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saviour : apostles
apostles: saviour

Complete text of 61128718:

For the Book of Genesis, deriveth the Genealogy of Gods people, from the creation of the World, to the going into Egypt: the other four Books of Moses, contain the Election of God for their King, and the Laws which hee prescribed for their Government: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel, to the time of Saul, describe the acts of Gods people, till the time they cast off Gods yoke, and called for a King, after the manner of their neighbour nations; The rest of the History of the Old Testament, derives the succession of the line of David, to the Captivity, out of which line was to spring the restorer of the Kingdome of God, even our blessed saviour  God the Son, whose coming was foretold in the Bookes of the Prophets, after whom the Evangelists writt his life, and actions, and his claim to the Kingdome, whilst he lived one earth: and lastly, the Acts, and Epistles of the apostles , declare the coming of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Authority he left with them, and their successors, for the direction of the Jews, and for the invitation of the Gentiles

Complete text of 61129376:

To the Virgin Mary, by a Vision of an Angel: To Joseph in a Dream: again to Paul in the way to Damascus in a Vision of our saviour : and to Peter in the Vision of a sheet let down from heaven, with divers sorts of flesh, of clean and unclean, beasts; and in prison, by Vision of an Angel: And to all the Apostles, and Writers of the New Testament, by the graces of his Spirit; and to the apostles  again (at the choosing of Matthias in the place of Judas Iscariot) by lot

Complete text of 61129449:

In like manner if we consider all the Miracles done by the hand of Moses, and all the rest of the Prophets, till the Captivity; and those of our saviour , and his apostles  afterward; we shall find, their end was alwaies to beget, or confirm beleefe, that they came not of their own motion, but were sent by God

Complete text of 61129458:

" It was not because he wanted power; which to say, were blasphemy against God; nor that the end of Miracles was not to convert incredulous men to Christ; for the end of all the Miracles of Moses, of Prophets, of our saviour , and of his apostles  was to adde men to the Church; but it was, because the end of their Miracles, was to adde to the Church (not all men, but) such as should be saved; that is to say, such as God had elected

Complete text of 61130038:

For as Moses chose twelve Princes of the tribes, to govern under him; so did our saviour  choose twelve apostles , who shall sit on twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel; And as Moses authorized Seventy Elders, to receive the Spirit of God, and to Prophecy to the people, that is, (as I have said before,) to speak unto them in the name of God; so our saviour  also ordained seventy Disciples, to preach his Kingdome, and Salvation to all Nations

Complete text of 61130070:

" Our saviour  therefore between his Resurrection, and Ascension, gave his Spirit to the apostles ; first, by "Breathing on them, and saying," (John 20

Complete text of 61130077:

For as Moses, and the High Priests, were Gods Representative in the Old Testament; and our saviour  himselfe as Man, during his abode on earth: So the Holy Ghost, that is to say, the apostles , and their successors, in the Office of Preaching, and Teaching, that had received the Holy Spirit, have Represented him ever since

Complete text of 61130106:

Thus wee see how the Power Ecclesiasticall was left by our saviour  to the apostles ; and how they were (to the end they might the better exercise that Power,) endued with the Holy Spirit, which is therefore called sometime in the New Testament Paracletus which signifieth an Assister, or one called to for helpe, though it bee commonly translated a Comforter

Complete text of 61130110:

If now it should appear, that there is no Coercive Power left them by our saviour ; but onely a Power to proclaim the Kingdom of Christ, and to perswade men to submit themselves thereunto; and by precepts and good counsell, to teach them that have submitted, what they are to do, that they may be received into the Kingdom of God when it comes; and that the apostles , and other Ministers of the Gospel, are our Schoolemasters, and not our Commanders, and their Precepts not Laws, but wholesome Counsells then were all that dispute in vain

Complete text of 61130122:

" From The Comparison Of It, With Fishing, Leaven, Seed And is compared by our saviour , to Fishing; that is, to winning men to obedience, not by Coercion, and Punishing; but by Perswasion: and therefore he said not to his apostles , hee would make them so many Nimrods, Hunters Of Men; But Fishers Of Men

Complete text of 61130339:

In summe, the Power of Excommunication cannot be extended further than to the end for which the apostles  and Pastors of the Church have their Commission from our saviour ; which is not to rule by Command and Coaction, but by Teaching and Direction of men in the way of Salvation in the world to come

Complete text of 61130454:

Seeing then our saviour , and his apostles , left not new Laws to oblige us in this world, but new Doctrine to prepare us for the next; the Books of the New Testament, which containe that Doctrine, untill obedience to them was commanded, by them that God hath given power to on earth to be Legislators, were not obligatory Canons, that is, Laws, but onely good, and safe advice, for the direction of sinners in the way to salvation, which every man might take, and refuse at his owne perill, without injustice

Complete text of 61130455:

Again, our saviour  Christs Commission to his apostles , and Disciples, was to Proclaim his Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and to Teach all Nations; and to Baptize them that should beleeve; and to enter into the houses of them that should receive them; and where they were not received, to shake off the dust of their feet against them; but not to call for fire from heaven to destroy them, nor to compell them to obedience by the Sword

Complete text of 61130470:

" For first, the apostles  power was no other than that of our saviour , to invite men to embrace the Kingdome of God; which they themselves acknowledged for a Kingdome (not present, but) to come; and they that have no Kingdome, can make no Laws

Complete text of 61130495:

Amongst the Officers Magisteriall, the first, and principall were the Apostles; whereof there were at first but twelve; and these were chosen and constituted by our saviour  himselfe; and their Office was not onely to Preach, Teach, and Baptize, but also to be Martyrs, (Witnesses of our Saviours Resurrection

Complete text of 61130500:

) "Of these men that have companyed with us, all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the Baptisme of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a Witnesse with us of his Resurrection:" where, by this word Must, is implyed a necessary property of an Apostle, to have companyed with the first and prime apostles  in the time that our saviour  manifested himself in the flesh

Complete text of 61130550:

Ordination Of Teachers As the apostles , Matthias, Paul, and Barnabas, were not made by our Saviour himself, but were elected by the Church, that is, by the Assembly of Christians; namely, Matthias by the Church of Jerusalem, and Paul, and Barnabas by the Church of Antioch; so were also the Presbyters, and Pastors in other Cities, elected by the Churches of those Cities

Complete text of 61130612:

In Our Saviours Time, And After Of the maintenance of our saviour , and his apostles , we read onely they had a Purse, (which was carried by Judas Iscariot;) and, that of the Apostles, such as were Fisher-men, did sometimes use their trade; and that when our saviour  sent the Twelve apostles  to Preach, he forbad them "to carry Gold, and Silver, and Brasse in their purses, for that the workman is worthy of his hire:" (Mat

Complete text of 61130676:

In the like manner our saviour  (who surely had power to Baptize) Baptized none himselfe, but sent his apostles  and Disciples to Baptize

Complete text of 61130794:

" Which place well considered, proveth no more, but that the Church of Christ hath for foundation one onely Article; namely, that which Peter in the name of all the apostles  professing, gave occasion to our saviour  to speak the words here cited; which that wee may cleerly understand, we are to consider, that our Saviour preached by himself, by John Baptist, and by his apostles , nothing but this Article of Faith, "that he was the Christ;" all other Articles requiring faith no otherwise, than as founded on that

Complete text of 61130835:

Our saviour  therefore, and his apostles  forewarned men of False Prophets, and of False Christs

Complete text of 61130873:

The Priests and Scribes seeking to kill our Saviour at the Passeover, and Judas possessed with a resolution to betray him, and the day of killing the Passeover being come, our saviour  celebrated the same with his apostles , which he said, till the Kingdome of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall told them, that one of them was to betray him: Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should be; and withall (seeing the next Passeover their Master would celebrate should be when he was King) entred into a contention, who should then be the greater man

Complete text of 61130913:

And therefore when the Pope challengeth Supremacy in controversies of Manners, hee teacheth men to disobey the Civill Soveraign; which is an erroneous Doctrine, contrary to the many precepts of our saviour  and his apostles , delivered to us in the Scripture

Complete text of 61130939:

" But our saviour  was sent to Redeem (by his Death) such as should Beleeve; and by his own, and his apostles  preaching to prepare them for their entrance into his Kingdome; which he himself saith, is not of this world, and hath taught us to pray for the coming of it hereafter, though hee refused (Acts 1

Complete text of 61130998:

"You know what commandements we gave you:" where the Greek word is paraggelias edokamen, equivalent to paredokamen, what wee delivered to you, as in the place next before alledged, which does not prove the Traditions of the apostles , to be any more than Counsells; though as is said in the 8th verse, "he that despiseth them, despiseth not man, but God": For our saviour  himself came not to Judge, that is, to be King in this world; but to Sacrifice himself for Sinners, and leave Doctors in his Church, to lead, not to drive men to Christ, who never accepteth forced actions, (which is all the Law produceth,) but the inward conversion of the heart; which is not the work of Laws, but of Counsell, and Doctrine

