to send his Son into the world, to expiate the sins of them all by his death, and to prepare them by his Doctrine, to receive him at his second coming: Which second coming not yet being, the kingdome of God is not yet come, and wee are not now under any other Kings by Pact, but our Civill Soveraigns; saving onely, that Christian men are already in the kingdome of Grace, in as much as they have already the Promise of being received at his comming againe

Segments in 61131437:

[1]: ...As That The Kingdome Of God Is The Present Church Consequent to this Errour, that the present Church is Christs Kingdome, there ought to be some one Man, or Assembly, by.....

[2]: ...As That The Kingdome Of God Is The Present Church Consequent to this Errour, that the present Church is Christs Kingdome , there ought to be some one Man, or Assembly, by whose mouth our Saviour (now in heaven) speaketh, giveth law, and which representeth his person to a.....

Complete text of 61131437:

As That The kingdome Of God Is The Present Church Consequent to this Errour, that the present Church is Christs kingdome, there ought to be some one Man, or Assembly, by whose mouth our Saviour (now in heaven) speaketh, giveth law, and which representeth his person to all Christians, or divers Men, or divers Assemblies that doe the same to divers parts of Christendome

Segments in 61131442:

[1]: ...) "That if a King at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his Kingdome of Haeresies, and being excommunicate for the same, doe not give satisfaction within a year, his Subjects are absolved of the bond of their obedience.....

Complete text of 61131442:

) "That if a King at the Popes admonition, doe not purge his kingdome of Haeresies, and being excommunicate for the same, doe not give satisfaction within a year, his Subjects are absolved of the bond of their obedience

Segments in 61131445:

[1]: ...And That The Pastors Are The Clergy From the same opinion, that the present Church is the Kingdome of God, it proceeds that Pastours, Deacons, and all other Ministers of the Church, take the name to themselves of the Clergy, giving to other Christi.....

Complete text of 61131445:

And That The Pastors Are The Clergy From the same opinion, that the present Church is the kingdome of God, it proceeds that Pastours, Deacons, and all other Ministers of the Church, take the name to themselves of the Clergy, giving to other Christians the name of Laity, that is, simply People

Segments in 61131447:

[1]: ...The Pope therefore, (pretending the present Church to be, as the Realme of Israel, the Kingdome of God) challenging to himselfe and his subordinate Ministers, the like revenue, as the Inheritance of God, the name of Clergy was sutable to that cl.....

Complete text of 61131447:

The Pope therefore, (pretending the present Church to be, as the Realme of Israel, the kingdome of God) challenging to himselfe and his subordinate Ministers, the like revenue, as the Inheritance of God, the name of Clergy was sutable to that claime

Complete text of 61131450:

And in the Kingdome of the Jewes, during the Sacerdotall Reigne of God, the Tithes and Offerings were the whole Publique Revenue

Segments in 61131494:

[1]: ...As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present Kingdome of God administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that.....

[2]: ...od administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which ti Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any King.....

Complete text of 61131494:

As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present kingdome of God administred by the Pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any King

Segments in 61131496:

[1]: ...The most difficult place to answer, of all those than can be brought, to prove the Kingdome of God by Christ is already in this world, is alledged, not by Bellarmine, nor any other of the Church of Rome; but by Beza; that will have it to beg.....

Complete text of 61131496:

The most difficult place to answer, of all those than can be brought, to prove the kingdome of God by Christ is already in this world, is alledged, not by Bellarmine, nor any other of the Church of Rome; but by Beza; that will have it to begin from the Resurrection of Christ

Complete text of 61131499:

Answer To The Text On Which Beza Infereth That The kingdome Of Christ Began At The Resurrection The words are (Marke 9

Complete text of 61131501:

) "Verily, I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not tast of death, till they have seene the Kingdome of God come with power

Segments in 61131502:

[1]: ...ch words, if taken grammatically, make it certaine, that either some of those men that stood by Christ at that time, are yet alive; or else, that the King Kingdome of God must be now in this present world.....

Complete text of 61131502:

" Which words, if taken grammatically, make it certaine, that either some of those men that stood by Christ at that time, are yet alive; or else, that the kingdome of God must be now in this present world

Segments in 61131506:

[1]: ...) "Wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdome to Israel," he answered them, "It is not for you to know the times and the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power; But ye shall receive .....

