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god : commanded
commanded: god

Complete text of 61127517:

Protestation Against The Decrees Of Bodies Politique Sometimes Lawful; But Against Soveraign Power Never It is manifest by this, that in Bodies Politique subordinate, and subject to a Soveraign Power, it is sometimes not onely lawfull, but expedient, for a particular man to make open protestation against the decrees of the Representative Assembly, and cause their dissent to be Registred, or to take witnesse of it; because otherwise they may be obliged to pay debts contracted, and be responsible for crimes committed by other men: But in a Soveraign Assembly, that liberty is taken away, both because he that protesteth there, denies their Soveraignty; and also because whatsoever is commanded  by the Soveraign Power, is as to the Subject (though not so alwayes in the sight of god ) justified by the Command; for of such command every Subject is the Author

Complete text of 61128381:

For without that, a man knows not, when he is commanded  any thing by the Civill Power, whether it be contrary to the Law of god , or not: and so, either by too much civill obedience, offends the Divine Majesty, or through feare of offending God, transgresses the commandements of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61128590:

And this is that Law which god  commanded , that their Kings (when they should have established that form of Government) should take a copy of from the Priests and Levites to lay in the side of the Arke; (Deut

Complete text of 61128966:

From the very Creation, god  not only reigned over all men Naturally by his might; but also had Peculiar Subjects, whom he commanded  by a Voice, as one man speaketh to another

Complete text of 61129212:

The woman of Endor, who is said to have had a familiar spirit, and thereby to have raised a Phantasme of Samuel, and foretold Saul his death, was not therefore a Prophetesse; for neither had she any science, whereby she could raise such a Phantasme; nor does it appear that god  commanded  the raising of it; but onely guided that Imposture to be a means of Sauls terror and discouragement; and by consequent, of the discomfiture, by which he fell

Complete text of 61129301:

And when god  was to be consulted, they put on the holy vestments, and enquired of the Lord, as the King commanded  them, and were deprived of their office, when the King thought fit

Complete text of 61129396:

" In so much as god  commanded  the People by the mouth of the Prophet Jeremiah (chap

Complete text of 61129420:

Every man therefore ought to consider who is the Soveraign Prophet; that is to say, who it is, that is Gods Viceregent on earth; and hath next under god , the Authority of Governing Christian men; and to observe for a Rule, that Doctrine, which in the name of God, hee commanded  to bee taught; and thereby to examine and try out the truth of those Doctrines, which pretended Prophets with miracles, or without, shall at any time advance: and if they find it contrary to that Rule, to doe as they did, that came to Moses, and complained that there were some that Prophecyed in the Campe, whose Authority so to doe they doubted of; and leave to the Soveraign, as they did to Moses to uphold, or to forbid them, as hee should see cause; and if hee disavow them, then no more to obey their voice; or if he approve them, then to obey them, as men to whom god  hath given a part of the Spirit of their Soveraigne

Complete text of 61129440:

Therefore after god  had commanded  him to deliver the Israelites from the Egyptian bondage, when he said (Exod 4

Complete text of 61129536:

) "Upon Zion god  commanded  the blessing, even Life for evermore;" for Zion, is in Jerusalem, upon Earth: as also that of S

Complete text of 61129803:

Nor was there any Contract, that could adde to, or strengthen the Obligation, by which both they, and all men else were bound naturally to obey god  Almighty: And therefore the Covenant which Abraham made with god , was to take for the Commandement of god , that which in the name of god  was commanded  him, in a Dream, or Vision, and to deliver it to his family, and cause them to observe the same

Complete text of 61129906:

) "make us a King to judge us, like all the Nations," they signified that they would no more bee governed by the commands that should bee laid upon them by the Priest, in the name of god ; but by one that should command them in the same manner that all other nations were commanded ; and consequently in deposing the High Priest of Royall authority, they deposed that peculiar Government of god 

Complete text of 61129932:

Samuel was displeased with the people, for that they desired a King, (for god  was their King already, and Samuel had but an authority under him); yet did Samuel, when Saul observed not his counsell, in destroying Agag as god  had commanded , anoint another King, namely David, to take the succession from his heirs

Complete text of 61130003:

And therefore it is, that the time of his preaching, is often by himself called the Regeneration; which is not properly a Kingdome, and thereby a warrant to deny obedience to the Magistrates that then were, (for hee commanded  to obey those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to pay tribute to Caesar;) but onely an earnest of the Kingdome of god  that was to come, to those to whom god  had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome

Complete text of 61130189:

) that the twelve Apostles were sent "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel," and commanded  to Preach, "that the Kingdome of god  was at hand

