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soveraignty : soveraignty
soveraign: soveraign

Complete text of 61127098:

And whereas some men have pretended for their disobedience to their Soveraign, a new Covenant, made, not with men, but with God; this also is unjust: for there is no Covenant with God, but by mediation of some body that representeth Gods Person; which none doth but Gods Lieutenant, who hath the soveraignty  under God

Complete text of 61127150:

These Rights Are Indivisible These are the Rights, which make the Essence of soveraignty ; and which are the markes, whereby a man may discern in what Man, or Assembly of men, the soveraign  Power is placed, and resideth

Complete text of 61127157:

And Can By No Grant Passe Away Without Direct Renouncing Of The soveraign  Power And because they are essentiall and inseparable Rights, it follows necessarily, that in whatsoever, words any of them seem to be granted away, yet if the soveraign  Power it selfe be not in direct termes renounced, and the name of soveraign  no more given by the Grantees to him that Grants them, the Grant is voyd: for when he has granted all he can, if we grant back the soveraignty , all is restored, as inseparably annexed thereunto

Complete text of 61127158:

The Power And Honour Of Subjects Vanisheth In The Presence Of The Power soveraign  This great Authority being indivisible, and inseparably annexed to the Soveraignty, there is little ground for the opinion of them, that say of Soveraign Kings, though they be Singulis Majores, of greater Power than every one of their Subjects, yet they be Universis Minores, of lesse power than them all together

Complete text of 61127160:

But if by All Together, they understand them as one Person (which person the soveraign  bears,) then the power of all together, is the same with the Soveraigns power; and so again the speech is absurd; which absurdity they see well enough, when the soveraignty  is in an Assembly of the people; but in a Monarch they see it not; and yet the power of soveraignty  is the same in whomsoever it be placed

Complete text of 61127181:

And I know not how this so manifest a truth, should of late be so little observed; that in a Monarchy, he that had the soveraignty  from a descent of 600 years, was alone called soveraign , had the title of Majesty from every one of his Subjects, and was unquestionably taken by them for their King; was notwithstanding never considered as their Representative; that name without contradiction passing for the title of those men, which at his command were sent up by the people to carry their Petitions, and give him (if he permitted it) their advise

Complete text of 61127260:

Wherein Different From A Common-wealth By Institution And this kind of Dominion, or soveraignty , differeth from soveraignty  by Institution, onely in this, That men who choose their soveraign , do it for fear of one another, and not of him whom they Institute: But in this case, they subject themselves, to him they are afraid of

Complete text of 61127304:

For the soveraign  is absolute over both alike; or else there is no soveraignty  at all; and so every man may Lawfully protect himselfe, if he can, with his own sword, which is the condition of war

Complete text of 61127305:

Difference Between A Family And A Kingdom By this it appears, that a great Family if it be not part of some Common-wealth, is of it self, as to the Rights of soveraignty , a little Monarchy; whether that Family consist of a man and his children; or of a man and his servants; or of a man, and his children, and servants together: wherein the Father of Master is the soveraign 

Complete text of 61127425:

" And as Aristotle; so Cicero, and other Writers have grounded their Civill doctrine, on the opinions of the Romans, who were taught to hate Monarchy, at first, by them that having deposed their Soveraign, shared amongst them the soveraignty  of Rome; and afterwards by their Successors

Complete text of 61127460:

If a Monarch, or soveraign  Assembly, grant a Liberty to all, or any of his Subjects; which Grant standing, he is disabled to provide for their safety, the Grant is voyd; unlesse he directly renounce, or transferre the soveraignty  to another

Complete text of 61127461:

For in that he might openly, (if it had been his will,) and in plain termes, have renounced, or transferred it, and did not; it is to be understood it was not his will; but that the Grant proceeded from ignorance of the repugnancy between such a Liberty and the soveraign  Power; and therefore the soveraignty  is still retayned; and consequently all those Powers, which are necessary to the exercising thereof; such as are the Power of Warre, and Peace, of Judicature, of appointing Officers, and Councellours, of levying Mony, and the rest named in the 18th Chapter

Complete text of 61127470:

In Case The soveraign  Cast Off The Government From Himself And Heyrs If a Monarch shall relinquish the soveraignty , both for himself, and his heires; His Subjects returne to the absolute Libertie of Nature; because, though Nature may declare who are his Sons, and who are the nerest of his Kin; yet it dependeth on his own will, (as hath been said in the precedent chapter,) who shall be his Heyr

Complete text of 61127512:

For if he should have Authority from his Letters, to make the members pay what he borroweth, he should have by consequence the soveraignty  of them; and therefore the grant were either voyd, as proceeding from Errour, commonly incident to humane Nature, and an unsufficient signe of the will of the Granter; or if it be avowed by him, then is the Representer soveraign , and falleth not under the present question, which is onely of Bodies subordinate

Complete text of 61127517:

Protestation Against The Decrees Of Bodies Politique Sometimes Lawful; But Against soveraign  Power Never It is manifest by this, that in Bodies Politique subordinate, and subject to a soveraign  Power, it is sometimes not onely lawfull, but expedient, for a particular man to make open protestation against the decrees of the Representative Assembly, and cause their dissent to be Registred, or to take witnesse of it; because otherwise they may be obliged to pay debts contracted, and be responsible for crimes committed by other men: But in a soveraign  Assembly, that liberty is taken away, both because he that protesteth there, denies their soveraignty ; and also because whatsoever is commanded by the soveraign  Power, is as to the Subject (though not so alwayes in the sight of God) justified by the Command; for of such command every Subject is the Author

Complete text of 61127592:

And whereas every man, or assembly that hath soveraignty , representeth two Persons, or (as the more common phrase is) has two Capacities, one Naturall, and another Politique, (as a Monarch, hath the person not onely of the Common-wealth, but also of a man; and a soveraign  Assembly hath the Person not onely of the Common-wealth, but also of the Assembly); they that be servants to them in their naturall Capacity, are not Publique Ministers; but those onely that serve them in the Administration of the Publique businesse

Complete text of 61127607:

For in their Seats of Justice they represent the person of the soveraign ; and their Sentence, is his Sentence; For (as hath been before declared) all Judicature is essentially annexed to the soveraignty ; and therefore all other Judges are but Ministers of him, or them that have the soveraign  Power

Complete text of 61127810:

For example, if the soveraign  employ a Publique Minister, without written Instructions what to doe; he is obliged to take for Instructions the Dictates of Reason; As if he make a Judge, The Judge is to take notice, that his Sentence ought to be according to the reason of his soveraign , which being alwaies understood to be Equity, he is bound to it by the Law of Nature: Or if an Ambassador, he is (in al things not conteined in his written Instructions) to take for Instruction that which Reason dictates to be most conducing to his Soveraigns interest; and so of all other Ministers of the soveraignty , publique and private

Complete text of 61127981:

Thirdly, That when the Soveraign Power ceaseth, Crime also ceaseth: for where there is no such Power, there is no protection to be had from the Law; and therefore every one may protect himself by his own power: for no man in the Institution of soveraign  Power can be supposed to give away the Right of preserving his own body; for the safety whereof all soveraignty  was ordained

Complete text of 61128041:

If that Man, or Assembly, that hath the soveraign  Power, disclaime any Right essentiall to the soveraignty , whereby there accrueth to the Subject, any liberty inconsistent with the soveraign  Power, that is to say, with the very being of a Common-wealth, if the Subject shall refuse to obey the Command in any thing, contrary to the liberty granted, this is neverthelesse a Sinne, and contrary to the duty of the Subject: for he ought to take notice of what is inconsistent with the soveraignty , because it was erected by his own consent, and for his own defence; and that such liberty as is inconsistent with it, was granted through ignorance of the evill consequence thereof

Complete text of 61128252:

Against The Duty Of A soveraign  To Relinquish Any Essentiall Right of soveraignty  Or Not To See The People Taught The Grounds Of Them And because, if the essentiall Rights of soveraignty  (specified before in the eighteenth Chapter) be taken away, the Common-wealth is thereby dissolved, and every man returneth into the condition, and calamity of a warre with every other man, (which is the greatest evill that can happen in this life;) it is the Office of the soveraign , to maintain those Rights entire; and consequently against his duty, First, to transferre to another, or to lay from himselfe any of them