[2]: ... my (Martyrs) witnesses both in Jerusalem, & in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth:" Which is as much as to say, My Kingdome is not yet come, nor shall you foreknow when it shall come, for it shall come as a theefe in the night; But I will send you the Holy Ghost, and by him you shall have power to beare witnesse to all the world (by your preaching) of my Resurrection, and the wo Kingdome is not yet come, nor shall you foreknow when it shall come, for it shall come as a theefe in the night; But I will send you the Holy Ghost, and by hi.....

[3]: ... doctrine I have taught, that they may beleeve in me, and expect eternall life, at my comming againe: How does this agree with the comming of Christs Kingdome at the Resurrection? And that which St Kingdome at the Resurrection? And that which St.....

Complete text of 61131506:

) "Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdome to Israel," he answered them, "It is not for you to know the times and the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power; But ye shall receive power by the comming of the Holy Ghost upon you, and yee shall be my (Martyrs) witnesses both in Jerusalem, & in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth:" Which is as much as to say, My kingdome is not yet come, nor shall you foreknow when it shall come, for it shall come as a theefe in the night; But I will send you the Holy Ghost, and by him you shall have power to beare witnesse to all the world (by your preaching) of my Resurrection, and the workes I have done, and the doctrine I have taught, that they may beleeve in me, and expect eternall life, at my comming againe: How does this agree with the comming of Christs kingdome at the Resurrection? And that which St

Segments in 61131510:

[1]: ...r his Sonne from Heaven:" Where to waite for his Sonne from Heaven, is to wait for his comming to be King in power; which were not necessary, if this Kingdome had beene then present Kingdome had beene then present.....

Complete text of 61131510:

) "That they turned from Idols, to serve the living and true God, and to waite for his Sonne from Heaven:" Where to waite for his Sonne from Heaven, is to wait for his comming to be King in power; which were not necessary, if this kingdome had beene then present

Complete text of 61131511:

Againe, if the Kingdome of God began (as Beza on that place (Mark 9

Complete text of 61131513:

) would have it) at the Resurrection; what reason is there for Christians ever since the Resurrection to say in their prayers, "Let thy kingdome Come"? It is therefore manifest, that the words of St

Complete text of 61131515:

There be some of them that stand here (saith our Saviour) that shall not tast of death till they have seen the kingdome of God come in power

Complete text of 61131516:

If then this kingdome were to come at the Resurrection of Christ, why is it said, "some of them" rather than all? For they all lived till after Christ was risen

Complete text of 61131540:

" Howsoever it be, yet there can from thence be taken no argument, to prove that the kingdome of God taketh beginning till the day of Judgement

Segments in 61131594:

[1]: ...I have shewed already, that the Kingdome of God by Christ beginneth at the day of Judgment: That in that day, the Faithfull shall rise again, with glorious, and spirituall Bodies, and bee hi.....

[2]: ...neth at the day of Judgment: That in that day, the Faithfull shall rise again, with glorious, and spirituall Bodies, and bee his Subjects in that his Kingdome, which shall be Eternall; That they shall neither mar Kingdome , which shall be Eternall; That they shall neither marry, nor be given in marriage, nor eate and drink, as they did in their naturall bodies; but live.....

Complete text of 61131594:

I have shewed already, that the kingdome of God by Christ beginneth at the day of Judgment: That in that day, the Faithfull shall rise again, with glorious, and spirituall Bodies, and bee his Subjects in that his Kingdome, which shall be Eternall; That they shall neither marry, nor be given in marriage, nor eate and drink, as they did in their naturall bodies; but live for ever in their individuall persons, without the specificall eternity of generation: And that the Reprobates also shall rise again, to receive punishments for their sins: As also, that those of the Elect, which shall be alive in their earthly bodies at that day, shall have their bodies suddenly changed, and made spirituall, and Immortall

Segments in 61131595:

[1]: ...But that the bodies of the Reprobate, who make the Kingdome of Satan, shall also be glorious, or spirituall bodies, or that they shall bee as the Angels of God, neither eating, nor drinking, nor engendring; or.....

Complete text of 61131595:

But that the bodies of the Reprobate, who make the kingdome of Satan, shall also be glorious, or spirituall bodies, or that they shall bee as the Angels of God, neither eating, nor drinking, nor engendring; or that their life shall be Eternall in their individuall persons, as the life of every faithfull man is, or as the life of Adam had been if hee had not sinned, there is no place of Scripture to prove it; save onely these places concerning Eternall Torments; which may otherwise be interpreted

Segments in 61131691:

[1]: ...For if after the Resurrection, such as have not heard of Christ, or not beleeved in him, may be received into Christs Kingdome ; it is not in vain, after their death, that their friends should pray for them, till they should be risen.....

