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publique : private
private: publique

Complete text of 61126151:

And even of those men themselves, that in Councells of the Common-wealth, love to shew their reading of Politiques and History, very few do it in their domestique affaires, where their particular interest is concerned; having Prudence enough for their private  affaires: but in publique  they study more the reputation of their owne wit, than the successe of anothers businesse

Complete text of 61127149:

To the Soveraign therefore it belongeth also to give titles of Honour; and to appoint what Order of place, and dignity, each man shall hold; and what signes of respect, in publique  or private  meetings, they shall give to one another

Complete text of 61127185:

And though he be carefull in his politique Person to procure the common interest; yet he is more, or no lesse carefull to procure the private good of himselfe, his family, kindred and friends; and for the most part, if the publique  interest chance to crosse the private , he preferrs the private : for the Passions of men, are commonly more potent than their Reason

Complete text of 61127186:

From whence it follows, that where the publique  and private interest are most closely united, there is the publique  most advanced

Complete text of 61127187:

Now in Monarchy, the private  interest is the same with the publique

Complete text of 61127189:

For no King can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure; whose Subjects are either poore, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissention, to maintain a war against their enemies: Whereas in a Democracy, or Aristocracy, the publique prosperity conferres not so much to the private  fortune of one that is corrupt, or ambitious, as doth many times a perfidious advice, a treacherous action, or a Civill warre

Complete text of 61127418:

But it is an easy thing, for men to be deceived, by the specious name of Libertie; and for want of Judgement to distinguish, mistake that for their private  Inheritance, and Birth right, which is the right of the Publique only

Complete text of 61127493:

For no authority derived from forraign power, within the Dominion of another, is publique  there, but private 

Complete text of 61127561:

 private  Bodies Regular, But Unlawfull Private Bodies Regular, but Unlawfull, are those that unite themselves into one person Representative, without any publique  Authority at all; such as are the Corporations of Beggars, Theeves and Gipsies, the better to order their trade of begging, and stealing; and the Corporations of men, that by Authority from any forraign Person, unite themselves in anothers Dominion, for easier propagation of Doctrines, and for making a party, against the Power of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61127566:

For all uniting of strength by private  men, is, if for evill intent, unjust; if for intent unknown, dangerous to the publique , and unjustly concealed

Complete text of 61127623:

But such as are sent by Authoritie only of some private  partie of a troubled State, though they be received, are neither publique , nor Private Ministers of the Common-wealth; because none of their actions have the Common-wealth for Author

Complete text of 61127624:

Likewise, an Ambassador sent from a Prince, to congratulate, condole, or to assist at a solemnity, though Authority be publique ; yet because the businesse is private , and belonging to him in his naturall capacity; is a private  person

Complete text of 61127625:

Also if a man be sent into another Country, secretly to explore their counsels, and strength; though both the Authority, and the Businesse be publique ; yet because there is none to take notice of any Person in him, but his own; he is but a private  Minister; but yet a Minister of the Common-wealth; and may be compared to an Eye in the Body naturall

Complete text of 61127671:

Of the first sort, are Collectors, Receivers, and Treasurers; of the second are the Treasurers againe, and the Officers appointed for payment of severall publique or private  Ministers

Complete text of 61127810:

For example, if the Soveraign employ a publique  Minister, without written Instructions what to doe; he is obliged to take for Instructions the Dictates of Reason; As if he make a Judge, The Judge is to take notice, that his Sentence ought to be according to the reason of his Soveraign, which being alwaies understood to be Equity, he is bound to it by the Law of Nature: Or if an Ambassador, he is (in al things not conteined in his written Instructions) to take for Instruction that which Reason dictates to be most conducing to his Soveraigns interest; and so of all other Ministers of the Soveraignty, publique  and private 

Complete text of 61128002:

And of those defects in Reasoning, there is none that can Excuse (though some of them may Extenuate) a Crime, in any man, that pretendeth to the administration of his own private  businesse; much lesse in them that undertake a publique  charge; because they pretend to the Reason, upon the want whereof they would ground their Excuse

Complete text of 61128046:

Evill Teachers, Extenuate Hee, whose errour proceeds from the authority of a Teacher, or an Interpreter of the Law publiquely authorised, is not so faulty, as he whose errour proceedeth from a peremptory pursute of his own principles, and reasoning: For what is taught by one that teacheth by publique  Authority, the Common-wealth teacheth, and hath a resemblance of Law, till the same Authority controuleth it; and in all Crimes that contain not in them a denyall of the Soveraign Power, nor are against an evident Law, Excuseth totally: whereas he that groundeth his actions, on his private Judgement, ought according to the rectitude, or errour thereof, to stand, or fall

Complete text of 61128065:

Depeculation Also Robbery, and Depeculation of the publique  treasure, or Revenues, is a greater Crime, than the robbing, or defrauding of a private  man; because to robbe the publique , is to robbe many at once

Complete text of 61128066:

Counterfeiting Authority Also the Counterfeit usurpation of publique  Ministery, the Counterfeiting of publique  Seales, or publique  Coine, than counterfeiting of a private  mans person, or his seale; because the fraud thereof, extendeth to the dammage of many

