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Textblocks with "pope"

Segments in 61126720:

[1]: ...Lastly, amongst the points by the Church of Rome declared necessary for Salvation, there be so many, manifestly to the advantage of the Pope , and of his spirituall subjects, residing in the territories of other Christian Princes, that were it not for the mutuall emulation of those Princes,.....

Complete text of 61126720:

Lastly, amongst the points by the Church of Rome declared necessary for Salvation, there be so many, manifestly to the advantage of the pope, and of his spirituall subjects, residing in the territories of other Christian Princes, that were it not for the mutuall emulation of those Princes, they might without warre, or trouble, exclude all forraign Authority, as easily as it has been excluded in England

Segments in 61126721:

[1]: ...be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other sign Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exemp.....

[2]: ...from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a Pope (as Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private inte Pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from th.....

Complete text of 61126721:

For who is there that does not see, to whose benefit it conduceth, to have it believed, that a King hath not his Authority from Christ, unlesse a Bishop crown him? That a King, if he be a Priest, cannot Marry? That whether a Prince be born in lawfull Marriage, or not, must be judged by Authority from Rome? That Subjects may be freed from their Alleageance, if by the Court of Rome, the King be judged an Heretique? That a King (as Chilperique of France) may be deposed by a pope (as pope Zachary,) for no cause; and his Kingdome given to one of his Subjects? That the Clergy, and Regulars, in what Country soever, shall be exempt from the Jurisdiction of their King, in cases criminall? Or who does not see, to whose profit redound the Fees of private Masses, and Vales of Purgatory; with other signes of private interest, enough to mortifie the most lively Faith, if (as I sayd) the civill Magistrate, and Custome did not more sustain it, than any opinion they have of the Sanctity, Wisdome, or Probity of their Teachers? So that I may attribute all the changes of Religion in the world, to one and the some cause; and that is, unpleasing Priests; and those not onely amongst Catholiques, but even in that Church that hath presumed most of Reformation

Segments in 61128172:

[1]: ...So was Thomas Beckett Archbishop of Canterbury, supported against Henry the Second, by the Pope ; the subjection of Ecclesiastiques to the Common-wealth, having been dispensed with by William the Conqueror at his reception, when he took an Oath, .....

Complete text of 61128172:

So was Thomas Beckett Archbishop of Canterbury, supported against Henry the Second, by the pope; the subjection of Ecclesiastiques to the Common-wealth, having been dispensed with by William the Conqueror at his reception, when he took an Oath, not to infringe the liberty of the Church

Segments in 61128297:

[1]: ...Yet to the first, I doubt not to answer; that till towards the later end of Henry the Eighth, the Power of the Pope , was alwayes upheld against the Power of the Common-wealth, principally by the Universities; and that the doctrines maintained by so many Preachers, .....

Complete text of 61128297:

Yet to the first, I doubt not to answer; that till towards the later end of Henry the Eighth, the Power of the pope, was alwayes upheld against the Power of the Common-wealth, principally by the Universities; and that the doctrines maintained by so many Preachers, against the Soveraign Power of the King, and by so many Lawyers, and others, that had their education there, is a sufficient argument, that though the Universities were not authors of those false doctrines, yet they knew not how to plant the true

Segments in 61130108:

[1]: ...er To Teach Cardinall Bellarmine in his third generall Controversie, hath handled a great many questions concerning the Ecclesiasticall Power of the Pope of Rome; and begins with this, Whe Pope of Rome; and begins with this, Whether it ought to be Monarchicall, Aristocraticall, or Democraticall.....

Complete text of 61130108:

The Power Ecclesiasticall Is But The Power To Teach Cardinall Bellarmine in his third generall Controversie, hath handled a great many questions concerning the Ecclesiasticall Power of the pope of Rome; and begins with this, Whether it ought to be Monarchicall, Aristocraticall, or Democraticall

Segments in 61130659:

[1]: ... that a Christian King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King, (as divers Christian Kings allow that power to the Pope;) he doth not the Pope ;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his People; for that were to deprive himself of the Civill Power;.....

Complete text of 61130659:

For let it be supposed, that a Christian King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King, (as divers Christian Kings allow that power to the pope;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his People; for that were to deprive himself of the Civill Power; which depending on the opinion men have of their Duty to him, and the fear they have of Punishment in another world, would depend also on the skill, and loyalty of Doctors, who are no lesse subject, not only to Ambition, but also to Ignorance, than any other sort of men

Complete text of 61130688:

The reason therefore why Christian Kings use not to Baptize, is evident, and the same, for which at this day there are few Baptized by Bishops, and by the pope fewer

Segments in 61130769:

[1]: ...If they please therefore, they may (as many Christian Kings now doe) commit the government of their Subjects in matters of Religion to the Pope ; but then the Pope is in that point Subordinate to them, and exerciseth that Charge in anothers Dominion Jure Civili, in the Right of the Civill Sove.....

[2]: ...please therefore, they may (as many Christian Kings now doe) commit the government of their Subjects in matters of Religion to the Pope; but then the Pope is Pope is in that point Subordinate to them, and exerciseth that Charge in anothers Dominion Jure Civili, in the Right of the Civill Soveraign; not Jure Div.....