Complete text of 61131691:

For if after the Resurrection, such as have not heard of Christ, or not beleeved in him, may be received into Christs kingdome; it is not in vain, after their death, that their friends should pray for them, till they should be risen

Complete text of 61131718:

"Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome:" Therefore, saith hee, there is Remission of sins after this life

Segments in 61131773:

[1]: ...t many of them, as thornes in their sides, to awaken from time to time their Piety and Industry: so our Saviour, in conducting us toward his heavenly Kingdome, did not destroy all the difficulties of Naturall Questions; but left them to exercise our Industry, and Reason; the Scope of his preaching, Kingdome , did not destroy all the difficulties of Naturall Questions; but left them to exercise our Industry, and Reason; the Scope of his preaching, being on.....

Complete text of 61131773:

For as God, when he brought the Israelites into the Land of Promise, did not secure them therein, by subduing all the Nations round about them; but left many of them, as thornes in their sides, to awaken from time to time their Piety and Industry: so our Saviour, in conducting us toward his heavenly Kingdome, did not destroy all the difficulties of Naturall Questions; but left them to exercise our Industry, and Reason; the Scope of his preaching, being onely to shew us this plain and direct way to Salvation, namely, the beleef of this Article, "that he was the Christ, the Son of the living God, sent into the world to sacrifice himselfe for our Sins, and at his comming again, gloriously to reign over his Elect, and to save them from their Enemies eternally:" To which, the opinion of Possession by Spirits, or Phantasmes, are no impediment in the way; though it be to some an occasion of going out of the way, and to follow their own Inventions

Segments in 61131783:

[1]: ...ose extraordinary gifts were given to the Church, for no longer a time, than men trusted wholly to Christ, and looked for their felicity onely in his Kingdome to come; and cons Kingdome to come; and consequently, that when they sought Authority, and Riches, and trusted to their own Subtilty for a Kingdome of this world, these superna.....

[2]: ... their felicity onely in his Kingdome to come; and consequently, that when they sought Authority, and Riches, and trusted to their own Subtilty for a Kingdome of this world, these supernaturall gifts of God were again taken from them Kingdome of this world, these supernaturall gifts of God were again taken from them.....

Complete text of 61131783:

And it is probable, that those extraordinary gifts were given to the Church, for no longer a time, than men trusted wholly to Christ, and looked for their felicity onely in his kingdome to come; and consequently, that when they sought Authority, and Riches, and trusted to their own Subtilty for a kingdome of this world, these supernaturall gifts of God were again taken from them

Segments in 61131842:

[1]: ...e understood the signes which God hath been pleased to use, or ordain to be used, of his promise to assist those persons in their study to Preach his Kingdome, and in their Conversation, that it might not be Scandalous, but Edifying to others Kingdome , and in their Conversation, that it might not be Scandalous, but Edifying to others.....

Complete text of 61131842:

Therefore the safest way is to beleeve, that by the Descending of the Dove upon the Apostles; and by Christs Breathing on them, when hee gave them the Holy Ghost; and by the giving of it by Imposition of Hands, are understood the signes which God hath been pleased to use, or ordain to be used, of his promise to assist those persons in their study to Preach his kingdome, and in their Conversation, that it might not be Scandalous, but Edifying to others

Segments in 61132006:

[1]: ... of wife and children; but upon the design of the Popes, and Priests of after times, to make themselves the Clergy, that is to say, sole Heirs of the Kingdome of God in this world; to which it was necessary to take from them the use of Marriage, because our Saviour saith, that at the coming of his Kingdome the Children of God shall "neither Marry, no Kingdome of God in this world; to which it was necessary to take from them the use of Marriage, because our Saviour saith, that at the coming of his Kingdome .....

[2]: ... Kingdome of God in this world; to which it was necessary to take from them the use of Marriage, because our Saviour saith, that at the coming of his Kingdome the Children of God shall "neither Marry, nor bee given in Marriage, but shall bee as the Angels in heaven;" that is to say, Spirituall Kingdome the Children of God shall "neither Marry, nor bee given in Marriage, but shall bee as the Angels in heaven;" that is to say, Spirituall.....

