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pope : pope
christian: christian

Complete text of 61126720:

Lastly, amongst the points by the Church of Rome declared necessary for Salvation, there be so many, manifestly to the advantage of the pope , and of his spirituall subjects, residing in the territories of other Christian Princes, that were it not for the mutuall emulation of those Princes, they might without warre, or trouble, exclude all forraign Authority, as easily as it has been excluded in England

Complete text of 61130659:

For let it be supposed, that a christian  King commit the Authority of Ordaining Pastors in his Dominions to another King, (as divers christian  Kings allow that power to the pope ;) he doth not thereby constitute a Pastor over himself, nor a Soveraign Pastor over his People; for that were to deprive himself of the Civill Power; which depending on the opinion men have of their Duty to him, and the fear they have of Punishment in another world, would depend also on the skill, and loyalty of Doctors, who are no lesse subject, not only to Ambition, but also to Ignorance, than any other sort of men

Complete text of 61130688:

The reason therefore why christian  Kings use not to Baptize, is evident, and the same, for which at this day there are few Baptized by Bishops, and by the pope  fewer

Complete text of 61130769:

If they please therefore, they may (as many christian  Kings now doe) commit the government of their Subjects in matters of Religion to the pope ; but then the pope  is in that point Subordinate to them, and exerciseth that Charge in anothers Dominion Jure Civili, in the Right of the Civill Soveraign; not Jure Divino, in Gods Right; and may therefore be discharged of that Office, when the Soveraign for the good of his Subjects shall think it necessary

Complete text of 61130775:

Cardinal Bellarmines Books De Summo Pontifice Considered Though this that I have here said, and in other places of this Book, seem cleer enough for the asserting of the Supreme Ecclesiasticall Power to christian  Soveraigns; yet because the pope  of Romes challenge to that Power universally, hath been maintained chiefly, and I think as strongly as is possible, by Cardinall Bellarmine, in his Controversie De Summo Pontifice; I have thought it necessary, as briefly as I can, to examine the grounds, and strength of his Discourse

Complete text of 61130866:

It is true, the pope  in taking upon him to give Laws to all christian  Kings, and Nations, usurpeth a Kingdome in this world, which Christ took not on him: but he doth it not As Christ, but as For Christ, wherein there is nothing of the Antichrist

Complete text of 61131024:

" Wherein he handleth not the Question of Supremacy between the pope  and christian  Kings, but between the pope  and other Bishops

Complete text of 61131041:

But seeing Moses had the entire Soveraignty in the Common-wealth of the Jews, it is manifest, that it is thereby signified, that they had their Authority from the Civill Soveraign: and therefore that place proveth, that Bishops in every christian  Common-wealth have their Authority from the Civill Soveraign; and from the pope  in his own Territories only, and not in the Territories of any other State

Complete text of 61131044:

For they are really Monarchs of their own people; that is, of their own Church (for the Church is the same thing with a Christian people;) whereas the Power of the pope , though hee were S

Complete text of 61131069:

The first is, "That the pope  in not Lord of all the world:" the second, "that the pope  is not Lord of all the christian  world:" The third, "That the pope  (without his owne Territory) has not any Temporall Jurisdiction DIRECTLY:" These three Conclusions are easily granted

Complete text of 61131138:

For every christian  Prince, as I have formerly proved, is no lesse Supreme Pastor of his own Subjects, than the pope  of his

Complete text of 61131140:

This is true; for Christian Kings are no more but Christs Subjects: but they may, for all that, bee the Popes Fellowes; for they are Supreme Pastors of their own Subjects; and the pope  is no more but King, and Pastor, even in Rome it selfe

Complete text of 61131158:

Out of which it followeth, that the pope , as Pastor of Christian men, is King of Kings: which all christian  Kings ought indeed either to Confesse, or else they ought to take upon themselves the Supreme Pastorall Charge, every one in his own Dominion

Complete text of 61131388:

And in case a Subject be forbidden by the Civill Soveraign to professe some of those his opinions, upon what grounds can he disobey? christian  Kings may erre in deducing a Consequence, but who shall Judge? Shall a private man Judge, when the question is of his own obedience? or shall any man Judg but he that is appointed thereto by the Church, that is, by the Civill Soveraign that representeth it? or if the pope , or an Apostle Judge, may he not erre in deducing of a consequence? did not one of the two, St