Complete text of 61130769:

If they please therefore, they may (as many Christian Kings now doe) commit the government of their Subjects in matters of Religion to the pope; but then the pope is in that point Subordinate to them, and exerciseth that Charge in anothers Dominion Jure Civili, in the Right of the Civill Soveraign; not Jure Divino, in Gods Right; and may therefore be discharged of that Office, when the Soveraign for the good of his Subjects shall think it necessary

Segments in 61130775:

[1]: ..., and in other places of this Book, seem cleer enough for the asserting of the Supreme Ecclesiasticall Power to Christian Soveraigns; yet because the Pope of Romes challenge to that Power universally, hath been maintained chiefly, and I thi Pope of Romes challenge to that Power universally, hath been maintained chiefly, and I think as strongly as is possible, by Cardinall Bellarmine, in his C.....

Complete text of 61130775:

Cardinal Bellarmines Books De Summo Pontifice Considered Though this that I have here said, and in other places of this Book, seem cleer enough for the asserting of the Supreme Ecclesiasticall Power to Christian Soveraigns; yet because the pope of Romes challenge to that Power universally, hath been maintained chiefly, and I think as strongly as is possible, by Cardinall Bellarmine, in his Controversie De Summo Pontifice; I have thought it necessary, as briefly as I can, to examine the grounds, and strength of his Discourse

Complete text of 61130831:

The Third Book In the third Book, he handleth the question whether the pope be Antichrist

Segments in 61130836:

[1]: ...e the Christ, but are not, and are called properly Antichrists, in such sense, as when there happeneth a Schisme in the Church by the election of two Popes, the one calleth the other Antip Pope s, the one calleth the other Antipapa, or the false Pope.....

[2]: ...hrists, in such sense, as when there happeneth a Schisme in the Church by the election of two Popes, the one calleth the other Antipapa, or the false Pope Pope .....

Complete text of 61130836:

False Christs, are such as pretend to be the Christ, but are not, and are called properly Antichrists, in such sense, as when there happeneth a Schisme in the Church by the election of two Popes, the one calleth the other Antipapa, or the false pope

Segments in 61130852:

[1]: ...Now seeing the Pope of Rome, neither pretendeth himself, nor denyeth Jesus to be the Christ, I perceive not how he can be called Antichrist; by which word is not meant, .....

Complete text of 61130852:

Now seeing the Pope of Rome, neither pretendeth himself, nor denyeth Jesus to be the Christ, I perceive not how he can be called Antichrist; by which word is not meant, one that falsely pretendeth to be His Lieutenant, or Vicar Generall, but to be Hee

Segments in 61130866:

[1]: ...It is true, the Pope in taking upon him to give Laws to all Christian Kings, and Nations, usurpeth a Kingdome in this world, which Christ took not on him: but he doth it .....

Complete text of 61130866:

It is true, the pope in taking upon him to give Laws to all Christian Kings, and Nations, usurpeth a Kingdome in this world, which Christ took not on him: but he doth it not As Christ, but as For Christ, wherein there is nothing of the Antichrist

Segments in 61130867:

[1]: ...The Fourth Book In the fourth Book, to prove the Pope to be the supreme Judg in all questions of Faith and Manners, (which is as much as to be the absolute Monarch of all Christians in the world,) be bri.....

[2]: ...nd, that he can make very Laws, and punish those that observe them not: The third, that our Saviour conferred all Jurisdiction Ecclesiasticall on the Pope of Rome Pope of Rome.....

Complete text of 61130867:

The Fourth Book In the fourth Book, to prove the pope to be the supreme Judg in all questions of Faith and Manners, (which is as much as to be the absolute Monarch of all Christians in the world,) be bringeth three Propositions: The first, that his Judgments are Infallible: The second, that he can make very Laws, and punish those that observe them not: The third, that our Saviour conferred all Jurisdiction Ecclesiasticall on the pope of Rome

Segments in 61130871:

[1]: ...either he, nor any of his successors should ever define any point concerning Faith, or Manners erroneously, or contrary to the definition of a former Pope: Which is a strange, and very much strained interpretation Pope : Which is a strange, and very much strained interpretation.....

Complete text of 61130871:

" This, according to Bellarmines exposition, is, that Christ gave here to Simon Peter two priviledges: one, that neither his Faith should fail, neither he, nor any of his successors should ever define any point concerning Faith, or Manners erroneously, or contrary to the definition of a former Pope: Which is a strange, and very much strained interpretation

Segments in 61130899:

[1]: ...t for Evidence and Truth, that is, for the Ecclesiasticall Supremacy of Civill Soveraigns over their own Subjects, against the pretended Power of the Pope Pope .....

Complete text of 61130899:

But be it Evidence and Truth it selfe that was given; or be it but Admonition to the Priest to endeavour to inform himself cleerly, and give judgment uprightly; yet in that it was given to the High Priest, it was given to the Civill Soveraign: For next under God was the High Priest in the Common-wealth of Israel; and is an argument for Evidence and Truth, that is, for the Ecclesiasticall Supremacy of Civill Soveraigns over their own Subjects, against the pretended Power of the pope

Complete text of 61130900:

These are all the Texts hee bringeth for the Infallibility of the Judgement of the pope, in point of Faith

Segments in 61130904:

[1]: ...But with this mitigation, he attributeth no more Infallibility to the Pope , than to any man that professeth Christianity, and is not to be damned: For if any man erre in any point, wherein not to erre is necessary to Salvati.....

Complete text of 61130904:

But with this mitigation, he attributeth no more Infallibility to the pope, than to any man that professeth Christianity, and is not to be damned: For if any man erre in any point, wherein not to erre is necessary to Salvation, it is impossible he should be saved; for that onely is necessary to Salvation, without which to be saved is impossible

Segments in 61130906:

[1]: ...In this place I say no more, but that though it were granted, the Pope could not possibly teach any error at all, yet doth not this entitle him to any Jurisdiction in the Dominions of another Prince, unlesse we shall als.....

