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gods : gods
god: god

Complete text of 61126306:

If Livy say the gods  made once a Cow speak, and we believe it not; wee distrust not god  therein, but Livy

Complete text of 61126662:

For he that from any effect hee seeth come to passe, should reason to the next and immediate cause thereof, and from thence to the cause of that cause, and plonge himselfe profoundly in the pursuit of causes; shall at last come to this, that there must be (as even the Heathen Philosophers confessed) one First Mover; that is, a First, and an Eternall cause of all things; which is that which men mean by the name of god : And all this without thought of their fortune; the solicitude whereof, both enclines to fear, and hinders them from the search of the causes of other things; and thereby gives occasion of feigning of as many gods , as there be men that feigne them

Complete text of 61126696:

The True Religion, And The Lawes Of gods  Kingdome The Same But where god  himselfe, by supernaturall Revelation, planted Religion; there he also made to himselfe a peculiar Kingdome; and gave Lawes, not only of behaviour towards himselfe; but also towards one another; and thereby in the Kingdome of god , the Policy, and lawes Civill, are a part of Religion; and therefore the distinction of Temporall, and Spirituall Domination, hath there no place

Complete text of 61127098:

And whereas some men have pretended for their disobedience to their Soveraign, a new Covenant, made, not with men, but with god ; this also is unjust: for there is no Covenant with god , but by mediation of some body that representeth gods  Person; which none doth but gods  Lieutenant, who hath the Soveraignty under god 

Complete text of 61127363:

And whereas it is sayd, that having eaten, they saw they were naked; no man hath so interpreted that place, as if they had formerly blind, as saw not their own skins: the meaning is plain, that it was then they first judged their nakednesse (wherein it was gods  will to create them) to be uncomely; and by being ashamed, did tacitely censure god  himselfe

Complete text of 61127391:

For though men may do many things, which god  does not command, nor is therefore Author of them; yet they can have no passion, nor appetite to any thing, of which appetite gods  will is not the cause

Complete text of 61127407:

Not to Uriah, because the right to doe what he pleased, was given him by Uriah himself; And yet to god , because David was gods  Subject; and prohibited all Iniquitie by the law of Nature

Complete text of 61127928:

But because it is of the essence of Law, that he who is to be obliged, be assured of the Authority of him that declareth it, which we cannot naturally take notice to be from god , How Can A Man Without Supernaturall Revelation Be Assured Of The Revelation Received By The Declarer? and How Can He Be Bound To Obey Them? For the first question, how a man can be assured of the Revelation of another, without a Revelation particularly to himselfe, it is evidently impossible: for though a man may be induced to believe such Revelation, from the Miracles they see him doe, or from seeing the Extraordinary sanctity of his life, or from seeing the Extraordinary wisedome, or Extraordinary felicity of his Actions, all which are marks of gods  extraordinary favour; yet they are not assured evidence of speciall Revelation

Complete text of 61127933:

For if the Law declared, be not against the Law of Nature (which is undoubtedly gods  Law) and he undertake to obey it, he is bound by his own act; bound I say to obey it, but not bound to believe it: for mens beliefe, and interiour cogitations, are not subject to the commands, but only to the operation of god , ordinary, or extraordinary

Complete text of 61127941:

At Mount Sinai Moses only went up to god ; the people were forbidden to approach on paine of death; yet were they bound to obey all that Moses declared to them for gods  Law

Complete text of 61127942:

Upon what ground, but on this submission of their own, "Speak thou to us, and we will heare thee; but let not god  speak to us, lest we dye?" By which two places it sufficiently appeareth, that in a Common-wealth, a subject that has no certain and assured Revelation particularly to himself concerning the Will of god , is to obey for such, the Command of the Common-wealth: for if men were at liberty, to take for gods  Commandements, their own dreams, and fancies, or the dreams and fancies of private men; scarce two men would agree upon what is gods  Commandement; and yet in respect of them, every man would despise the Commandements of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61128273:

This desire of change, is like the breach of the first of gods  Commandements: For there god  says, Non Habebis Deos Alienos; Thou shalt not have the gods  of other Nations; and in another place concerning Kings, that they are gods 

Complete text of 61128280:

So that the first Table of the Commandements, is spent all, in setting down the summe of gods  absolute Power; not onely as god , but as King by pact, (in peculiar) of the Jewes; and may therefore give light, to those that have the Soveraign Power conferred on them by the consent of men, to see what doctrine they Ought to teach their Subjects

Complete text of 61128397:

They therefore that believe there is a god  that governeth the world, and hath given Praecepts, and propounded Rewards, and Punishments to Mankind, are gods  Subjects; all the rest, are to be understood as Enemies

Complete text of 61128402:

A Twofold Kingdome Of god , Naturall And Prophetique From the difference between the other two kinds of gods  Word, Rationall, and Prophetique, there may be attributed to god , a two-fold Kingdome, Naturall, and Prophetique: Naturall, wherein he governeth as many of Mankind as acknowledge his Providence, by the naturall Dictates of Right Reason; And Prophetique, wherein having chosen out one peculiar Nation (the Jewes) for his Subjects, he governed them, and none but them, not onely by naturall Reason, but by Positive Lawes, which he gave them by the mouths of his holy Prophets

Complete text of 61128404:

The Right Of gods  Soveraignty Is Derived From His Omnipotence The Right of Nature, whereby god  reigneth over men, and punisheth those that break his Lawes, is to be derived, not from his Creating them, as if he required obedience, as of Gratitude for his benefits; but from his Irresistible Power

Complete text of 61128454:

Actions That Are Signes Of Divine Honour Concerning the actions of Divine Worship, it is a most generall Precept of Reason, that they be signes of the Intention to Honour god ; such as are, First, Prayers: For not the Carvers, when they made Images, were thought to make them gods ; but the People that Prayed to them

Complete text of 61128457:

Fourthly, Not to swear by any but god , is naturally a signe of Honour: for it is a confession that god  onely knoweth the heart; and that no mans wit, or strength can protect a man against gods  vengence on the perjured

Complete text of 61128460:

And that disputing of gods  nature is contrary to his Honour: For it is supposed, that in this naturall Kingdome of god , there is no other way to know any thing, but by naturall Reason; that is, from the Principles of naturall Science; which are so farre from teaching us any thing of gods  nature, as they cannot teach us our own nature, nor the nature of the smallest creature living

Complete text of 61128522:

" For they had made god  their King by pact at the foot of Mount Sinai; who ruled them by Moses only; for he only spake with god , and from time to time declared gods  Commandements to the people

Complete text of 61128718:

For the Book of Genesis, deriveth the Genealogy of gods  people, from the creation of the World, to the going into Egypt: the other four Books of Moses, contain the Election of god  for their King, and the Laws which hee prescribed for their Government: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of gods  people, till the time they cast off gods  yoke, and called for a King, after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of god , even our blessed Saviour god  the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the Apostles, declare the coming of god , the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles

Complete text of 61128727:

Again, it is manifest, that none can know they are gods  Word, (though all true Christians beleeve it,) but those to whom god  himself hath revealed it supernaturally; and therefore the question is not rightly moved, of our Knowledge of it

Complete text of 61128754:

But for metaphoricall significations, there be many: for sometimes it is taken for Disposition or Inclination of the mind; as when for the disposition to controwl the sayings of other men, we say, A Spirit Contradiction; For A Disposition to Uncleannesse, An Unclean Spirit; for Perversenesse, A Froward Spirit; for Sullennesse, A Dumb Spirit, and for Inclination To Godlinesse, And gods  Service, the Spirit of god : sometimes for any eminent ability, or extraordinary passion, or disease of the mind, as when Great Wisdome is called the Spirit Of Wisdome; and Mad Men are said to be Possessed With A Spirit

Complete text of 61128765:

Where when the earth was covered with Waters, as in the beginning, God intending to abate them, and again to discover the dry land, useth like words, "I will bring my Spirit upon the Earth, and the waters shall be diminished:" in which place by Spirit is understood a Wind, (that is an Aire or Spirit Moved,) which might be called (as in the former place) the Spirit of god , because it was gods  Work

Complete text of 61128784:

Thirdly, For Extraordinary Affections In the Book of Judges, an extraordinary Zeal, and Courage in the defence of gods  people, is called the Spirit of god ; as when it excited Othoniel, Gideon, Jeptha, and Samson to deliver them from servitude, Judg

Complete text of 61128865:

That they are Spirits, is often repeated: but by the name of Spirit, is signified both in Scripture, and vulgarly, both amongst Jews, and Gentiles, sometimes thin Bodies; as the Aire, the Wind, the Spirits Vitall, and Animall, of living creatures; and sometimes the Images that rise in the fancy in Dreams, and Visions; which are not reall Substances, but accidents of the brain; yet when god  raiseth them supernaturally, to signifie his Will, they are not unproperly termed Gods Messengers, that is to say, his Angels

Complete text of 61128873:

By which it is manifest, that Angel signifieth there, nothing but god  himself, that caused Agar supernaturally to apprehend a voice supernaturall, testifying gods  speciall presence there

Complete text of 61128882:

) from slaying Isaac, there was no Apparition, but a Voice; which neverthelesse was called properly enough a Messenger, or Angel of god , because it declared gods  will supernaturally, and saves the labour of supposing any permanent Ghosts

Complete text of 61128965:

To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF god , to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose god  for their King by Covenant made with him, upon gods  promising them the possession of the land of Canaan; and but seldom metaphorically; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the Kingdome of god , and without prejudice to the Soveraign

Complete text of 61128974:

This is it which is called the Old Covenant, or Testament; and containeth a Contract between God and Abraham; by which Abraham obligeth himself, and his posterity, in a peculiar manner to be subject to gods  positive Law; for to the Law Morall he was obliged before, as by an Oath of Allegiance

Complete text of 61128975:

And though the name of King be not yet given to god , nor of Kingdome to Abraham and his seed; yet the thing is the same; namely, an Institution by pact, of gods  peculiar Soveraignty over the seed of Abraham; which in the renewing of the same Covenant by Moses, at Mount Sinai, is expressely called a peculiar Kingdome of god  over the Jews: and it is of Abraham (not of Moses) St

Complete text of 61128994:

) Sacerdotium Regale, A Regal Priesthood; as also the Institution it self, by which no man might enter into the Sanctum Sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire gods  will immediately of God himselfe, but onely the High Priest

Complete text of 61129026:

The Kingdome therefore of god , is a reall, not a metaphoricall Kingdome; and so taken, not onely in the Old Testament, but the New; when we say, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory," it is to be understood of Gods Kingdome, by force of our Covenant, not by the Right of gods  Power; for such a Kingdome god  alwaies hath; so that it were superfluous to say in our prayer, "Thy Kingdome come," unlesse it be meant of the Restauration of that Kingdome of god  by Christ, which by revolt of the Israelites had been interrupted in the election of Saul

Complete text of 61129032:

In short, the Kingdome of god  is a Civill Kingdome; which consisted, first in the obligation of the people of Israel to those Laws, which Moses should bring unto them from Mount Sinai; and which afterwards the High Priest of the time being, should deliver to them from before the Cherubins in the Sanctum Sanctorum; and which kingdome having been cast off, in the election of Saul, the Prophets foretold, should be restored by Christ; and the Restauration whereof we daily pray for, when we say in the Lords Prayer, "Thy Kingdome come;" and the Right whereof we acknowledge, when we adde, "For thine is the Kingdome, the Power, and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen;" and the Proclaiming whereof, was the Preaching of the Apostles; and to which men are prepared, by the Teachers of the Gospel; to embrace which Gospel, (that is to say, to promise obedience to gods  government) is, to bee in the Kingdome of Grace, because god  hath gratis given to such the power to bee the subjects (that is, Children) of god  hereafter, when Christ shall come in Majesty to judge the world, and actually to govern his owne people, which is called the Kingdome of Glory

Complete text of 61129043:

" For by Holy, is alwaies understood, either god  himselfe, or that which is gods  in propriety; as by Publique is alwaies meant, either the Person of the Common-wealth it self, or something that is so the Common-wealths, as no private person can claim any propriety therein

Complete text of 61129045:

In saying "Hallowed be thy name," we do but pray to god  for grace to keep the first Commandement, of "having no other gods  but Him

Complete text of 61129050:

In the proper sense, that which is made Holy by gods  appropriating or separating it to his own use, is said to be Sanctified by god , as the Seventh day in the fourth Commandement; and as the Elect in the New Testament were said to bee Sanctified, when they were endued with the Spirit of godlinesse

Complete text of 61129055:

Sacrament A SACRAMENT, is a separation of some visible thing from common use; and a consecration of it to gods  service, for a sign, either of our admission into the Kingdome of god , to be of the number of his peculiar people, or for a Commemoration of the same

Complete text of 61129060:

There be also other Consecrations, that may be called Sacraments, as the word implyeth onely Consecration to gods  service; but as it implies an oath, or promise of Alleageance to god , there were no other in the Old Testament, but Circumcision, and the Passover; nor are there any other in the New Testament, but Baptisme, and the Lords Supper

Complete text of 61129064:

The Words Spoken By god  And Concerning god , Both Are Called gods  Word In Scripture Again, if we say the Word of god , or of Man, it may bee understood sometimes of the Speaker, (as the words that god  hath spoken, or that a Man hath spoken): In which sense, when we say, the Gospel of St

Complete text of 61129209:

Paul held their Poets for Prophets, but acknowledgeth that the word Prophet was commonly used to signifie them that celebrated the honour of god  in Verse Praediction Of Future Contingents, Not Alwaies Prophecy When by Prophecy is meant Praediction, or foretelling of future Contingents; not only they were Prophets, who were gods  Spokesmen, and foretold those things to others, which god  had foretold to them; but also all those Imposters, that pretend by the helpe of familiar spirits, or by superstitious divination of events past, from false causes, to foretell the like events in time to come: of which (as I have declared already in the 12

Complete text of 61129220:

Can it (may some say) be properly said, that god  hath voice and language, when it cannot be properly said, he hath a tongue, or other organs, as a man? The Prophet David argueth thus, "Shall he that made the eye, not see? or he that made the ear, not hear?" But this may be spoken, not (as usually) to signifie gods  nature, but to signifie our intention to honor him

Complete text of 61129223:

Therefore we are to interpret gods  speaking to men immediately, for that way (whatsoever it be), by which god  makes them understand his will: And the wayes whereby he doth this, are many; and to be sought onely in the Holy Scripture: where though many times it be said, that god  spake to this, and that person, without declaring in what manner; yet there be again many places, that deliver also the signes by which they were to acknowledge his presence, and commandement; and by these may be understood, how he spake to many of the rest

Complete text of 61129266:

But Moses, and after him the High Priests were Prophets of a more eminent place, and degree in Gods favour; And god  himself in express words declareth, that to other Prophets hee spake in Dreams and Visions, but to his servant Moses, in such manner as a man speaketh to his friend

Complete text of 61129300:

Of Prophets, that were so by a perpetuall Calling in the Old Testament, some were Supreme, and some Subordinate: Supreme were first Moses; and after him the High Priest, every one for his time, as long as the Priesthood was Royall; and after the people of the Jews, had rejected god , that he should no more reign over them, those Kings which submitted themselves to gods  government, were also his chief Prophets; and the High Priests office became Ministeriall

Complete text of 61129341:

When therefore a Prophet is said to speak in the Spirit, or by the Spirit of god , we are to understand no more, but that he speaks according to gods  will, declared by the supreme Prophet

Complete text of 61129378:

And consequently men had need to be very circumspect, and wary, in obeying the voice of man, that pretending himself to be a Prophet, requires us to obey god  in that way, which he in gods  name telleth us to be the way to happinesse

Complete text of 61129420:

Every man therefore ought to consider who is the Soveraign Prophet; that is to say, who it is, that is gods  Viceregent on earth; and hath next under god , the Authority of Governing Christian men; and to observe for a Rule, that Doctrine, which in the name of God, hee commanded to bee taught; and thereby to examine and try out the truth of those Doctrines, which pretended Prophets with miracles, or without, shall at any time advance: and if they find it contrary to that Rule, to doe as they did, that came to Moses, and complained that there were some that Prophecyed in the Campe, whose Authority so to doe they doubted of; and leave to the Soveraign, as they did to Moses to uphold, or to forbid them, as hee should see cause; and if hee disavow them, then no more to obey their voice; or if he approve them, then to obey them, as men to whom god  hath given a part of the Spirit of their Soveraigne

