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prophets : false
false: prophets

Complete text of 61128524:

"There shall arise," (saith he) "false Christs, and false prophets , and shall doe great wonders and miracles, even to the seducing (if it were possible) of the very Elect

Complete text of 61128527:

24) By which it appears, that false  prophets  may have the power of miracles; yet are wee not to take their doctrin for Gods Word

Complete text of 61129209:

Paul held their Poets for prophets , but acknowledgeth that the word Prophet was commonly used to signifie them that celebrated the honour of God in Verse Praediction Of Future Contingents, Not Alwaies Prophecy When by Prophecy is meant Praediction, or foretelling of future Contingents; not only they were prophets , who were Gods Spokesmen, and foretold those things to others, which God had foretold to them; but also all those Imposters, that pretend by the helpe of familiar spirits, or by superstitious divination of events past, from false  causes, to foretell the like events in time to come: of which (as I have declared already in the 12

Complete text of 61129293:

) "And Solomon awoak, and behold it was a Dream:" So that generally the prophets  extraordinary in the old Testament took notice of the Word of God no otherwise, than from their Dreams, or Visions, that is to say, from the imaginations which they had in their sleep, or in an Extasie; which imaginations in every true Prophet were supernaturall; but in false  prophets  were either naturall, or feigned

Complete text of 61129386:

&C) to know a Spirit by: and seeing there is so much Prophecying in the Old Testament; and so much Preaching in the New Testament against prophets ; and so much greater a number ordinarily of false  prophets , then of true; every one is to beware of obeying their directions, at their own perill

Complete text of 61129387:

And first, that there were many more false  than true prophets , appears by this, that when Ahab (1 Kings 12

Complete text of 61129388:

) consulted four hundred prophets , they were all false  Imposters, but onely one Michaiah

Complete text of 61129405:

) and such controversies in the New Testament at this day, amongst the Spirituall prophets : Every man then was, and now is bound to make use of his Naturall Reason, to apply to all Prophecy those Rules which God hath given us, to discern the true from the false 

Complete text of 61129414:

2, &c) speaking expressely of the means to examine Spirits, whether they be of God, or not; after he hath told them that there would arise false prophets , saith thus, "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God

Complete text of 61130431:

For the prophets  (except a few) lived in the time of the Captivity it selfe; and the rest lived but a little before it; and were so far from having their Prophecies generally received for Laws, as that their persons were persecuted, partly by false  prophets , and partly by the Kings which were seduced by them

Complete text of 61130835:

Our Saviour therefore, and his Apostles forewarned men of false  Prophets, and of false  Christs

Complete text of 61131020:

) "Not to beleeve every Spirit, but to try the Spirits whether they are of God, because many false  prophets  are gone out into the world"? It is therefore manifest, that wee may dispute the Doctrine of our Pastors; but no man can dispute a Law

Complete text of 61131147:

) "Beware of false  prophets  which come to you in Sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravening Wolves

Complete text of 61131148:

" But neither are Haeretiques false  prophets , or at all prophets : nor (admitting Haeretiques for the Wolves there meant,) were the Apostles commanded to kill them, or if they were Kings, to depose them; but to beware of, fly, and avoid them: nor was it to St

Complete text of 61131149:

Peter, nor to any of the Apostles, but to the multitude of the Jews that followed him into the mountain, men for the most part not yet converted, that hee gave this Counsell, to Beware of false  prophets : which therefore if it conferre a Power of chasing away Kings, was given, not onely to private men; but to men that were not at all Christians

Complete text of 61131176:

For as there ware in the Church of the Jews, many false  Prophets, that sought reputation with the people, by feigned Dreams, and Visions; so there have been in all times in the Church of Christ, false  Teachers, that seek reputation with the people, by phantasticall and false Doctrines; and by such reputation (as is the nature of Ambition,) to govern them for their private benefit

Complete text of 61131199:

But because there be many false  prophets  "gone out into the world," other men are to examine such Spirits (as St

Complete text of 61131307:

"If any man shall say unto you, Loe, here is Christ, or there, beleeve it not, for there shall arise false  Christs, and false  prophets , and shall shew great signes and wonders, &c

Complete text of 61131936:

But it is manifest, by the many reprehensions of them by our Saviour, that they corrupted the Text of the Law with their false Commentaries, and vain Traditions; and so little understood the Prophets, that they did neither acknowledge Christ, nor the works he did; for which the prophets  prophecyed