Complete text of 61130906:

In this place I say no more, but that though it were granted, the pope could not possibly teach any error at all, yet doth not this entitle him to any Jurisdiction in the Dominions of another Prince, unlesse we shall also say, a man is obliged in conscience to set on work upon all occasions the best workman, even then also when he hath formerly promised his work to another

Segments in 61130907:

[1]: ...Besides the Text, he argueth from Reason, thus, If the Pope could erre in necessaries, then Christ hath not sufficiently provided for the Churches Salvation; because he hath commanded her to follow the Popes d.....

[2]: ...he Pope could erre in necessaries, then Christ hath not sufficiently provided for the Churches Salvation; because he hath commanded her to follow the Popes directions Pope s directions.....

Complete text of 61130907:

Besides the Text, he argueth from Reason, thus, If the pope could erre in necessaries, then Christ hath not sufficiently provided for the Churches Salvation; because he hath commanded her to follow the Popes directions

Complete text of 61130908:

But this Reason is invalid, unlesse he shew when, and where Christ commanded that, or took at all any notice of a pope: Nay granting whatsoever was given to S

Complete text of 61130909:

Peter was given to the pope; yet seeing there is in the Scripture no command to any man to obey St

Segments in 61130911:

[1]: ...Lastly, it hath not been declared by the Church, nor by the Pope himselfe, that he is the Civill Soveraign of all the Christians in the world; and therefore all Christians are not bound to acknowledge his Jurisdict.....

Complete text of 61130911:

Lastly, it hath not been declared by the Church, nor by the pope himselfe, that he is the Civill Soveraign of all the Christians in the world; and therefore all Christians are not bound to acknowledge his Jurisdiction in point of Manners

Segments in 61130913:

[1]: ...And therefore when the Pope challengeth Supremacy in controversies of Manners, hee teacheth men to disobey the Civill Soveraign; which is an erroneous Doctrine, contrary to the .....

Complete text of 61130913:

And therefore when the pope challengeth Supremacy in controversies of Manners, hee teacheth men to disobey the Civill Soveraign; which is an erroneous Doctrine, contrary to the many precepts of our Saviour and his Apostles, delivered to us in the Scripture

Complete text of 61130914:

To prove the pope has Power to make Laws, he alledgeth many places; as first, Deut

Complete text of 61130921:

" which is cleerly for the Civill Soveraignty, against the Universall power of the Pope

Segments in 61130928:

[1]: ...bind heavy burthens, and grievous to be born, and lay them on mens shoulders;" by which is meant (he sayes) Making of Laws; and concludes thence, the Pope can make Laws Pope can make Laws.....

Complete text of 61130928:

) to the Scribes and Pharisees, "They bind heavy burthens, and grievous to be born, and lay them on mens shoulders;" by which is meant (he sayes) Making of Laws; and concludes thence, the pope can make Laws

Segments in 61130960:

[1]: ...For if the Apostle had meant, we should be subject both to our own Princes, and also to the Pope , he had taught us a doctrine, which Christ himself hath told us is impossible, namely, "to serve two Masters.....

Complete text of 61130960:

For if the Apostle had meant, we should be subject both to our own Princes, and also to the pope, he had taught us a doctrine, which Christ himself hath told us is impossible, namely, "to serve two Masters

Complete text of 61131012:

If it were meant here, that all they teach were Laws, then not onely the pope, but every Pastor in his Parish should have Legislative Power

Complete text of 61131022:

Nothing therefore can be drawn from these, or any other places of Scripture, to prove the Decrees of the pope, where he has not also the Civill Soveraignty, to be Laws

Segments in 61131023:

[1]: ...The Question Of Superiority Between The Pope And Other Bishops The last point hee would prove, is this, "That our Saviour Christ has committed Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction immediately to none bu.....

[2]: ...ther Bishops The last point hee would prove, is this, "That our Saviour Christ has committed Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction immediately to none but the Pope Pope .....

Complete text of 61131023:

The Question Of Superiority Between The pope And Other Bishops The last point hee would prove, is this, "That our Saviour Christ has committed Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction immediately to none but the pope

Complete text of 61131024:

" Wherein he handleth not the Question of Supremacy between the pope and Christian Kings, but between the pope and other Bishops

Segments in 61131029:

[1]: ...And thence inferres, they have indeed their Jurisdiction in Gods Right; but will not grant they have it immediately from God, but derived through the Pope Pope .....

Complete text of 61131029:

where hee sayes, that Christ after his Ascension into heaven, "gave gifts to men, some Apostles, some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors, and some Teachers:" And thence inferres, they have indeed their Jurisdiction in Gods Right; but will not grant they have it immediately from God, but derived through the pope

Segments in 61131031:

[1]: ...er hee must grant every Constable in the State, to hold his Office in the Right of God; or he must not hold that any Bishop holds his so, besides the Pope himselfe Pope himselfe.....

Complete text of 61131031:

All lawfull Power is of God, immediately in the Supreme Governour, and mediately in those that have Authority under him: So that either hee must grant every Constable in the State, to hold his Office in the Right of God; or he must not hold that any Bishop holds his so, besides the Pope himselfe

Segments in 61131032:

[1]: ...But this whole Dispute, whether Christ left the Jurisdiction to the Pope onely, or to other Bishops also, if considered out of these places where the Pope has the Civill Soveraignty, is a contention De Lana Caprina: For no.....

[2]: ...But this whole Dispute, whether Christ left the Jurisdiction to the Pope onely, or to other Bishops also, if considered out of these places where the Pope has the Civill Soveraignty, is a contention De Lana Caprina: For none of them (where they are not Soveraigns) has any Jurisdiction at all.....