Complete text of 61131439:

And That The pope  Is His Vicar Generall Consequent to this claim of the pope  to Vicar Generall of Christ in the present Church, (supposed to be that Kingdom of his, to which we are addressed in the Gospel,) is the Doctrine, that it is necessary for a Christian King, to receive his Crown by a Bishop; as if it were from that Ceremony, that he derives the clause of Dei Gratia in his title; and that then onely he is made King by the favour of God, when he is crowned by the authority of Gods universall Viceregent on earth; and that every Bishop whosoever be his Soveraign, taketh at his Consecration an oath of absolute Obedience to the pope , Consequent to the same, is the Doctrine of the fourth Councell of Lateran, held under pope  Innocent the third, (Chap

Complete text of 61131444:

And by this means, as often as there is any repugnancy between the Politicall designes of the pope , and other Christian Princes, as there is very often, there ariseth such a Mist amongst their Subjects, that they know not a stranger that thrusteth himself into the throne of their lawfull Prince, from him whom they had themselves placed there; and in this Darknesse of mind, are made to fight one against another, without discerning their enemies from their friends, under the conduct of another mans ambition

Complete text of 61131452:

Which Canons, though they were but Canons, that is, Rules Propounded, and but voluntarily received by christian  Princes, till the translation of the Empire to Charlemain; yet afterwards, as the power of the pope  encreased, became Rules Commanded, and the Emperours themselves (to avoyd greater mischiefes, which the people blinded might be led into) were forced to let them passe for Laws

Complete text of 61131453:

From hence it is, that in all Dominions, where the Popes Ecclesiasticall power is entirely received, Jewes, Turkes, and Gentiles, are in the Roman Church tolerated in their Religion, as farre forth, as in the exercise and profession thereof they offend not against the civill power: whereas in a christian , though a stranger, not to be of the Roman Religion, is Capitall; because the pope  pretendeth that all Christians are his Subjects

Complete text of 61131542:

Peter had given him by Christ: And, that of the two Luminaries, the greater signifies the pope , and the lesser the King; One might as well inferre out of the first verse of the Bible, that by Heaven is meant the pope , and by Earth the King: Which is not arguing from Scripture, but a wanton insulting over Princes, that came in fashion after the time the Popes were growne so secure of their greatnesse, as to contemne all christian  Kings; and Treading on the necks of Emperours, to mocke both them, and the Scripture, in the words of the 91

Complete text of 61131886:

From whence wee may by the way observe, that there is no place for the superiority of the pope  over other Bishops, except in the territories whereof he is himself the Civill Soveraign; and where the Emperour having Soveraign Power Civill, hath expressely chosen the Pope for the chief Pastor under himselfe, of his christian  Subjects

Complete text of 61132049:

By this title it is, that the pope  prevailed with the subjects of all christian  Princes, to beleeve, that to disobey him, was to disobey Christ himselfe; and in all differences between him and other Princes, (charmed with the word Power Spirituall,) to abandon their lawfull Soveraigns; which is in effect an universall Monarchy over all Christendome

Complete text of 61132061:

For who is there, that beleeving this to be true, will not readily obey him in whatsoever he commands? Subjection Of Bishops Secondly, that all other Bishops, in what Common-wealth soever, have not their Right, neither immediately from God, nor mediately from their Civill Soveraigns, but from the pope , is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every christian  Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the pope , and owe obedience to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a Civill War against the State that submits not it self to be governed according to his pleasure and Interest

Complete text of 61132065:

Also, the making the Lords Supper a Sacrifice, serveth to make the People beleeve the pope  hath the same power over all christian , that Moses and Aaron had over the Jews; that is to say, all power, both Civill and Ecclesiasticall, as the High Priest then had

Complete text of 61132079:

I doe not therefore blame the Emperour Frederick for holding the stirrop to our countryman pope  Adrian; for such was the disposition of his subjects then, as if hee had not doe it, hee was not likely to have succeeded in the Empire: But I blame those, that in the beginning, when their power was entire, by suffering such Doctrines to be forged in the Universities of their own Dominions, have holden the Stirrop to all the succeeding Popes, whilest they mounted into the Thrones of all christian  Soveraigns, to ride, and tire, both them, and their people, at their pleasure