Complete text of 61132006:

Paul, who perceived how inconvenient a thing it was, for those that in those times of persecution were Preachers of the Gospel, and forced to fly from one countrey to another, to be clogged with the care of wife and children; but upon the design of the Popes, and Priests of after times, to make themselves the Clergy, that is to say, sole Heirs of the kingdome of God in this world; to which it was necessary to take from them the use of Marriage, because our Saviour saith, that at the coming of his kingdome the Children of God shall "neither Marry, nor bee given in Marriage, but shall bee as the Angels in heaven;" that is to say, Spirituall

Segments in 61132048:

[1]: ...That The Church Militant Is The Kingdome Of God, Was First Taught By The Church Of Rome And first, to this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The Kingdome Of God, (th.....

[2]: ...tant Is The Kingdome Of God, Was First Taught By The Church Of Rome And first, to this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The Kingdome Of God, (t Kingdome Of God, (that is, the Kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the Kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these wo.....

[3]: ...s First Taught By The Church Of Rome And first, to this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The Kingdome Of God, (that is, the Kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the Kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the Kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these worldly Benefits, First, that the.....

[4]: ...o this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The Kingdome Of God, (that is, the Kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the Kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these worldly Benefits, First, th Kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these worldly Benefits, First, that the Pastors, and Teachers of the Church, are entitled .....

Complete text of 61132048:

That The Church Militant Is The kingdome Of God, Was First Taught By The Church Of Rome And first, to this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The kingdome Of God, (that is, the kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these worldly Benefits, First, that the Pastors, and Teachers of the Church, are entitled thereby, as Gods Publique Ministers, to a Right of Governing the Church; and consequently (because the Church, and Common-wealth are the same Persons) to be Rectors, and Governours of the Common-wealth

Segments in 61132052:

[1]: ...ended to it, and for a long time enjoyed it, were the Authors of the Doctrine, by which it was obtained; namely, that the Church now on Earth, is the Kingdome of Christ Kingdome of Christ.....

Complete text of 61132052:

This Benefit of an Universall Monarchy, (considering the desire of men to bear Rule) is a sufficient Presumption, that the popes that pretended to it, and for a long time enjoyed it, were the Authors of the Doctrine, by which it was obtained; namely, that the Church now on Earth, is the kingdome of Christ

Segments in 61132056:

[1]: ...ces where the Presbytery took that Office, though many other Doctrines of the Church of Rome were forbidden to be taught; yet this Doctrine, that the Kingdome of Christ is already come, and that it began Kingdome of Christ is already come, and that it began at the Resurrection of our Saviour, was still retained.....

Complete text of 61132056:

And Maintained Also By The Presbytery But in those places where the Presbytery took that Office, though many other Doctrines of the Church of Rome were forbidden to be taught; yet this Doctrine, that the kingdome of Christ is already come, and that it began at the Resurrection of our Saviour, was still retained

Complete text of 61132068:

For if a King be a Priest, he cannot Marry, and transmit his kingdome to his Posterity; If he be not a Priest then the Pope pretendeth this Authority Ecclesiasticall over him, and over his people

Segments in 61132076:

[1]: ... and Roman Clergy, and all those besides that endeavour to settle in the mindes of men this erroneous Doctrine, that the Church now on Earth, is that Kingdome of God mentioned in the Old and New Testament Kingdome of God mentioned in the Old and New Testament.....

Complete text of 61132076:

And therefore by the aforesaid rule, of Cui Bono, we may justly pronounce for the Authors of all this Spirituall Darknesse, the Pope, and Roman Clergy, and all those besides that endeavour to settle in the mindes of men this erroneous Doctrine, that the Church now on Earth, is that kingdome of God mentioned in the Old and New Testament

Segments in 61132089:

[1]: ...Comparison Of The Papacy With The Kingdome Of Fayries But after this Doctrine, "that the Church now Militant, is the Kingdome of God spoken of in the Old and New Testament," was received in t.....

[2]: ...Comparison Of The Papacy With The Kingdome Of Fayries But after this Doctrine, "that the Church now Militant, is the Kingdome of God spoken of in the Old and New Testament," was received in the World; the ambition, and canvasing for the Offices that belong thereunto, and esp.....

Complete text of 61132089:

Comparison Of The Papacy With The kingdome Of Fayries But after this Doctrine, "that the Church now Militant, is the kingdome of God spoken of in the Old and New Testament," was received in the World; the ambition, and canvasing for the Offices that belong thereunto, and especially for that great Office of being Christs Lieutenant, and the Pompe of them that obtained therein the principal Publique Charges, became by degrees so evident, that they lost the inward Reverence due to the Pastorall Function: in so much as the Wisest men, of them that had any power in the Civill State, needed nothing but the authority of their Princes, to deny them any further Obedience

Segments in 61132091:

[1]: ...Peter, their whole Hierarchy, or Kingdome of Darknesse, may be compared not unfitly to the Kingdome of Fairies; that is, to the old wives Fables in England, concerning Ghosts and Spirits, and.....