Complete text of 61131032:

But this whole Dispute, whether Christ left the Jurisdiction to the pope onely, or to other Bishops also, if considered out of these places where the pope has the Civill Soveraignty, is a contention De Lana Caprina: For none of them (where they are not Soveraigns) has any Jurisdiction at all

Complete text of 61131037:

The arguments by which he would prove, that Bishops receive their Jurisdiction from the pope (seeing the pope in the Dominions of other Princes hath no Jurisdiction himself,) are all in vain

Segments in 61131041:

[1]: ...veraign: and therefore that place proveth, that Bishops in every Christian Common-wealth have their Authority from the Civill Soveraign; and from the Pope in his own Territories only, and not in the Territories of any other State Pope in his own Territories only, and not in the Territories of any other State.....

Complete text of 61131041:

But seeing Moses had the entire Soveraignty in the Common-wealth of the Jews, it is manifest, that it is thereby signified, that they had their Authority from the Civill Soveraign: and therefore that place proveth, that Bishops in every Christian Common-wealth have their Authority from the Civill Soveraign; and from the pope in his own Territories only, and not in the Territories of any other State

Complete text of 61131044:

For they are really Monarchs of their own people; that is, of their own Church (for the Church is the same thing with a Christian people;) whereas the Power of the pope, though hee were S

Complete text of 61131052:

Which argument, if he had proved before, that the pope had had an Universall Jurisdiction over all Christians, had been for his purpose

Segments in 61131053:

[1]: ...But seeing that hath not been proved, and that it is notoriously known, the large Jurisdiction of the Pope was given him by those that had it, that is, by the Emperours of Rome, (for the Patriarch of Constantinople, upon the same title, namely, of being Bi.....

[2]: ...m the Soveraigns of the place wherein they exercise the same: And as for that cause they have not their Authority De Jure Divino; so neither hath the Pope his De Jure Divino, except onely where hee is also the Civill Soveraign Pope his De Jure Divino, except onely where hee is also the Civill Soveraign.....

Complete text of 61131053:

But seeing that hath not been proved, and that it is notoriously known, the large Jurisdiction of the pope was given him by those that had it, that is, by the Emperours of Rome, (for the Patriarch of Constantinople, upon the same title, namely, of being Bishop of the Capitall City of the Empire, and Seat of the Emperour, claimed to be equal to him,) it followeth, that all other Bishops have their Jurisdiction from the Soveraigns of the place wherein they exercise the same: And as for that cause they have not their Authority De Jure Divino; so neither hath the pope his De Jure Divino, except onely where hee is also the Civill Soveraign

Segments in 61131054:

[1]: ...His fift argument is this, "If Bishops have their Jurisdiction immediately from God, the Pope could not take it from them, for he can doe nothing contrary to Gods ordination;" And this consequence is good, and well proved.....

Complete text of 61131054:

His fift argument is this, "If Bishops have their Jurisdiction immediately from God, the pope could not take it from them, for he can doe nothing contrary to Gods ordination;" And this consequence is good, and well proved

Complete text of 61131055:

"But, (saith he) the pope can do this, and has done it

Complete text of 61131064:

But it is an argument no lesse good, to prove the pope himself to have no Jurisdiction in the Dominion of any other Prince

Complete text of 61131066:

Peter: For considering the love of Power naturally implanted in mankind, whosoever were made pope, he would be tempted to uphold the same opinion

Segments in 61131069:

[1]: ...The first is, "That the Pope in not Lord of all the world:" the second, "that the Pope is not Lord of all the Christian world:" The third, "That the Pope (without his owne Territ.....

[2]: ...The first is, "That the Pope in not Lord of all the world:" the second, "that the Pope is not Lord of all the Christian world:" The third, "That the Pope (without his owne Territory) has not any Temporall Jurisdiction DIRECTLY:" These t.....

[3]: ...The first is, "That the Pope in not Lord of all the world:" the second, "that the Pope is not Lord of all the Christian world:" The third, "That the Pope (without his owne Territory) has not any Temporall Jurisdiction DIRECTLY:" These three Conclusions are easily granted.....

Complete text of 61131069:

The first is, "That the pope in not Lord of all the world:" the second, "that the pope is not Lord of all the Christian world:" The third, "That the pope (without his owne Territory) has not any Temporall Jurisdiction DIRECTLY:" These three Conclusions are easily granted

Segments in 61131070:

[1]: ...The fourth is, "That the Pope has (in the Dominions of other Princes) the Supreme Temporall Power INDIRECTLY:" which is denyed; unlesse he mean by Indirectly, that he has gotten i.....

Complete text of 61131070:

The fourth is, "That the pope has (in the Dominions of other Princes) the Supreme Temporall Power INDIRECTLY:" which is denyed; unlesse he mean by Indirectly, that he has gotten it by Indirect means; then is that also granted

Segments in 61131073:

[1]: ...When it is said, the Pope hath not (in the Territories of other States) the Supreme Civill Power Directly; we are to understand, he doth not challenge it, as other Civill Sove.....

Complete text of 61131073:

When it is said, the pope hath not (in the Territories of other States) the Supreme Civill Power Directly; we are to understand, he doth not challenge it, as other Civill Soveraigns doe, from the originall submission thereto of those that are to be governed

Segments in 61131075:

[1]: ...The Pope therefore, when he disclaimeth the Supreme Civill Power over other States Directly, denyeth no more, but that his Right cometh to him by that way; He.....