Complete text of 61129421:

For when Christian men, take not their Christian Soveraign, for gods  Prophet; they must either take their owne Dreams, for the prophecy they mean to bee governed by, and the tumour of their own hearts for the Spirit of god ; or they must suffer themselves to bee lead by some strange Prince; or by some of their fellow subjects, that can bewitch them, by slander of the government, into rebellion, without other miracle to confirm their calling, then sometimes an extraordinary successe, and Impunity; and by this means destroying all laws, both divine, and humane, reduce all Order, Government, and Society, to the first Chaos of Violence, and Civill warre

Complete text of 61129436:

The End Of Miracles Again, it belongeth to the nature of a Miracle, that it be wrought for the procuring of credit to gods  Messengers, Ministers, and Prophets, that thereby men may know, they are called, sent, and employed by god , and thereby be the better inclined to obey them

Complete text of 61129492:

Moses therefore in his time, and Aaron, and his successors in their times, and the Soveraign Governour of gods  people, next under god  himself, that is to say, the Head of the Church in all times, are to be consulted, what doctrine he hath established, before wee give credit to a pretended Miracle, or Prophet

Complete text of 61129550:

to the same effect: As if he should say, the new Jerusalem, the Paradise of god , at the coming again of Christ, should come down to gods  people from Heaven, and not they goe up to it from Earth

Complete text of 61129566:

And when our Saviour Christ, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of Heaven, because our King shall then be god , whose Throne is Heaven; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his happinesse any higher than Gods Footstool the Earth

Complete text of 61129609:

The Place After Judgment, Of Those Who Were Never In The Kingdome Of god , Or Having Been In, Are Cast Out As the Kingdome of god , and Eternall Life, so also gods  Enemies, and their Torments after Judgment, appear by the Scripture, to have their place on Earth

Complete text of 61129710:

" By which it is evident, that Salvation shall be on Earth, then, when god  shall reign, (at the coming again of Christ) in Jerusalem; and from Jerusalem shall proceed the Salvation of the Gentiles that shall be received into gods  Kingdome; as is also more expressely declared by the same Prophet, Chap

Complete text of 61129804:

Abraham Had The Sole Power Of Ordering The Religion Of His Own People In this Contract of god  with Abraham, wee may observe three points of important consequence in the government of gods  people

Complete text of 61129819:

But seeing Moses had no authority to govern the Israelites, as a successor to the right of Abraham, because he could not claim it by inheritance; it appeareth not as yet, that the people were obliged to take him for gods  Lieutenant, longer than they beleeved that god  spake unto him

Complete text of 61129820:

And therefore his authority (notwithstanding the Covenant they made with God) depended yet merely upon the opinion they had of his Sanctity, and of the reality of his Conferences with god , and the verity of his Miracles; which opinion coming to change, they were no more obliged to take any thing for the law of god , which he propounded to them in gods  name

Complete text of 61129862:

For the Scriptures since god  now speaketh in them, are the Mount Sinai; the bounds whereof are the Laws of them that represent gods  Person on Earth

Complete text of 61129873:

) by Spirit, is understood the Mind; so that the sense of the place is no other than this, that god  endued them with a mind conformable, and subordinate to that of Moses, that they might Prophecy, that is to say, speak to the people in gods  name, in such manner, as to set forward (as Ministers of Moses, and by his authority) such doctrine as was agreeable to Moses his doctrine

Complete text of 61129941:

And therefore so far forth as concerneth the Old Testament, we may conclude, that whosoever had the Soveraignty of the Common-wealth amongst the Jews, the same had also the Supreme Authority in matter of gods  externall worship; and represented gods  Person; that is the person of god  the Father; though he were not called by the name of Father, till such time as he sent into the world his Son Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind from their sins, and bring them into his Everlasting Kingdome, to be saved for evermore

Complete text of 61130105:

As Represented by the Apostles, the Holy Spirit by which they spake, is God; As Represented by his Son (that was god  and Man), the Son is that God; As represented by Moses, and the High Priests, the Father, that is to say, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is that god : From whence we may gather the reason why those names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the signification of the Godhead, are never used in the Old Testament: For they are Persons, that is, they have their names from Representing; which could not be, till divers men had Represented gods  Person in ruling, or in directing under him

Complete text of 61130389:

That they should not obey, nor honour the gods  of other Nations, in these words, "Non habebis Deos alienos coram me," that is, "Thou shalt not have for gods , the gods  that other Nations worship; but onely me:" whereby they were forbidden to obey, or honor, as their King and Governour, any other god , than him that spake unto them then by Moses, and afterwards by the High Priest

Complete text of 61130398:

There is no doubt but that they were made Laws by god  himselfe: But because a Law obliges not, nor is Law to any, but to them that acknowledge it to be the act of the Soveraign, how could the people of Israel that were forbidden to approach the Mountain to hear what god  said to Moses, be obliged to obedience to all those laws which Moses propounded to them? Some of them were indeed the Laws of Nature, as all the Second Table; and therefore to be acknowledged for gods  Laws; not to the Israelites alone, but to all people: But of those that were peculiar to the Israelites, as those of the first Table, the question remains; saving that they had obliged themselves, presently after the propounding of them, to obey Moses, in these words (Exod

Complete text of 61130607:

And therefore to the Levites might not unfitly be attributed the name of Clergy from Kleros, which signifieth Lot, or Inheritance; not that they were heirs of the Kingdome of god , more than other; but that gods  inheritance, was their maintenance

Complete text of 61130667:

But the King, and every other Soveraign executeth his Office of Supreme Pastor, by immediate Authority from god , that is to say, In gods  Right, or Jure Divino

Complete text of 61131029:

where hee sayes, that Christ after his Ascension into heaven, "gave gifts to men, some Apostles, some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors, and some Teachers:" And thence inferres, they have indeed their Jurisdiction in gods  Right; but will not grant they have it immediately from god , but derived through the Pope

Complete text of 61131054:

His fift argument is this, "If Bishops have their Jurisdiction immediately from god , the Pope could not take it from them, for he can doe nothing contrary to gods  ordination;" And this consequence is good, and well proved

Complete text of 61131057:

Before the People of Israel had (by the commandment of god  to Samuel) set over themselves a King, after the manner of other Nations, the High Priest had the Civill Government; and none but he could make, nor depose an inferiour Priest: But that Power was afterwards in the King, as may be proved by this same argument of Bellarmine; For if the Priest (be he the High Priest or any other) had his Jurisdiction immediately from god , then the King could not take it from him; "for he could do nothing contrary to gods  ordinance: But it is certain, that King Solomon (1 Kings 2

Complete text of 61131175:

The difficulty therefore consisteth in this, that men when they are commanded in the name of god , know not in divers Cases, whether the command be from god , or whether he that commandeth, doe but abuse gods  name for some private ends of his own

Complete text of 61131439:

And That The Pope Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the Pope to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian King, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is made King by the favour of god , when he is crowned by the authority of gods  universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the Pope, Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under Pope Innocent the third, (Chap

Complete text of 61131457:

To Consecrate, is in Scripture, to Offer, Give, or Dedicate, in pious and decent language and gesture, a man, or any other thing to god , by separating of it from common use; that is to say, to Sanctifie, or make it gods , and to be used only by those, whom god  hath appointed to be his Publike Ministers, (as I have already proved at large in the 35

Complete text of 61131469:

Incantation In The Ceremonies Of Baptisme The like incantation, in stead of Consecration, is used also in the Sacrament of Baptisme: Where the abuse of gods  name in each severall Person, and in the whole Trinity, with the sign of the Crosse at each name, maketh up the Charm: As first, when they make the Holy water, the Priest saith, "I Conjure thee, thou Creature of Water, in the name of God the Father Almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ his onely Son our Lord, and in vertue of the Holy Ghost, that thou become Conjured water, to drive away all the Powers of the Enemy, and to eradicate, and supplant the Enemy, &c

Complete text of 61131789:

And therefore the first Law of god  was, "They should not take for gods , ALIENOS DEOS, that is, the gods  of other nations, but that onely true god , who vouchsafed to commune with Moses, and by him to give them laws and directions, for their peace, and for their salvation from their enemies

