
Textometrica created by Simon Lindgren and Fredrik Palm, HUMlab,Umeå
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online at http://textometrica.humlab.umu.se”.
speak : speak
god: god

Complete text of 61126306:

If Livy say the Gods made once a Cow speak , and we believe it not; wee distrust not god  therein, but Livy

Complete text of 61127313:

19) "Speak thou to us, and we will heare thee; but let not god  speak  to us, lest we dye

Complete text of 61127942:

Upon what ground, but on this submission of their own, "Speak thou to us, and we will heare thee; but let not god  speak  to us, lest we dye?" By which two places it sufficiently appeareth, that in a Common-wealth, a subject that has no certain and assured Revelation particularly to himself concerning the Will of god , is to obey for such, the Command of the Common-wealth: for if men were at liberty, to take for Gods Commandements, their own dreams, and fancies, or the dreams and fancies of private men; scarce two men would agree upon what is Gods Commandement; and yet in respect of them, every man would despise the Commandements of the Common-wealth

Complete text of 61128188:

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by those accidents, which guide us into the presence of them that speak  to us; which accidents are all contrived by god  Almighty; and yet are not supernaturall, but onely, for the great number of them that concurre to every effect, unobservable

Complete text of 61128263:

But supposing that these of mine are not such Principles of Reason; yet I am sure they are Principles from Authority of Scripture; as I shall make it appear, when I shall come to speak  of the Kingdome of god , (administred by Moses,) over the Jewes, his peculiar people by Covenant

Complete text of 61128377:

But of the Kingdome of god , as King of Kings, and as King also of a peculiar People, I shall speak  in the rest of this discourse

Complete text of 61128403:

Of the Naturall Kingdome of god  I intend to speak in this Chapter

Complete text of 61128458:

Fifthly, it is a part of Rationall Worship, to speak  Considerately of god ; for it argues a Fear of him, and Fear, is a confession of his Power

Complete text of 61128507:

So that though god  Almighty can speak  to a man, by Dreams, Visions, Voice, and Inspiration; yet he obliges no man to beleeve he hath so done to him that pretends it; who (being a man), may erre, and (which is more) may lie

Complete text of 61128773:

"Thou shalt speak  (saith god ) to all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the Spirit of Wisdome, to make Aaron Garments, to consecrate him

Complete text of 61128968:

The Originall Of The Kingdome Of god  After this, it pleased god  to speak  to Abraham, and (Gen

Complete text of 61129203:

and every woman that prayeth or prophecyeth with her head uncovered: For Prophecy in that place, signifieth no more, but praising god  in Psalmes, and Holy Songs; which women might doe in the Church, though it were not lawfull for them to speak  to the Congregation

Complete text of 61129341:

When therefore a Prophet is said to speak  in the Spirit, or by the Spirit of god , we are to understand no more, but that he speaks according to Gods will, declared by the supreme Prophet

Complete text of 61129830:

And they said unto Moses, speak  thou with us, and we will hear, but let not god  speak  with us lest we die

Complete text of 61129873:

) by Spirit, is understood the Mind; so that the sense of the place is no other than this, that god  endued them with a mind conformable, and subordinate to that of Moses, that they might Prophecy, that is to say, speak  to the people in Gods name, in such manner, as to set forward (as Ministers of Moses, and by his authority) such doctrine as was agreeable to Moses his doctrine

Complete text of 61130038:

For as Moses chose twelve Princes of the tribes, to govern under him; so did our Saviour choose twelve Apostles, who shall sit on twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel; And as Moses authorized Seventy Elders, to receive the Spirit of god , and to Prophecy to the people, that is, (as I have said before,) to speak unto them in the name of god ; so our Saviour also ordained seventy Disciples, to preach his Kingdome, and Salvation to all Nations

Complete text of 61130158:

Paul here speak , were all Infidels; much more therefore we are to obey those Christians, whom god  hath ordained to have Soveraign Power over us

Complete text of 61130393:

That "they should not take the Name of god  in vain;" that is, they should not speak  rashly of their King, nor dispute his Right, nor the commissions of Moses and Aaron, his Lieutenants

Complete text of 61130401:

) "Speak them thou to us, and we will hear thee; but let not god  speak  to us, lest we die

Complete text of 61131198:

They beleeved the Apostles, and after them the Pastors and Doctors of the Church, that recommended to their faith the History of the Old and New Testament: so that the Faith of Christians ever since our Saviours time, hath had for foundation, first, the reputation of their Pastors, and afterward, the authority of those that made the Old and New Testament to be received for the Rule of Faith; which none could do but Christian Soveraignes; who are therefore the Supreme Pastors, and the onely Persons, whom Christians now hear speak  from god ; except such as god  speaketh to, in these days supernaturally

Complete text of 61132205:

) in these words, "From that time forward, when Moses entred into the Tabernacle of the Congregation to speak  with god , he heard a Voice which spake unto him from over the Mercy-Seate, which is over the Arke of the Testimony, from between the Cherubins he spake unto him