Complete text of 61131075:

The pope therefore, when he disclaimeth the Supreme Civill Power over other States Directly, denyeth no more, but that his Right cometh to him by that way; He ceaseth not for all that, to claime it another way; and that is, (without the consent of them that are to be governed) by a Right given him by God, (which hee calleth Indirectly,) in his Assumption to the Papacy

Complete text of 61131078:

For the fourth Councell of Lateran held under pope Innocent the third, (in the third Chap

Segments in 61131083:

[1]: ...ought therefore to ease them, either by holding the Reins of Government wholly in their own hands; or by wholly delivering them into the hands of the Pope; that such men as are willing Pope ; that such men as are willing to be obedient, may be protected in their obedience.....

Complete text of 61131083:

Men cannot serve two Masters: They ought therefore to ease them, either by holding the Reins of Government wholly in their own hands; or by wholly delivering them into the hands of the pope; that such men as are willing to be obedient, may be protected in their obedience

Segments in 61131092:

[1]: ... Civill Government be ordained as a means to bring us to a Spirituall felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the Pope the Spirituall, that ther Pope the Spirituall, that therefore the King is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider.....

[2]: ...all felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the Pope the Spirituall, that therefore the King is bound to obey the Pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider Pope , more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider.....

Complete text of 61131092:

If then it be granted, that the Civill Government be ordained as a means to bring us to a Spirituall felicity; yet it does not follow, that if a King have the Civill Power, and the pope the Spirituall, that therefore the King is bound to obey the pope, more then every Sadler is bound to obey every Rider

Segments in 61131100:

[1]: ...s no doubt but that all Christendome were one Common-wealth, whose Soveraign were that Representant, both in things Spirituall and Temporall: And the Pope, to make himself this Representant, wanteth three things that our Saviour hath not given him, to Command, and to Judge, and to Punish, otherwise than (by Excommunication) to run from those that will not Learn of him: For though the Pope were Christs onely Vicar, yet he cannot exercise his government, till our Saviours second coming: And then also it is not the Pope, but St Pope , to make himself this Representant, wanteth three things that our Saviour hath not given him, to Command, and to Judge, and to Punish, otherwise than.....

[2]: ... given him, to Command, and to Judge, and to Punish, otherwise than (by Excommunication) to run from those that will not Learn of him: For though the Pope were Christs onely Vicar, yet he cannot exercise his government, till our Saviours second coming: And then also it is not the Pope, but St Pope were Christs onely Vicar, yet he cannot exercise his government, till our Saviours second coming: And then also it is not the Pope, but St.....

[3]: ...im: For though the Pope were Christs onely Vicar, yet he cannot exercise his government, till our Saviours second coming: And then also it is not the Pope, but St Pope , but St.....

Complete text of 61131100:

And these consist of Christians; and therefore also are severall Bodies of Christians; that is to say, severall Churches: And their severall Soveraigns Represent them, whereby they are capable of commanding and obeying, of doing and suffering, as a natural man; which no Generall or Universall Church is, till it have a Representant; which it hath not on Earth: for if it had, there is no doubt but that all Christendome were one Common-wealth, whose Soveraign were that Representant, both in things Spirituall and Temporall: And the pope, to make himself this Representant, wanteth three things that our Saviour hath not given him, to Command, and to Judge, and to Punish, otherwise than (by Excommunication) to run from those that will not Learn of him: For though the pope were Christs onely Vicar, yet he cannot exercise his government, till our Saviours second coming: And then also it is not the Pope, but St

Complete text of 61131113:

But to judge whether a King draw his subjects to Haeresie, or not, belongeth to the pope

Complete text of 61131114:

Therefore hath the pope Right, to determine whether the Prince be to be deposed, or not deposed

Complete text of 61131131:

And whereas for the Temporall Power of the Pope, he alledgeth further, that St

Complete text of 61131138:

For every Christian Prince, as I have formerly proved, is no lesse Supreme Pastor of his own Subjects, than the pope of his

Segments in 61131140:

[1]: ...This is true; for Christian Kings are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Pope s Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the Pope is no more but King, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe.....

[2]: ...ngs are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the Pope is no more but King, and Pope is no more but King, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe.....

Complete text of 61131140:

This is true; for Christian Kings are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the pope is no more but King, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe

Complete text of 61131155:

Seeing then men challenge to the pope no authority over Heathen Princes, they ought to challenge none over those that are to bee esteemed as Heathen

Complete text of 61131156:

But from the Power to Teach onely, hee inferreth also a Coercive Power in the pope, over Kings

Complete text of 61131157:

The Pastor (saith he) must give his flock convenient food: Therefore the pope may, and ought to compell Kings to doe their duty

Segments in 61131158:

[1]: ...Out of which it followeth, that the Pope , as Pastor of Christian men, is King of Kings: which all Christian Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves .....

Complete text of 61131158:

Out of which it followeth, that the pope, as Pastor of Christian men, is King of Kings: which all Christian Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every one in his own Dominion

Segments in 61131388:

[1]: ...own obedience? or shall any man Judg but he that is appointed thereto by the Church, that is, by the Civill Soveraign that representeth it? or if the Pope, or an Apostle Judge, may he not erre in deducing of a consequence? did not one of the two, St Pope , or an Apostle Judge, may he not erre in deducing of a consequence? did not one of the two, St.....