Complete text of 61128256:

For a Civill Law, that shall forbid Rebellion, (and such is all resistance to the essentiall Rights of Soveraignty,) is not (as a Civill Law) any obligation, but by vertue onely of the Law of Nature, that forbiddeth the violation of Faith; which naturall obligation if men know not, they cannot know the Right of any Law the soveraign  maketh

Complete text of 61128268:

Shall whole Nations be brought to Acquiesce in the great Mysteries of Christian Religion, which are above Reason; and millions of men be made believe, that the same Body may be in innumerable places, at one and the same time, which is against Reason; and shall not men be able, by their teaching, and preaching, protected by the Law, to make that received, which is so consonant to Reason, that any unprejudicated man, needs no more to learn it, than to hear it? I conclude therefore, that in the instruction of the people in the Essentiall Rights (which are the Naturall, and Fundamentall Lawes) of soveraignty , there is no difficulty, (whilest a Soveraign has his Power entire,) but what proceeds from his own fault, or the fault of those whom he trusteth in the administration of the Common-wealth; and consequently, it is his Duty, to cause them so to be instructed; and not onely his Duty, but his Benefit also, and Security, against the danger that may arrive to himselfe in his naturall Person, from Rebellion

Complete text of 61128416:

Divine Lawes Having spoken of the Right of Gods soveraignty , as grounded onely on Nature; we are to consider next, what are the Divine Lawes, or Dictates of Naturall Reason; which Lawes concern either the naturall Duties of one man to another, or the Honour naturally due to our Divine soveraign 

Complete text of 61128486:

But when I consider again, that the Science of Naturall Justice, is the onely Science necessary for Soveraigns, and their principall Ministers; and that they need not be charged with the Sciences Mathematicall, (as by Plato they are,) further, than by good Lawes to encourage men to the study of them; and that neither Plato, nor any other Philosopher hitherto, hath put into order, and sufficiently, or probably proved all the Theoremes of Morall doctrine, that men may learn thereby, both how to govern, and how to obey; I recover some hope, that one time or other, this writing of mine, may fall into the hands of a soveraign , who will consider it himselfe, (for it is short, and I think clear,) without the help of any interested, or envious Interpreter; and by the exercise of entire soveraignty , in protecting the Publique teaching of it, convert this Truth of Speculation, into the Utility of Practice

Complete text of 61129509:

OF THE SIGNIFICATION IN SCRIPTURE OF ETERNALL LIFE, HELL, SALVATION, THE WORLD TO COME, AND REDEMPTION The maintenance of Civill Society, depending on Justice; and Justice on the power of Life and Death, and other lesse Rewards and Punishments, residing in them that have the soveraignty  of the Common-wealth; It is impossible a Common-wealth should stand, where any other than the Soveraign, hath a power of giving greater rewards than Life; and of inflicting greater punishments than Death

Complete text of 61129878:

After Moses The soveraignty  Was In The High Priest Aaron being dead, and after him also Moses, the Kingdome, as being a Sacerdotall Kingdome, descended by vertue of the Covenant, to Aarons Son, Eleazar the High Priest: And God declared him (next under himself) for soveraign , at the same time that he appointed Joshua for the Generall of their Army

Complete text of 61130912:

For the Civill soveraignty , and supreme Judicature in controversies of Manners, are the same thing: And the Makers of Civill Laws, are not onely Declarers, but also Makers of the justice, and injustice of actions; there being nothing in mens Manners that makes them righteous, or unrighteous, but their conformity with the Law of the soveraign 

Complete text of 61131041:

But seeing Moses had the entire soveraignty  in the Common-wealth of the Jews, it is manifest, that it is thereby signified, that they had their Authority from the Civill soveraign : and therefore that place proveth, that Bishops in every Christian Common-wealth have their Authority from the Civill soveraign ; and from the Pope in his own Territories only, and not in the Territories of any other State

Complete text of 61131056:

" This also is granted, so he doe it in his own Dominions, or in the Dominions of any other Prince that hath given him that Power; but not universally, in Right of the Popedome: For that power belongeth to every Christian soveraign , within the bounds of his owne Empire, and is inseparable from the soveraignty