Complete text of 61130427:

commanded  the Kings of Israel should keep a copie of: And this is the Law, which having been long time lost, was found again in the Temple in the time of Josiah, and by his authority received for the Law of god 

Complete text of 61130454:

Seeing then our Saviour, and his Apostles, left not new Laws to oblige us in this world, but new Doctrine to prepare us for the next; the Books of the New Testament, which containe that Doctrine, untill obedience to them was commanded , by them that god  hath given power to on earth to be Legislators, were not obligatory Canons, that is, Laws, but onely good, and safe advice, for the direction of sinners in the way to salvation, which every man might take, and refuse at his owne perill, without injustice

Complete text of 61130482:

For though god  be the Soveraign of all the world, we are not bound to take for his Law, whatsoever is propounded by every man in his name; nor any thing contrary to the Civill Law, which god  hath expressely commanded  us to obey

Complete text of 61130572:

Ministers Of The Church What The word Minister in the Originall Diakonos signifieth one that voluntarily doth the businesse of another man; and differeth from a Servant onely in this, that Servants are obliged by their condition, to what is commanded  them; whereas Ministers are obliged onely by their undertaking, and bound therefore to no more than that they have undertaken: So that both they that teach the Word of god , and they that administer the secular affairs of the Church, are both Ministers, but they are Ministers of different Persons

Complete text of 61130713:

god  commanded that "the Children of Israel should Put their Hands upon the Levites

Complete text of 61130717:

god  commanded  that "all that heard him should Lay their Hands on his head, and that all the Congregation should stone him

Complete text of 61130929:

But this also maketh onely for the Legislative power of Civill Soveraigns: For the Scribes, and Pharisees sat in Moses Chaire, but Moses next under god  was Soveraign of the People of Israel: and therefore our Saviour commanded  them to doe all that they should say, but not all that they should do

Complete text of 61130987:

He cannot oblige men to beleeve; though as a Civill Soveraign he may make Laws suitable to his Doctrine, which may oblige men to certain actions, and sometimes to such as they would not otherwise do, and which he ought not to command; and yet when they are commanded , they are Laws; and the externall actions done in obedience to them, without the inward approbation, are the actions of the Soveraign, and not of the Subject, which is in that case but as an instrument, without any motion of his owne at all; because god  hath commanded to obey them

Complete text of 61131040:

where Moses not being able alone to undergoe the whole burthen of administring the affairs of the People of Israel, god  commanded  him to choose Seventy Elders, and took part of the spirit of Moses, to put it upon those Seventy Elders: by which it is understood, not that god  weakened the spirit of Moses, for that had not eased him at all; but that they had all of them their authority from him; wherein he doth truly, and ingenuously interpret that place

Complete text of 61131175:

The difficulty therefore consisteth in this, that men when they are commanded  in the name of god , know not in divers Cases, whether the command be from god , or whether he that commandeth, doe but abuse Gods name for some private ends of his own

Complete text of 61131547:

) he anointed them with the Oyle which god  had commanded  to bee made for that purpose; and they were holy; There was nothing Exorcised, to drive away Phantasmes

Complete text of 61131749:

But when our Saviour speaketh to the Devill, and commandeth him to go out of a man, if by the Devill, be meant a Disease, as Phrenesy, or Lunacy, or a corporeal Spirit, is not the speech improper? can Diseases heare? or can there be a corporeall Spirit in a Body of Flesh and Bone, full already of vitall and animall Spirits? Are there not therefore Spirits, that neither have Bodies, nor are meer Imaginations? To the first I answer, that the addressing of our Saviours command to the Madnesse, or Lunacy he cureth, is no more improper, then was his rebuking of the Fever, or of the Wind, and Sea; for neither do these hear: Or than was the command of god , to the Light, to the Firmament, to the Sunne, and Starres, when he commanded  them to bee; for they could not heare before they had a beeing

Complete text of 61131792:

Answer To Certain Seeming Texts For Images The places of Scripture pretended to countenance the setting up of Images, to worship them; or to set them up at all in the places where God is worshipped, are First, two Examples; one of the Cherubins over the Ark of god ; the other of the Brazen Serpent: Secondly, some texts whereby we are commanded  to worship certain Creatures for their relation to god ; as to worship his Footstool: And lastly, some other texts, by which is authorized, a religious honoring of Holy things

Complete text of 61131832:

god  commanded  Moses to set up the Brazen Serpent; hee did not make it to himselfe; it was not therefore against the Commandement

Complete text of 61131857:

" distinguish between the Images that god  commanded  to be set up, and those which wee set up to our selves

Complete text of 61131858:

And therefore from the Cherubins, or Brazen Serpent, to the Images of mans devising; and from the Worship commanded by god , to the Will-Worship of men, the argument is not good