Complete text of 61131388:

And in case a Subject be forbidden by the Civill Soveraign to professe some of those his opinions, upon what grounds can he disobey? Christian Kings may erre in deducing a Consequence, but who shall Judge? Shall a private man Judge, when the question is of his own obedience? or shall any man Judg but he that is appointed thereto by the Church, that is, by the Civill Soveraign that representeth it? or if the pope, or an Apostle Judge, may he not erre in deducing of a consequence? did not one of the two, St

Segments in 61131438:

[1]: ...This power Regal under Christ, being challenged, universally by that Pope , and in particular Common-wealths by Assemblies of the Pastors of the place, (when the Scripture gives it to none but to Civill Soveraigns,) comes to.....

Complete text of 61131438:

This power Regal under Christ, being challenged, universally by that pope, and in particular Common-wealths by Assemblies of the Pastors of the place, (when the Scripture gives it to none but to Civill Soveraigns,) comes to be so passionately disputed, that it putteth out the Light of Nature, and causeth so great a Darknesse in mens understanding, that they see not who it is to whom they have engaged their obedience

Segments in 61131439:

[1]: ...And That The Pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the Pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, t.....

[2]: ...And That The Pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the Pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, th.....

[3]: ...ods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the Pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under Pope Innocent the third, (Chap Pope , Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under Pope Innocent the third, (Chap.....

[4]: ... at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the Pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under Pope Innocent the third, (Chap Pope Innocent the third, (Chap.....

Complete text of 61131439:

And That The pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian King, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is made King by the favour of God, when he is crowned by the authority of Gods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under pope Innocent the third, (Chap

Segments in 61131444:

[1]: ...And by this means, as often as there is any repugnancy between the Politicall designes of the Pope , and other Christian Princes, as there is very often, there ariseth such a Mist amongst their Subjects, that they know not a stranger that thrusteth .....

Complete text of 61131444:

And by this means, as often as there is any repugnancy between the Politicall designes of the pope, and other Christian Princes, as there is very often, there ariseth such a Mist amongst their Subjects, that they know not a stranger that thrusteth himself into the throne of their lawfull Prince, from him whom they had themselves placed there; and in this Darknesse of mind, are made to fight one against another, without discerning their enemies from their friends, under the conduct of another mans ambition

Segments in 61131447:

[1]: ...The Pope therefore, (pretending the present Church to be, as the Realme of Israel, the Kingdome of God) challenging to himselfe and his subordinate Ministers,.....

Complete text of 61131447:

The pope therefore, (pretending the present Church to be, as the Realme of Israel, the Kingdome of God) challenging to himselfe and his subordinate Ministers, the like revenue, as the Inheritance of God, the name of Clergy was sutable to that claime

Segments in 61131451:

[1]: ...on betweene the Civill and the Canon Laws: The civil Law being the acts of Soveraigns in their own Dominions, and the Canon Law being the Acts of the Pope in the same Dominions Pope in the same Dominions.....

Complete text of 61131451:

From the same mistaking of the present Church for the Kingdom of God, came in the distinction betweene the Civill and the Canon Laws: The civil Law being the acts of Soveraigns in their own Dominions, and the Canon Law being the Acts of the pope in the same Dominions

Segments in 61131452:

[1]: ... Propounded, and but voluntarily received by Christian Princes, till the translation of the Empire to Charlemain; yet afterwards, as the power of the Pope encreased, became Rules Commanded, and the Emperour Pope encreased, became Rules Commanded, and the Emperours themselves (to avoyd greater mischiefes, which the people blinded might be led into) were forced.....

Complete text of 61131452:

Which Canons, though they were but Canons, that is, Rules Propounded, and but voluntarily received by Christian Princes, till the translation of the Empire to Charlemain; yet afterwards, as the power of the pope encreased, became Rules Commanded, and the Emperours themselves (to avoyd greater mischiefes, which the people blinded might be led into) were forced to let them passe for Laws

Segments in 61131453:

[1]: ...From hence it is, that in all Dominions, where the Pope s Ecclesiasticall power is entirely received, Jewes, Turkes, and Gentiles, are in the Roman Church tolerated in their Religion, as farre forth, as in .....

[2]: ...hereof they offend not against the civill power: whereas in a Christian, though a stranger, not to be of the Roman Religion, is Capitall; because the Pope pretendeth that all Christians are his Subjects Pope pretendeth that all Christians are his Subjects.....

Complete text of 61131453:

From hence it is, that in all Dominions, where the Popes Ecclesiasticall power is entirely received, Jewes, Turkes, and Gentiles, are in the Roman Church tolerated in their Religion, as farre forth, as in the exercise and profession thereof they offend not against the civill power: whereas in a Christian, though a stranger, not to be of the Roman Religion, is Capitall; because the pope pretendeth that all Christians are his Subjects

Segments in 61131494:

[1]: ...As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present Kingdome of God administred by the Pope , (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the Kingdome of God, institute.....

Complete text of 61131494:

As for those which Cardinall Bellarmine hath alledged, for the present Kingdome of God administred by the pope, (than which there are none that make a better show of proof,) I have already answered them; and made it evident, that the Kingdome of God, instituted by Moses, ended in the election of Saul: After which time the Priest of his own authority never deposed any King

Segments in 61131498:

[1]: ...cate their owne Kings, and to bee the Supreme Moderators in Religion, in the places where they have that form of Church government, no lesse then the Pope challengeth it universally Pope challengeth it universally.....

Complete text of 61131498:

For the Presbytery hath challenged the power to Excommunicate their owne Kings, and to bee the Supreme Moderators in Religion, in the places where they have that form of Church government, no lesse then the pope challengeth it universally

Segments in 61131541:

[1]: ...Abuse Of Some Other Texts In Defence Of The Power Of The Pope As for some other texts, to prove the Popes Power over civill Soveraignes (besides those of Bellarmine;) as that the two Swords that Christ and his .....