Complete text of 61128083:

 publique  Crimes What Lastly, because in almost all Crimes there is an Injury done, not onely to some private  man, but also to the Common-wealth; the same Crime, when the accusation is in the name of the Common-wealth, is called publique  Crime; and when in the name of a private  man, a private  Crime; And the Pleas according thereunto called publique , Judicia Publica, Pleas of the Crown; or private  Pleas

Complete text of 61128084:

As in an Accusation of Murder, if the accuser be a private  man, the plea is a private  plea; if the accuser be the Soveraign, the plea is a publique  plea

Complete text of 61128096:

 private  Injuries, And Revenges No Punishments From the definition of Punishment, I inferre, First, that neither private revenges, nor injuries of private  men, can properly be stiled Punishment; because they proceed not from publique  Authority

Complete text of 61128152:

For though men have no lawfull remedy, when they be commanded to quit their private  businesse, to serve the publique , without Reward, or Salary; yet they are not bound thereto, by the Law of Nature, nor by the institution of the Common-wealth, unlesse the service cannot otherwise be done; because it is supposed the Soveraign may make use of all their means, insomuch as the most common Souldier, may demand the wages of his warrefare, as a debt

Complete text of 61128235:

Monopolies And Abuses Of Publicans Again, there is sometimes in a Common-wealth, a Disease, which resembleth the Pleurisie; and that is, when the Treasure of the Common-wealth, flowing out of its due course, is gathered together in too much abundance, in one, or a few private  men, by Monopolies, or by Farmes of the publique  Revenues; in the same manner as the Blood in a Pleurisie, getting into the Membrane of the breast, breedeth there an Inflammation, accompanied with a Fever, and painfull stitches

Complete text of 61128312:

For the Impositions that are layd on the People by the Soveraign Power, are nothing else but the Wages, due to them that hold the publique  Sword, to defend private  men in the exercise of severall Trades, and Callings

Complete text of 61128316:

 publique  Charity And whereas many men, by accident unevitable, become unable to maintain themselves by their labour; they ought not to be left to the Charity of private  persons; but to be provided for, (as far-forth as the necessities of Nature require,) by the Lawes of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61128436:

Worship publique  And private  Again, there is a publique , and a private  Worship

Complete text of 61128471:

 publique  Worship Consisteth In Uniformity But seeing a Common-wealth is but one Person, it ought also to exhibite to God but one Worship; which then it doth, when it commandeth it to be exhibited by private  men, Publiquely

Complete text of 61128473:

And therefore, where many sorts of Worship be allowed, proceeding from the different Religions of private  men, it cannot be said there is any Publique Worship, nor that the Common-wealth is of any Religion at all

Complete text of 61128475:

And because a Common-wealth hath no Will, nor makes no Lawes, but those that are made by the Will of him, or them that have the Soveraign Power; it followeth, that those Attributes which the Soveraign ordaineth, in the Worship of God, for signes of Honour, ought to be taken and used for such, by private  men in their publique  Worship

Complete text of 61128733:

Again, if it be not the Legislative Authority of the Common-wealth, that giveth them the force of Laws, it must bee some other Authority derived from God, either private , or publique : if private , it obliges onely him, to whom in particular God hath been pleased to reveale it

Complete text of 61129043:

" For by Holy, is alwaies understood, either God himselfe, or that which is Gods in propriety; as by publique  is alwaies meant, either the Person of the Common-wealth it self, or something that is so the Common-wealths, as no private person can claim any propriety therein

Complete text of 61129504:

In which question we are not every one, to make our own private  Reason, or Conscience, but the publique  Reason, that is, the reason of Gods Supreme Lieutenant, Judge; and indeed we have made him Judge already, if wee have given him a Soveraign power, to doe all that is necessary for our peace and defence

Complete text of 61129506:

But when it comes to confession of that faith, the private  Reason must submit to the Publique; that is to say, to Gods Lieutenant

Complete text of 61131116:

For Christians, (or men of what Religion soever,) if they tolerate not their King, whatsoever law hee maketh, though it bee concerning Religion, doe violate their faith, contrary to the Divine Law, both Naturall and Positive: Nor is there any Judge of Haeresie amongst Subjects, but their own Civill Soveraign; for "Haeresie is nothing else, but a private  opinion, obstinately maintained, contrary to the opinion which the Publique Person (that is to say, the Representant of the Common-wealth) hath commanded to bee taught

Complete text of 61131997:

 private  Appetite The Rule Of publique  Good: Aristotle, and other Heathen Philosophers define Good, and Evill, by the Appetite of men; and well enough, as long as we consider them governed every one by his own Law: For in the condition of men that have no other Law but their own Appetites, there can be no generall Rule of Good, and Evill Actions

Complete text of 61132000:

And this private  measure of Good, is a Doctrine, not onely Vain, but also Pernicious to the publique  State

Complete text of 61132126:

And amongst the Passions, Courage, (by which I mean the Contempt of Wounds, and violent Death) enclineth men to private  Revenges, and sometimes to endeavour the unsetling of the publique  Peace; And Timorousnesse, many times disposeth to the desertion of the publique  Defence

Complete text of 61132195:

This is not private  Zeal, but publique  Condemnation