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soveraigns : soveraigns
civill: civill

Complete text of 61128214:

As here have been Doctors, that hold there be three Soules in a man; so there be also that think there may be more Soules, (that is, more Soveraigns,) than one, in a Common-wealth; and set up a Supremacy against the Soveraignty; Canons against Lawes; and a Ghostly Authority against the civill ; working on mens minds, with words and distinctions, that of themselves signifie nothing, but bewray (by their obscurity) that there walketh (as some think invisibly) another Kingdome, as it were a Kingdome of Fayries, in the dark

Complete text of 61128485:

And now, considering how different this Doctrine is, from the Practise of the greatest part of the world, especially of these Western parts, that have received their Morall learning from Rome, and Athens; and how much depth of Morall Philosophy is required, in them that have the Administration of the Soveraign Power; I am at the point of believing this my labour, as uselesse, and the Common-wealth of Plato; For he also is of opinion that it is impossible for the disorders of State, and change of Governments by Civill Warre, ever to be taken away, till soveraigns  be Philosophers

Complete text of 61130345:

Of The Interpreter Of The Scriptures Before civill  soveraigns  Became Christians St

Complete text of 61130403:

But Moses, and Aaron, and the succeeding High Priests were the civill  soveraigns 

Complete text of 61130481:

For though they might deliberate what each of them should teach; yet they could not deliberate what others should do, unless their Assembly had had a Legislative Power; which none could have but civill  soveraigns 

Complete text of 61130639:

By the whole Congregation it could not be, because their Acts were then no Laws: Therefore the maintenance of Pastors, before Emperours and civill  Soveraigns had made Laws to settle it, was nothing but Benevolence

Complete text of 61130642:

The Right of Tythes in Moses Law, could not be applyed to the then Ministers of the Gospell; because Moses and the High Priests were the civill  Soveraigns of the people under God, whose Kingdom amongst the Jews was present; whereas the Kingdome of God by Christ is yet to come

Complete text of 61130768:

The civill  Soveraigne If A Christian, Is Head Of The Church In His Own Dominions From this consolidation of the Right Politique, and Ecclesiastique in Christian soveraigns , it is evident, they have all manner of Power over their Subjects, that can be given to man, for the government of mens externall actions, both in Policy, and Religion; and may make such Laws, as themselves shall judge fittest, for the government of their own Subjects, both as they are the Common-wealth, and as they are the Church: for both State, and Church are the same men

Complete text of 61130899:

But be it Evidence and Truth it selfe that was given; or be it but Admonition to the Priest to endeavour to inform himself cleerly, and give judgment uprightly; yet in that it was given to the High Priest, it was given to the civill  Soveraign: For next under God was the High Priest in the Common-wealth of Israel; and is an argument for Evidence and Truth, that is, for the Ecclesiasticall Supremacy of civill  soveraigns  over their own Subjects, against the pretended Power of the Pope

Complete text of 61130929:

But this also maketh onely for the Legislative power of civill  Soveraigns: For the Scribes, and Pharisees sat in Moses Chaire, but Moses next under God was Soveraign of the People of Israel: and therefore our Saviour commanded them to doe all that they should say, but not all that they should do

Complete text of 61131021:

The Commands of civill  soveraigns  are on all sides granted to be Laws: if any else can make a Law besides himselfe, all Common-wealth, and consequently all Peace, and Justice must cease; which is contrary to all Laws, both Divine and Humane

Complete text of 61131032:

But this whole Dispute, whether Christ left the Jurisdiction to the Pope onely, or to other Bishops also, if considered out of these places where the Pope has the civill  Soveraignty, is a contention De Lana Caprina: For none of them (where they are not soveraigns ) has any Jurisdiction at all

Complete text of 61131038:

Yet because they prove, on the contrary, that all Bishops receive Jurisdiction when they have it from their civill  soveraigns , I will not omit the recitall of them

Complete text of 61131053:

But seeing that hath not been proved, and that it is notoriously known, the large Jurisdiction of the Pope was given him by those that had it, that is, by the Emperours of Rome, (for the Patriarch of Constantinople, upon the same title, namely, of being Bishop of the Capitall City of the Empire, and Seat of the Emperour, claimed to be equal to him,) it followeth, that all other Bishops have their Jurisdiction from the soveraigns  of the place wherein they exercise the same: And as for that cause they have not their Authority De Jure Divino; so neither hath the Pope his De Jure Divino, except onely where hee is also the civill  Soveraign

Complete text of 61131073:

When it is said, the Pope hath not (in the Territories of other States) the Supreme civill  Power Directly; we are to understand, he doth not challenge it, as other civill  soveraigns  doe, from the originall submission thereto of those that are to be governed

Complete text of 61131192:

The Laws of God therefore are none but the Laws of Nature, whereof the principall is, that we should not violate our Faith, that is, a commandement to obey our civill  Soveraigns, which wee constituted over us, by mutuall pact one with another

Complete text of 61131398:

Wherein I pretend not to advance any Position of my own, but onely to shew what are the Consequences that seem to me deducible from the Principles of Christian Politiques, (which are the holy Scriptures,) in confirmation of the Power of civill  soveraigns , and the Duty of their Subjects

Complete text of 61131436:

Neverthelesse, he promised by his Prophets to restore this his Government to them again, when the time he hath in his secret counsell appointed for it shall bee fully come, and when they shall turn unto him by repentance, and amendment of life; and not onely so, but he invited also the Gentiles to come in, and enjoy the happinesse of his Reign, on the same conditions of conversion and repentance; and hee promised also to send his Son into the world, to expiate the sins of them all by his death, and to prepare them by his Doctrine, to receive him at his second coming: Which second coming not yet being, the Kingdome of God is not yet come, and wee are not now under any other Kings by Pact, but our civill  soveraigns ; saving onely, that Christian men are already in the Kingdome of Grace, in as much as they have already the Promise of being received at his comming againe

Complete text of 61131438:

This power Regal under Christ, being challenged, universally by that Pope, and in particular Common-wealths by Assemblies of the Pastors of the place, (when the Scripture gives it to none but to civill  soveraigns ,) comes to be so passionately disputed, that it putteth out the Light of Nature, and causeth so great a Darknesse in mens understanding, that they see not who it is to whom they have engaged their obedience

Complete text of 61131451:

From the same mistaking of the present Church for the Kingdom of God, came in the distinction betweene the civill  and the Canon Laws: The civil Law being the acts of soveraigns  in their own Dominions, and the Canon Law being the Acts of the Pope in the same Dominions

Complete text of 61132054:

After that certain Churches had renounced this universall Power of the Pope, one would expect in reason, that the civill  soveraigns  in all those Churches, should have recovered so much of it, as (before they had unadvisedly let it goe) was their own Right, and in their own hands

Complete text of 61132061:

For who is there, that beleeving this to be true, will not readily obey him in whatsoever he commands? Subjection Of Bishops Secondly, that all other Bishops, in what Common-wealth soever, have not their Right, neither immediately from God, nor mediately from their Civill soveraigns , but from the Pope, is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the Pope, and owe obedience to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a civill  War against the State that submits not it self to be governed according to his pleasure and Interest

Complete text of 61132070:

Canonization Of Saints, And Declaring Of Martyrs Eighthly, by the Canonization of Saints, and declaring who are Martyrs, they assure their Power, in that they induce simple men into an obstinacy against the Laws and Commands of their civill  soveraigns  even to death, if by the Popes excommunication, they be declared Heretiques or Enemies to the Church; that is, (as they interpret it,) to the Pope

Complete text of 61132209:

For I ground the Civill Right of soveraigns , and both the Duty and Liberty of Subjects, upon the known naturall Inclinations of Mankind, and upon the Articles of the Law of Nature; of which no man, that pretends but reason enough to govern his private family, ought to be ignorant