
Textometrica created by Simon Lindgren and Fredrik Palm, HUMlab,Umeå
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online at http://textometrica.humlab.umu.se”.
heaven : heaven
earth: earth

Complete text of 61126611:

And though after death, there be no sense of the praise given us on earth , as being joyes, that are either swallowed up in the unspeakable joyes of heaven , or extinguished in the extreme torments of Hell: yet is not such Fame vain; because men have a present delight therein, from the foresight of it, and of the benefit that may rebound thereby to their posterity: which though they now see not, yet they imagine; and any thing that is pleasure in the sense, the same also is pleasure in the imagination

Complete text of 61126679:

The heaven , the Ocean, the Planets, the Fire, the earth , the Winds, were so many Gods

Complete text of 61127854:

Princes succeed one another; and one Judge passeth, another commeth; nay, heaven  and earth  shall passe; but not one title of the Law of Nature shall passe; for it is the Eternall Law of God

Complete text of 61128162:

" But because he is mortall, and subject to decay, as all other Earthly creatures are; and because there is that in heaven , (though not on earth ) that he should stand in fear of, and whose Lawes he ought to obey; I shall in the next following Chapters speak of his Diseases, and the causes of his Mortality; and of what Lawes of Nature he is bound to obey

Complete text of 61128848:

How we came to translate Spirits, by the word Ghosts, which signifieth nothing, neither in heaven , nor earth , but the Imaginary inhabitants of mans brain, I examine not: but this I say, the word Spirit in the text signifieth no such thing; but either properly a reall Substance, or Metaphorically, some extraordinary Ability of Affection of the Mind, or of the Body

Complete text of 61129033:

If the Kingdome of God (called also the Kingdome of heaven , from the gloriousnesse, and admirable height of that throne) were not a Kingdome which God by his Lieutenant, or Vicars, who deliver his Commandements to the people, did exercise on Earth; there would not have been so much contention, and warre, about who it is, by whom God speaketh to us; neither would many Priests have troubled themselves with Spirituall Jurisdiction, nor any King have denied it them

Complete text of 61129127:

) "heaven and earth  shal pass away, but my Words shall not pass away;" that is, there is nothing that I have promised or foretold, that shall not come to passe

Complete text of 61129550:

to the same effect: As if he should say, the new Jerusalem, the Paradise of God, at the coming again of Christ, should come down to Gods people from heaven , and not they goe up to it from Earth

Complete text of 61129554:

" Which soundeth as if they had said, he should come down to govern them under his Father, Eternally here; and not take them up to govern them in heaven ; and is conformable to the Restauration of the Kingdom of God, instituted under Moses; which was a Political government of the Jews on earth 

Complete text of 61129564:

Ascension Into heaven  That the place wherein men are to live Eternally, after the Resurrection, is the Heavens, meaning by heaven , those parts of the world, which are the most remote from earth , as where the stars are, or above the stars, in another Higher heaven , called Caelum Empyreum, (whereof there is no mention in Scripture, nor ground in Reason) is not easily to be drawn from any text that I can find

Complete text of 61129566:

And when our Saviour Christ, by the preaching of his Ministers, shall have perswaded the Jews to return, and called the Gentiles to his obedience, then shall there be a new Kingdome of heaven , because our King shall then be God, whose Throne is heaven ; without any necessity evident in the Scripture, that man shall ascend to his happinesse any higher than Gods Footstool the earth 

Complete text of 61129572:

John himself; for Christ was then not in heaven , but upon the earth 

Complete text of 61129612:

Not that the Writers of the Scripture would have us beleeve, there could be in the globe of the earth , which is not only finite, but also (compared to the height of the Stars) of no considerable magnitude, a pit without a bottome; that is, a hole of infinite depth, such as the Greeks in their Daemonologie (that is to say, in their doctrine concerning Daemons,) and after them, the Romans called Tartarus; of which Virgill sayes, Bis patet in praeceps, tantem tenditque sub umbras, Quantus ad aethereum coeli suspectus Olympum: for that is a thing the proportion of earth  to heaven  cannot bear: but that wee should beleeve them there, indefinitely, where those men are, on whom God inflicted that Exemplary punnishment

Complete text of 61129726:

) that God would "shew wonders in heaven , and in earth , bloud, and fire, and pillars of smoak

Complete text of 61129732:

On the other side, I have not found any text that can probably be drawn, to prove any Ascension of the Saints into heaven ; that is to say, into any Coelum Empyreum, or other aetheriall Region; saving that it is called the Kingdome of heaven ; which name it may have, because God, that was King of the Jews, governed them by his commands, sent to Moses by Angels from Heaven, to reduce them to their obedience; and shall send him thence again, to rule both them, and all other faithfull men, from the day of Judgment, Everlastingly: or from that, that the Throne of this our Great King is in heaven ; whereas the earth  is but his Footstoole

Complete text of 61129751:

" This is that WORLD, wherein Christ coming down from heaven , in the clouds, with great power, and glory, shall send his Angels, and shall gather together his elect, from the four winds, and from the uttermost parts of the earth , and thence forth reign over them, (under his Father) Everlastingly

Complete text of 61129974:

" Now seeing the Scripture maketh mention but of two worlds; this that is now, and shall remain to the day of Judgment, (which is therefore also called, The Last Day;) and that which shall bee a new heaven , and a new earth ; the Kingdome of Christ is not to begin till the general Resurrection

Complete text of 61130103:

" In this Trinity on earth  the Unity is not of the thing; for the Spirit, the Water, and the Bloud, are not the same substance, though they give the same testimony: But in the Trinity of heaven , the Persons are the persons of one and the same God, though Represented in three different times and occasions

Complete text of 61130244:

But besides the Judgment, there is necessary also the pronouncing of Sentence: And this belonged alwaies to the Apostle, or some Pastor of the Church, as Prolocutor; and of this our Saviour speaketh in the 18 verse, "Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth , shall be bound in heaven ; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth , shall be loosed in heaven 

Complete text of 61130391:

That they "should not make any Image to represent him;" that is to say, they were not to choose to themselves, neither in heaven , nor in earth , any Representative of their own fancying, but obey Moses and Aaron, whom he had appointed to that office

Complete text of 61130793:

And I will give thee the keyes of heaven ; whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth , shall be bound in heaven , and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth , shall be loosed in heaven 

Complete text of 61130819:

) "Whatsoever yee shall bind on earth , shall be bound in heaven 

Complete text of 61130820:

And whatsoever ye shall loose on earth , shall be loosed in heaven 

Complete text of 61131542:

Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the Pope, and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by heaven  is meant the Pope, and by earth  the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all Christian Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91

Complete text of 61131592:

Also, it seemeth hard, to say, that God who is the Father of Mercies, that doth in heaven  and earth  all that hee will; that hath the hearts of all men in his disposing; that worketh in men both to doe, and to will; and without whose free gift a man hath neither inclination to good, nor repentance of evill, should punish mens transgressions without any end of time, and with all the extremity of torture, that men can imagine, and more

Complete text of 61131874:

Seeing therefore there is no authority, neither in the Law of Moses, nor in the Gospel, for the religious Worship of Images, or other Representations of God, which men set up to themselves; or for the Worship of the Image of any Creature in heaven , or earth , or under the Earth: And whereas Christian Kings, who are living Representants of God, are not to be worshipped by their Subjects, by any act, that signifieth a greater esteem of his power, than the nature of mortall man is capable of; It cannot be imagined, that the Religious Worship now in use, was brought into the Church, by misunderstanding of the Scripture