[2]: ...Peter, their whole Hierarchy, or Kingdome of Darknesse, may be compared not unfitly to the Kingdome of Fairies; that is, to the old wives Fables in England, concerning Ghosts and Spirits, and the feats they play in the night.....

Complete text of 61132091:

Peter, their whole Hierarchy, or kingdome of Darknesse, may be compared not unfitly to the kingdome of Fairies; that is, to the old wives Fables in England, concerning Ghosts and Spirits, and the feats they play in the night

Complete text of 61132113:

What kind of Money is currant in the kingdome of Fairies, is not recorded in the Story

Segments in 61132115:

[1]: ...To this, and such like resemblances between the Papacy, and the Kingdome of Fairies, may be added this, that as the Fairies have no existence, but in the Fancies of ignorant people, rising from the Traditions of old Wives,.....

Complete text of 61132115:

To this, and such like resemblances between the Papacy, and the kingdome of Fairies, may be added this, that as the Fairies have no existence, but in the Fancies of ignorant people, rising from the Traditions of old Wives, or old Poets: so the Spirituall Power of the Pope (without the bounds of his own Civill Dominion) consisteth onely in the Fear that Seduced people stand in, of their Excommunication; upon hearing of false Miracles, false Traditions, and false Interpretations of the Scripture

Segments in 61132119:

[1]: ...ter, and inhabite this clean swept house, and make the End thereof worse than the beginning? For it is not the Romane Clergy onely, that pretends the Kingdome of God to be of this World, and thereby to have a Power therein, distinct from that of the Civill State Kingdome of God to be of this World, and thereby to have a Power therein, distinct from that of the Civill State.....

Complete text of 61132119:

But who knows that this Spirit of Rome, now gone out, and walking by Missions through the dry places of China, Japan, and the Indies, that yeeld him little fruit, may not return, or rather an Assembly of Spirits worse than he, enter, and inhabite this clean swept house, and make the End thereof worse than the beginning? For it is not the Romane Clergy onely, that pretends the kingdome of God to be of this World, and thereby to have a Power therein, distinct from that of the Civill State

Segments in 61132166:

[1]: ...s Peculiar People, to distinguish them from the rest of the world, over whom God reigned not by their Consent, but by his own Power: And that in this Kingdome Moses was Gods Lieutenant on Earth; and that it was he that told them what Laws God appointed to doe Execution; especially in Capitall Punishments; not then thinking it a matter of so necessar Kingdome Moses was Gods Lieutenant on Earth; and that it was he that told them what Laws God appointed to doe Execution; especially in Capitall Punishments; n.....

Complete text of 61132166:

In the 35th Chapter, I have sufficiently declared out of the Scripture, that in the Common-wealth of the Jewes, God himselfe was made the Soveraign, by Pact with the People; who were therefore called his Peculiar People, to distinguish them from the rest of the world, over whom God reigned not by their Consent, but by his own Power: And that in this kingdome Moses was Gods Lieutenant on Earth; and that it was he that told them what Laws God appointed to doe Execution; especially in Capitall Punishments; not then thinking it a matter of so necessary consideration, as I find it since

Segments in 61132171:

[1]: ...en occasion to a dangerous opinion, that any man may kill another, is some cases, by a Right of Zeal; as if the Executions done upon Offenders in the Kingdome of God in old time, proceeded not from the Soveraign Command, but from Kingdome of God in old time, proceeded not from the Soveraign Command, but from the Authority of Private Zeal: which, if we consider the texts that seem to fa.....

Complete text of 61132171:

Neverthelesse, this manner of proceeding being not throughly understood, hath given occasion to a dangerous opinion, that any man may kill another, is some cases, by a Right of Zeal; as if the Executions done upon Offenders in the kingdome of God in old time, proceeded not from the Soveraign Command, but from the Authority of Private Zeal: which, if we consider the texts that seem to favour it, is quite contrary

Complete text of 61132186:

The Law of Moses concerning him that enticeth to Idolatry, (that is to say, in the kingdome of God to a renouncing of his Allegiance) (Deut