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made : covenant
covenant: made

Complete text of 61126829:

Covenants Of Mutuall Trust, When Invalid If a covenant  be made , wherein neither of the parties performe presently, but trust one another; in the condition of meer Nature, (which is a condition of Warre of every man against every man,) upon any reasonable suspition, it is Voyd; But if there be a common Power set over them bothe, with right and force sufficient to compell performance; it is not Voyd

Complete text of 61126833:

The cause of Feare, which maketh such a covenant  invalid, must be alwayes something arising after the covenant  made ; as some new fact, or other signe of the Will not to performe; else it cannot make the Covenant Voyd

Complete text of 61126887:

But when a covenant  is made , then to break it is Unjust: And the definition of INJUSTICE, is no other than The Not Performance Of covenant 

Complete text of 61126910:

Covenants Not Discharged By The Vice Of The Person To Whom made  Others, that allow for a Law of Nature, the keeping of Faith, do neverthelesse make exception of certain persons; as Heretiques, and such as use not to performe their covenant  to others: And this also is against reason

Complete text of 61126911:

For if any fault of a man, be sufficient to discharge our covenant  made ; the same ought in reason to have been sufficient to have hindred the making of it

Complete text of 61126922:

But the Injustice of an Action, (that is to say Injury,) supposeth an individuall person Injured; namely him, to whom the covenant  was made : And therefore many times the injury is received by one man, when the dammage redoundeth to another

Complete text of 61127017:

Covenants By Authority, Bind The Author From hence it followeth, that when the Actor maketh a covenant  by Authority, he bindeth thereby the Author, no lesse than if he had made  it himselfe; and no lesse subjecteth him to all the consequences of the same

Complete text of 61127021:

For no man is obliged by a covenant , whereof he is not Author; nor consequently by a covenant  made  against, or beside the Authority he gave

Complete text of 61127023:

The Authority Is To Be Shewne And he that maketh a covenant  with the Author, by mediation of the Actor, not knowing what Authority he hath, but onely takes his word; in case such Authority be not made  manifest unto him upon demand, is no longer obliged: For the covenant  made  with the Author, is not valid, without his Counter-assurance

Complete text of 61127079:

This is more than Consent, or Concord; it is a reall Unitie of them all, in one and the same Person, made  by covenant  of every man with every man, in such manner, as if every man should say to every man, "I Authorise and give up my Right of Governing my selfe, to this Man, or to this Assembly of men, on this condition, that thou give up thy Right to him, and Authorise all his Actions in like manner

Complete text of 61127096:

And therefore, they that are subjects to a Monarch, cannot without his leave cast off Monarchy, and return to the confusion of a disunited Multitude; nor transferre their Person from him that beareth it, to another Man, or other Assembly of men: for they are bound, every man to every man, to Own, and be reputed Author of all, that he that already is their Soveraigne, shall do, and judge fit to be done: so that any one man dissenting, all the rest should break their covenant  made  to that man, which is injustice: and they have also every man given the Soveraignty to him that beareth their Person; and therefore if they depose him, they take from him that which is his own, and so again it is injustice

Complete text of 61127098:

And whereas some men have pretended for their disobedience to their Soveraign, a new covenant , made , not with men, but with God; this also is unjust: for there is no covenant  with God, but by mediation of some body that representeth Gods Person; which none doth but Gods Lieutenant, who hath the Soveraignty under God

Complete text of 61127102:

That he which is made  Soveraigne maketh no covenant  with his Subjects beforehand, is manifest; because either he must make it with the whole multitude, as one party to the covenant ; or he must make a severall covenant  with every man

Complete text of 61127104:

Besides, if any one, or more of them, pretend a breach of the covenant  made by the Soveraigne at his Institution; and others, or one other of his Subjects, or himselfe alone, pretend there was no such breach, there is in this case, no Judge to decide the controversie: it returns therefore to the Sword again; and every man recovereth the right of Protecting himselfe by his own strength, contrary to the designe they had in the Institution

Complete text of 61127107:

But when an Assembly of men is made  Soveraigne; then no man imagineth any such covenant  to have past in the Institution; for no man is so dull as to say, for example, the People of Rome, made  a covenant  with the Romans, to hold the Soveraignty on such or such conditions; which not performed, the Romans might lawfully depose the Roman People