Complete text of 61131828:

To worship god , in some peculiar Place, or turning a mans face towards an Image, or determinate Place, is not to worship, or honor the Place, or Image; but to acknowledge it Holy, that is to say, to acknowledge the Image, or the Place to be set apart from common use: for that is the meaning of the word Holy; which implies no new quality in the Place, or Image; but onely a new Relation by Appropriation to god ; and therefore is not Idolatry; no more than it was Idolatry to worship god  before the Brazen Serpent; or for the Jews when they were out of their owne countrey, to turn their faces (when they prayed) toward the Temple of Jerusalem; or for Moses to put off his Shoes when he was before the Flaming Bush, the ground appertaining to Mount Sinai; which place god  had chosen to appear in, and to give his Laws to the People of Israel, and was therefore Holy ground, not by inhaerent sanctity, but by separation to gods  use; or for Christians to worship in the Churches, which are once solemnly dedicated to god  for that purpose, by the Authority of the King, or other true Representant of the Church

Complete text of 61131829:

But to worship god , is inanimating, or inhibiting, such Image, or place; that is to say, an infinite substance in a finite place, is Idolatry: for such finite gods , are but Idols of the brain, nothing reall; and are commonly called in the Scripture by the names of Vanity, and Lyes, and Nothing

Complete text of 61131834:

The Gentiles worshipped for gods , Jupiter, and others; that living, were men perhaps that had done great and glorious Acts; and for the Children of god , divers men and women, supposing them gotten between an Immortall Deity, and a mortall man

Complete text of 61131850:

The summe of that which I have said hitherto, concerning the Worship of Images, is that, that he that worshippeth in an Image, or any Creature, either the Matter thereof, or any Fancy of his own, which he thinketh to dwell in it; or both together; or beleeveth that such things hear his Prayers, or see his Devotions, without Ears, or Eyes, committeth Idolatry: and he that counterfeiteth such Worship for fear of punishment, if he bee a man whose example hath power amongst his Brethren, committeth a sin: But he that worshippeth the Creator of the world before such an Image, or in such a place as he hath not made, or chosen of himselfe, but taken from the commandement of gods  Word, as the Jewes did in worshipping god  before the Cherubins, and before the Brazen Serpent for a time, and in, or towards the Temple of Jerusalem, which was also but for a time, committeth not Idolatry

Complete text of 61131870:

Painting Of Fancies No Idolatry: Abusing Them To Religious Worship Is But they inferre from some other places, that it is lawfull to paint Angels, and also god  himselfe: as from gods  walking in the Garden; from Jacobs seeing god  at the top of the ladder; and from other Visions, and Dreams

Complete text of 61131973:

Nunc-stans For the meaning of Eternity, they will not have it to be an Endlesse Succession of Time; for then they should not be able to render a reason how gods  Will, and Praeordaining of things to come, should not be before his Praescience of the same, as the Efficient Cause before the Effect, or Agent before the Action; nor of many other their bold opinions concerning the Incomprehensible Nature of god 

Complete text of 61132048:

That The Church Militant Is The Kingdome Of god , Was First Taught By The Church Of Rome And first, to this Error, That The Present Church Now Militant On Earth, Is The Kingdome Of god , (that is, the Kingdome of Glory, or the Land of Promise; not the Kingdome of Grace, which is but a Promise of the Land,) are annexed these worldly Benefits, First, that the Pastors, and Teachers of the Church, are entitled thereby, as gods  Publique Ministers, to a Right of Governing the Church; and consequently (because the Church, and Common-wealth are the same Persons) to be Rectors, and Governours of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61132166:

In the 35th Chapter, I have sufficiently declared out of the Scripture, that in the Common-wealth of the Jewes, god  himselfe was made the Soveraign, by Pact with the People; who were therefore called his Peculiar People, to distinguish them from the rest of the world, over whom god  reigned not by their Consent, but by his own Power: And that in this Kingdome Moses was gods  Lieutenant on Earth; and that it was he that told them what Laws god  appointed to doe Execution; especially in Capitall Punishments; not then thinking it a matter of so necessary consideration, as I find it since