[2]: ...Abuse Of Some Other Texts In Defence Of The Power Of The Pope As for some other texts, to prove the Pope s Power over civill Soveraignes (besides those of Bellarmine;) as that the two Swords that Christ and his Apostles had amongst them, were the Spiritua.....

Complete text of 61131541:

Abuse Of Some Other Texts In Defence Of The Power Of The pope As for some other texts, to prove the Popes Power over civill Soveraignes (besides those of Bellarmine;) as that the two Swords that Christ and his Apostles had amongst them, were the Spirituall and the Temporall Sword, which they say St

Segments in 61131542:

[1]: ...Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the Pope , and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the Pope, and by Earth the King: Whi.....

[2]: ..., the greater signifies the Pope, and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the Pope, and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Script Pope , and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were .....

[3]: ...nt the Pope, and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91 Pope s were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the S.....

Complete text of 61131542:

Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the pope, and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the pope, and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91

Segments in 61131885:

[1]: ..., when the Emperour made that City the Seat of the Empire, pretended to bee equall to the Bishop of Rome; though at last, not without contention, the Pope carryed it, and became the Pontifex Maximus; but in right onely of the Emperour; and not without the bounds of the Empire; nor any where, after the Emperour had lost his power in Rome; though it were the Pope Pope carryed it, and became the Pontifex Maximus; but in right onely of the Emperour; and not without the bounds of the Empire; nor any where, after the E.....

[2]: ...ght onely of the Emperour; and not without the bounds of the Empire; nor any where, after the Emperour had lost his power in Rome; though it were the Pope himself that took his power from him Pope himself that took his power from him.....

Complete text of 61131885:

Peter, but the Priviledge of the City of Rome, which the Emperors were alwaies willing to uphold; that gave them such authority over other Bishops; as may be evidently seen by that, that the Bishop of Constantinople, when the Emperour made that City the Seat of the Empire, pretended to bee equall to the Bishop of Rome; though at last, not without contention, the pope carryed it, and became the Pontifex Maximus; but in right onely of the Emperour; and not without the bounds of the Empire; nor any where, after the Emperour had lost his power in Rome; though it were the pope himself that took his power from him

Segments in 61131886:

[1]: ...From whence wee may by the way observe, that there is no place for the superiority of the Pope over other Bishops, except in the territories whereof he is himself the Civill Soveraign; and where the Emperour having Soveraign Power Civill, hath .....

[2]: ...xcept in the territories whereof he is himself the Civill Soveraign; and where the Emperour having Soveraign Power Civill, hath expressely chosen the Pope for the chief Pastor under himselfe, of his Christian Subjects Pope for the chief Pastor under himselfe, of his Christian Subjects.....

Complete text of 61131886:

From whence wee may by the way observe, that there is no place for the superiority of the pope over other Bishops, except in the territories whereof he is himself the Civill Soveraign; and where the Emperour having Soveraign Power Civill, hath expressely chosen the Pope for the chief Pastor under himselfe, of his Christian Subjects

Complete text of 61132033:

Gregory the pope, and S

Segments in 61132049:

[1]: ...By this title it is, that the Pope prevailed with the subjects of all Christian Princes, to beleeve, that to disobey him, was to disobey Christ himselfe; and in all differences between.....

Complete text of 61132049:

By this title it is, that the pope prevailed with the subjects of all Christian Princes, to beleeve, that to disobey him, was to disobey Christ himselfe; and in all differences between him and other Princes, (charmed with the word Power Spirituall,) to abandon their lawfull Soveraigns; which is in effect an universall Monarchy over all Christendome

Segments in 61132054:

[1]: ...After that certain Churches had renounced this universall Power of the Pope , one would expect in reason, that the Civill Soveraigns in all those Churches, should have recovered so much of it, as (before they had unadvisedly l.....

Complete text of 61132054:

After that certain Churches had renounced this universall Power of the Pope, one would expect in reason, that the Civill Soveraigns in all those Churches, should have recovered so much of it, as (before they had unadvisedly let it goe) was their own Right, and in their own hands

Complete text of 61132060:

As first, that the pope In His Publique Capacity Cannot Erre

Segments in 61132061:

[1]: ...r Bishops, in what Common-wealth soever, have not their Right, neither immediately from God, nor mediately from their Civill Soveraigns, but from the Pope, is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on th Pope , is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the .....

[2]: ..., is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the Pope, and owe obedience to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a Civill War against the State that submits not it self to be governed according to his pleasure and Interest Pope , and owe obedience to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a Civill War against the .....

Complete text of 61132061:

For who is there, that beleeving this to be true, will not readily obey him in whatsoever he commands? Subjection Of Bishops Secondly, that all other Bishops, in what Common-wealth soever, have not their Right, neither immediately from God, nor mediately from their Civill Soveraigns, but from the pope, is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the pope, and owe obedience to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a Civill War against the State that submits not it self to be governed according to his pleasure and Interest

Segments in 61132063:

[1]: ...he Publique expence; nor are lyable to the penalties, as other Subjects, due to their crimes; and consequently, stand not in fear of any man, but the Pope; and adhere to him onely, to uphold his universall Monarchy Pope ; and adhere to him onely, to uphold his universall Monarchy.....