Complete text of 61127293:

And after such covenant  made , the Vanquished is a SERVANT, and not before: for by the word Servant (whether it be derived from Servire, to Serve, or from Servare, to Save, which I leave to Grammarians to dispute) is not meant a Captive, which is kept in prison, or bonds, till the owner of him that took him, or bought him of one that did, shall consider what to do with him: (for such men, (commonly called Slaves,) have no obligation at all; but may break their bonds, or the prison; and kill, or carry away captive their Master, justly:) but one, that being taken, hath corporall liberty allowed him; and upon promise not to run away, nor to do violence to his Master, is trusted by him

Complete text of 61127936:

The Covenant God made  with Abraham (in a Supernaturall Manner) was thus, (Gen

Complete text of 61128965:

To the contrary, I find the KINGDOME OF GOD, to signifie in most places of Scripture, a Kingdome Properly So Named, constituted by the Votes of the People of Israel in peculiar manner; wherein they chose God for their King by covenant  made  with him, upon Gods promising them the possession of the land of Canaan; and but seldom metaphorically; and then it is taken for Dominion Over Sinne; (and only in the New Testament;) because such a Dominion as that, every Subject shall have in the Kingdome of God, and without prejudice to the Soveraign

Complete text of 61129020:

) I will cause you to passe under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant ;" that is, I will reign over you, and make you to stand to that covenant  which you made  with me by Moses, and brake in your rebellion against me in the days of Samuel, and in your election of another King

Complete text of 61129801:

For with him was the covenant  first made ; wherein he obliged himself, and his seed after him, to acknowledge and obey the commands of God; not onely such, as he could take notice of, (as Morall Laws,) by the light of Nature; but also such, as God should in speciall manner deliver to him by Dreams and Visions

Complete text of 61129803:

Nor was there any Contract, that could adde to, or strengthen the Obligation, by which both they, and all men else were bound naturally to obey God Almighty: And therefore the Covenant which Abraham made  with God, was to take for the Commandement of God, that which in the name of God was commanded him, in a Dream, or Vision, and to deliver it to his family, and cause them to observe the same

Complete text of 61129820:

And therefore his authority (notwithstanding the covenant  they made  with God) depended yet merely upon the opinion they had of his Sanctity, and of the reality of his Conferences with God, and the verity of his Miracles; which opinion coming to change, they were no more obliged to take any thing for the law of God, which he propounded to them in Gods name

Complete text of 61129929:

As for example, after the death of Eleazar and Joshua, the next generation which had not seen the wonders of God, but were left to their own weak reason, not knowing themselves obliged by the covenant  of a Sacerdotall Kingdome, regarded no more the Commandement of the Priest, nor any law of Moses, but did every man that which was right in his own eyes; and obeyed in Civill affairs, such men, as from time to time they thought able to deliver them from the neighbour Nations that oppressed them; and consulted not with God (as they ought to doe,) but with such men, or women, as they guessed to bee Prophets by their Praedictions of things to come; and thought they had an Idol in their Chappel, yet if they had a Levite for their Chaplain, they made  account they worshipped the God of Israel

Complete text of 61129940:

After The Captivity The Jews Had No Setled Common-wealth During the Captivity, the Jews had no Common-wealth at all And after their return, though they renewed their covenant  with God, yet there was no promise made  of obedience, neither to Esdras, nor to any other; And presently after they became subjects to the Greeks (from whose Customes, and Daemonology, and from the doctrine of the Cabalists, their Religion became much corrupted): In such sort as nothing can be gathered from their confusion, both in State and Religion, concerning the Supremacy in either

Complete text of 61130411:

) "The words of a covenant  which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the Children of Israel, besides the covenant  which he made  with them in Horeb

Complete text of 61130438:

The Old Testament, When made  Canonicall From whence we may inferre, that the Scriptures of the Old Testament, which we have at this day, were not Canonicall, nor a Law unto the Jews, till the renovation of their covenant  with God at their return from the Captivity, and restauration of their Common-wealth under Esdras