Complete text of 61131034:

Therefore when he alledgeth out of the 6 of Luke, that our saviour  called his Disciples together, and chose twelve of them which he named Apostles, he proveth that he Elected them (all, except Matthias, Paul and Barnabas,) and gave them Power and Command to Preach, but not to Judge of Causes between man and man: for that is a Power which he refused to take upon himselfe, saying, "Who made me a Judge, or a Divider, amongst you?" and in another place, "My Kingdome is not of this world

Complete text of 61131036:

And yet this hinders not, but that our saviour  gave them Power to Preach and Baptize in all parts of the world, supposing they were not by their own lawfull Soveraign forbidden: For to our own Soveraigns Christ himself, and his apostles  have in sundry places expressely commanded us in all things to be obedient

Complete text of 61131130:

But did our saviour , who for calling for, might have had twelve Legions of immortall, invulnerable Angels to assist him, want forces to depose Caesar, or at least Pilate, that unjustly, without finding fault in him, delivered him to the Jews to bee crucified? Or if the apostles  wanted Temporall forces to depose Nero, was it therefore necessary for them in their Epistles to the new made Christians, to teach them, (as they did) to obey the Powers constituted over them, (whereof Nero in that time was one,) and that they ought to obey them, not for fear of their wrath, but for conscience sake? Shall we say they did not onely obey, but also teach what they meant not, for want of strength? It is not therefore for want of strength, but for conscience sake, that Christians are to tolerate their Heathen Princes, or Princes (for I cannot call any one whose Doctrine is the Publique Doctrine, an Haeretique) that authorize the teaching of an Errour

Complete text of 61131196:

The Person therefore, whom Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the Prophets beleeved, was God himself, that spake unto them supernaturally: And the Person, whom the apostles  and Disciples that conversed with Christ beleeved, was our saviour  himself

Complete text of 61131241:

" From The Sermons Of The apostles : My second Argument is taken from the Subject of the Sermons of the Apostles, both whilest our saviour  lived on earth, and after his Ascension

Complete text of 61131357:

Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, next after the Ascension of our saviour , asked him, and the rest of the apostles , saying, (Act

Complete text of 61131503:

And then there is another place more difficult: For when the apostles  after our Saviours Resurrection, and immediately before his Ascension, asked our saviour , saying, (Acts

Complete text of 61131708:

Therefore whereas they thought the Sixth Commandement was not broken, but by Killing a man; nor the Seventh, but when a man lay with a woman, not his wife; our saviour  tells them, the inward Anger of a man against his brother, if it be without just cause, is Homicide: You have heard (saith hee) the Law of Moses, "Thou shalt not Kill," and that "Whosoever shall Kill, shall be condemned before the Judges," or before the Session of the Seventy: But I say unto you, to be Angry with ones Brother without cause; or to say unto him Racha, or Foole, is Homicide, and shall be punished at the day of Judgment, and Session of Christ, and his apostles , with Hell fire: so that those words were not used to distinguish between divers Crimes, and divers Courts of Justice, and divers Punishments; but to taxe the distinction between sin, and sin, which the Jews drew not from the difference of the Will in Obeying God, but from the difference of their Temporall Courts of Justice; and to shew them that he that had the Will to hurt his Brother, though the effect appear but in Reviling, or not at all, shall be cast into hell fire, by the Judges, and by the Session, which shall be the same, not different Courts at the day of Judgment

Complete text of 61131770:

But if there be no Immateriall Spirit, nor any Possession of mens bodies by any Spirit Corporeall, it may again be asked, why our saviour  and his Apostles did not teach the People so; and in such cleer words, as they might no more doubt thereof

Complete text of 61131876:

How Idolatry Was Left In The Church The cause whereof, was the immoderate esteem, and prices set upon the workmanship of them, which made the owners (though converted, from worshipping them as they had done Religiously for Daemons) to retain them still in their houses, upon pretence of doing it in the honor of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, and of the apostles , and other the Pastors of the Primitive Church; as being easie, by giving them new names, to make that an Image of the Virgin Mary, and of her Sonne our saviour , which before perhaps was called the Image of Venus, and Cupid; and so of a Jupiter to make a Barnabas, and of Mercury a Paul, and the like