Complete text of 61132063:

For by this means, there is a great part of every Common-wealth, that enjoy the benefit of the Laws, and are protected by the Power of the Civill State, which neverthelesse pay no part of the Publique expence; nor are lyable to the penalties, as other Subjects, due to their crimes; and consequently, stand not in fear of any man, but the pope; and adhere to him onely, to uphold his universall Monarchy

Segments in 61132065:

[1]: ...Also, the making the Lords Supper a Sacrifice, serveth to make the People beleeve the Pope hath the same power over all Christian, that Moses and Aaron had over the Jews; that is to say, all power, both Civill and Ecclesiasticall, as the Hi.....

Complete text of 61132065:

Also, the making the Lords Supper a Sacrifice, serveth to make the People beleeve the pope hath the same power over all Christian, that Moses and Aaron had over the Jews; that is to say, all power, both Civill and Ecclesiasticall, as the High Priest then had

Complete text of 61132067:

The Single Life Of Priests Sixtly, the Deniall of Marriage to Priests, serveth to assure this Power of the pope over Kings

Complete text of 61132068:

For if a King be a Priest, he cannot Marry, and transmit his Kingdome to his Posterity; If he be not a Priest then the Pope pretendeth this Authority Ecclesiasticall over him, and over his people

Segments in 61132070:

[1]: ...ssure their Power, in that they induce simple men into an obstinacy against the Laws and Commands of their Civill Soveraigns even to death, if by the Popes excommunication, they be declared Heretiques or Enemies to the Church; that is, (as they interpret it,) to the Pope Pope s excommunication, they be declared Heretiques or Enemies to the Church; that is, (as they interpret it,) to the Pope.....

[2]: ...eraigns even to death, if by the Popes excommunication, they be declared Heretiques or Enemies to the Church; that is, (as they interpret it,) to the Pope Pope .....

Complete text of 61132070:

Canonization Of Saints, And Declaring Of Martyrs Eighthly, by the Canonization of Saints, and declaring who are Martyrs, they assure their Power, in that they induce simple men into an obstinacy against the Laws and Commands of their Civill Soveraigns even to death, if by the Popes excommunication, they be declared Heretiques or Enemies to the Church; that is, (as they interpret it,) to the pope

Segments in 61132076:

[1]: ...And therefore by the aforesaid rule, of Cui Bono, we may justly pronounce for the Authors of all this Spirituall Darknesse, the Pope , and Roman Clergy, and all those besides that endeavour to settle in the mindes of men this erroneous Doctrine, that the Church now on Earth, is that.....

Complete text of 61132076:

And therefore by the aforesaid rule, of Cui Bono, we may justly pronounce for the Authors of all this Spirituall Darknesse, the pope, and Roman Clergy, and all those besides that endeavour to settle in the mindes of men this erroneous Doctrine, that the Church now on Earth, is that Kingdome of God mentioned in the Old and New Testament

Segments in 61132079:

[1]: ...I doe not therefore blame the Emperour Frederick for holding the stirrop to our countryman Pope Adrian; for such was the disposition of his subjects then, as if hee had not doe it, hee was not likely to have succeeded in the Empire: But I blame .....

[2]: ... power was entire, by suffering such Doctrines to be forged in the Universities of their own Dominions, have holden the Stirrop to all the succeeding Popes, whilest they mounted into the Thrones of all Christian Soveraigns, to ride, and tire, both them, and their people, at their pleasure Pope s, whilest they mounted into the Thrones of all Christian Soveraigns, to ride, and tire, both them, and their people, at their pleasure.....

Complete text of 61132079:

I doe not therefore blame the Emperour Frederick for holding the stirrop to our countryman pope Adrian; for such was the disposition of his subjects then, as if hee had not doe it, hee was not likely to have succeeded in the Empire: But I blame those, that in the beginning, when their power was entire, by suffering such Doctrines to be forged in the Universities of their own Dominions, have holden the Stirrop to all the succeeding Popes, whilest they mounted into the Thrones of all Christian Soveraigns, to ride, and tire, both them, and their people, at their pleasure

Segments in 61132086:

[1]: ...First, the Power of the Pope s was dissolved totally by Queen Elizabeth; and the Bishops, who before exercised their Functions in Right of the Pope, did afterwards exercise the sa.....

[2]: ...First, the Power of the Popes was dissolved totally by Queen Elizabeth; and the Bishops, who before exercised their Functions in Right of the Pope , did afterwards exercise the same in Right of the Queen and her Successours; though by retaining the phrase of Jure Divino, they were thought to dema.....

Complete text of 61132086:

First, the Power of the Popes was dissolved totally by Queen Elizabeth; and the Bishops, who before exercised their Functions in Right of the Pope, did afterwards exercise the same in Right of the Queen and her Successours; though by retaining the phrase of Jure Divino, they were thought to demand it by immediate Right from God: And so was untyed the first knot

Complete text of 61132095:

The Ecclesiastiques likewise, in whose Dominions soever they be found, acknowledge but one Universall King, the Pope

Segments in 61132115:

[1]: ...iries have no existence, but in the Fancies of ignorant people, rising from the Traditions of old Wives, or old Poets: so the Spirituall Power of the Pope (without the bounds of his own Civill Dominion) consisteth onely in the Fear that Seduced people stand in, of th Pope (without the bounds of his own Civill Dominion) consisteth onely in the Fear that Seduced people stand in, of their Excommunication; upon hearing of .....

Complete text of 61132115:

To this, and such like resemblances between the Papacy, and the Kingdome of Fairies, may be added this, that as the Fairies have no existence, but in the Fancies of ignorant people, rising from the Traditions of old Wives, or old Poets: so the Spirituall Power of the pope (without the bounds of his own Civill Dominion) consisteth onely in the Fear that Seduced people stand in, of their Excommunication; upon hearing of false Miracles, false Traditions, and false Interpretations of the Scripture