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obey : obedience
obedience: obey

Complete text of 61126605:

Civil obedience  From Love Of Ease Desire of Ease, and sensuall Delight, disposeth men to obey  a common Power: because by such Desires, a man doth abandon the protection might be hoped for from his own Industry, and labour

Complete text of 61127283:

For it ought to obey  him by whom it is preserved; because preservation of life being the end, for which one man becomes subject to another, every man is supposed to promise obedience, to him, in whose power it is to save, or destroy him

Complete text of 61127773:

But every subject in a Common-wealth, hath covenanted to obey  the Civill Law, (either one with another, as when they assemble to make a common Representative, or with the Representative it selfe one by one, when subdued by the Sword they promise obedience , that they may receive life;) And therefore obedience  to the Civill Law is part also of the Law of Nature

Complete text of 61127939:

" Abrahams Seed had not this revelation, nor were yet in being; yet they are a party to the Covenant, and bound to obey  what Abraham should declare to them for Gods Law; which they could not be, but in vertue of the obedience  they owed to their Parents; who (if they be Subject to no other earthly power, as here in the case of Abraham) have Soveraign power over their children, and servants

Complete text of 61127940:

Againe, where God saith to Abraham, "In thee shall all Nations of the earth be blessed: For I know thou wilt command thy children, and thy house after thee to keep the way of the Lord, and to observe Righteousnesse and Judgement," it is manifest, the obedience  of his Family, who had no Revelation, depended on their former obligation to obey  their Soveraign

Complete text of 61128034:

Where a man is captive, or in the power of the enemy, (and he is then in the power of the enemy, when his person, or his means of living, is so,) if it be without his own fault, the Obligation of the Law ceaseth; because he must obey  the enemy, or dye; and consequently such obedience  is no Crime: for no man is obliged (when the protection of the Law faileth,) not to protect himself, by the best means he can

Complete text of 61128270:

For the prosperity of a People ruled by an Aristocraticall, or Democraticall assembly, commeth not from Aristocracy, nor from Democracy, but from the obedience , and Concord of the Subjects; nor do the people flourish in a Monarchy, because one man has the right to rule them, but because they obey  him

Complete text of 61128553:

But the question is not of obedience  to God, but of When, and What God hath said; which to Subjects that have no supernaturall revelation, cannot be known, but by that naturall reason, which guided them, for the obtaining of Peace and Justice, to obey  the authority of their severall Common-wealths; that is to say, of their lawfull Soveraigns

Complete text of 61129831:

" Here was their promise of obedience ; and by this it was they obliged themselves to obey  whatsoever he should deliver unto them for the Commandement of God

Complete text of 61130003:

And therefore it is, that the time of his preaching, is often by himself called the Regeneration; which is not properly a Kingdome, and thereby a warrant to deny obedience  to the Magistrates that then were, (for hee commanded to obey  those that sate then in Moses chaire, and to pay tribute to Caesar;) but onely an earnest of the Kingdome of God that was to come, to those to whom God had given the grace to be his disciples, and to beleeve in him; For which cause the Godly are said to bee already in the Kingdome of Grace, as naturalized in that heavenly Kingdome

Complete text of 61130162:

And if it be further asked, What if wee bee commanded by our lawfull Prince, to say with our tongue, wee beleeve not; must we obey  such command? Profession with the tongue is but an externall thing, and no more then any other gesture whereby we signifie our obedience ; and wherein a Christian, holding firmely in his heart the Faith of Christ, hath the same liberty which the Prophet Elisha allowed to Naaman the Syrian

Complete text of 61130214:

" But to teach out of the Old Testament that Jesus was Christ, (that is to say, King,) and risen from the dead, is not to say, that men are bound after they beleeve it, to obey  those that tell them so, against the laws, and commands of their Soveraigns; but that they shall doe wisely, to expect the coming of Christ hereafter, in Patience, and Faith, with obedience  to their present Magistrates

Complete text of 61130398:

There is no doubt but that they were made Laws by God himselfe: But because a Law obliges not, nor is Law to any, but to them that acknowledge it to be the act of the Soveraign, how could the people of Israel that were forbidden to approach the Mountain to hear what God said to Moses, be obliged to obedience  to all those laws which Moses propounded to them? Some of them were indeed the Laws of Nature, as all the Second Table; and therefore to be acknowledged for Gods Laws; not to the Israelites alone, but to all people: But of those that were peculiar to the Israelites, as those of the first Table, the question remains; saving that they had obliged themselves, presently after the propounding of them, to obey  Moses, in these words (Exod

Complete text of 61130458:

They had not in Commission to make Laws; but to obey , and teach obedience  to Laws made; and consequently they could not make their Writings obligatory Canons, without the help of the Soveraign Civill Power

Complete text of 61130987:

He cannot oblige men to beleeve; though as a Civill Soveraign he may make Laws suitable to his Doctrine, which may oblige men to certain actions, and sometimes to such as they would not otherwise do, and which he ought not to command; and yet when they are commanded, they are Laws; and the externall actions done in obedience to them, without the inward approbation, are the actions of the Soveraign, and not of the Subject, which is in that case but as an instrument, without any motion of his owne at all; because God hath commanded to obey  them

Complete text of 61131011:

"Obey your Leaders, and submit your selves to them, for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account:" And here also is intended by obedience , a following of their Counsell: For the reason of our obedience , is not drawn from the will and command of our Pastors, but from our own benefit, as being the Salvation of our Souls they watch for, and not for the Exaltation of their own Power, and Authority

Complete text of 61131188:

What obedience  Is Necessary; The obedience  required at our hands by God, that accepteth in all our actions the Will for the Deed, is a serious Endeavour to obey  him; and is called also by all such names as signifie that Endeavour

Complete text of 61131189:

And therefore obedience , is sometimes called by the names of Charity, and Love, because they imply a Will to obey ; and our Saviour himself maketh our Love to God, and to one another, a Fulfilling of the whole Law: and sometimes by the name of Righteousnesse; for Righteousnesse is but the will to give to every one his owne, that is to say, the will to obey  the Laws: and sometimes by the name of Repentance; because to Repent, implyeth a turning away from sinne, which is the same, with the return of the will to obedience 

Complete text of 61131193:

And this Law of God, that commandeth obedience  to the Law Civill, commandeth by consequence obedience  to all the Precepts of the Bible, which (as I have proved in the precedent Chapter) is there onely Law, where the Civill Soveraign hath made it so; and in other places but Counsell; which a man at his own perill, may without injustice refuse to obey

Complete text of 61131355:

That Faith, And obedience  Are Both Of Them Necessary To Salvation Now that I have shewn, that all the obedience  required to Salvation, consisteth in the will to obey  the Law of God, that is to say, in Repentance; and all the Faith required to the same, is comprehended in the beleef of this Article, Jesus Is The Christ; I will further alledge those places of the Gospell, that prove, that all that is Necessary to Salvation is contained in both these joined together

Complete text of 61131963:

For who will endeavour to obey  the Laws, if he expect obedience  to be Powred or Blown into him? Or who will not obey  a Priest, that can make God, rather than his Soveraign; nay than God himselfe? Or who, that is in fear of Ghosts, will not bear great respect to those that can make the Holy Water, that drives them from him? And this shall suffice for an example of the Errors, which are brought into the Church, from the Entities, and Essences of Aristotle: which it may be he knew to be false Philosophy; but writ it as a thing consonant to, and corroborative of their Religion; and fearing the fate of Socrates

Complete text of 61132061:

For who is there, that beleeving this to be true, will not readily obey  him in whatsoever he commands? Subjection Of Bishops Secondly, that all other Bishops, in what Common-wealth soever, have not their Right, neither immediately from God, nor mediately from their Civill Soveraigns, but from the Pope, is a Doctrine, by which there comes to be in every Christian Common-wealth many potent men, (for so are Bishops,) that have their dependance on the Pope, and owe obedience  to him, though he be a forraign Prince; by which means he is able, (as he hath done many times) to raise a Civill War against the State that submits not it self to be governed according to his pleasure and Interest