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soveraign : office
office: soveraign

Complete text of 61125851:

OF THE office  OF THE soveraign  REPRESENTATIVE 31

Complete text of 61127437:

'" It followeth therefore, that No man is bound by the words themselves, either to kill himselfe, or any other man; And consequently, that the Obligation a man may sometimes have, upon the Command of the soveraign  to execute any dangerous, or dishonourable office , dependeth not on the Words of our Submission; but on the Intention; which is to be understood by the End thereof

Complete text of 61127626:

And those that are appointed to receive the Petitions or other informations of the People, and are as it were the publique Eare, are Publique Ministers, and represent their soveraign  in that office 

Complete text of 61128151:

And therefore when the soveraign  of a Common-wealth appointeth a Salary to any publique office , he that receiveth it, is bound in Justice to performe his office ; otherwise, he is bound onely in honour, to acknowledgement, and an endeavour of requitall

Complete text of 61128198:

But if the Right of the Soveraign also be excluded, he cannot performe the office  they have put him into; which is, to defend them both from forraign enemies, and from the injuries of one another; and consequently there is no longer a Common-wealth

Complete text of 61128249:

OF THE office  OF THE soveraign  REPRESENTATIVE The Procuration Of The Good Of The People The office  of the soveraign , (be it a Monarch, or an Assembly,) consisteth in the end, for which he was trusted with the soveraign  Power, namely the procuration of the Safety Of The People; to which he is obliged by the Law of Nature, and to render an account thereof to God, the Author of that Law, and to none but him

Complete text of 61128252:

Against The Duty Of A soveraign  To Relinquish Any Essentiall Right of Soveraignty Or Not To See The People Taught The Grounds Of Them And because, if the essentiall Rights of Soveraignty (specified before in the eighteenth Chapter) be taken away, the Common-wealth is thereby dissolved, and every man returneth into the condition, and calamity of a warre with every other man, (which is the greatest evill that can happen in this life;) it is the office  of the soveraign , to maintain those Rights entire; and consequently against his duty, First, to transferre to another, or to lay from himselfe any of them

Complete text of 61128338:

Punishments It belongeth also to the office  of the soveraign , to make a right application of Punishments, and Rewards

Complete text of 61128343:

Rewards In like manner it belongeth to the office , and Duty of the soveraign , to apply his Rewards alwayes so, as there may arise from them benefit to the Common-wealth: wherein consisteth their Use, and End; and is then done, when they that have well served the Common-wealth, are with as little expence of the Common Treasure, as is possible, so well recompenced, as others thereby may be encouraged, both to serve the same as faithfully as they can, and to study the arts by which they may be enabled to do it better

Complete text of 61128352:

The choyce of Counsellours therefore is to Monarchy; In which, the soveraign  that endeavoureth not to make choyce of those, that in every kind are the most able, dischargeth not his office  as he ought to do

Complete text of 61129335:

Therefore in what manner God spake to those soveraign  Prophets of the Old Testament, whose office  it was to enquire of him, is not intelligible

Complete text of 61129799:

Who that one chief Pastor is, according to the law of Nature, hath been already shewn; namely, that it is the Civill soveraign ; And to whom the Scripture hath assigned that office , we shall see in the Chapters following

Complete text of 61130657:

Seeing then in every Christian Common-wealth, the Civill soveraign  is the Supreme Pastor, to whose charge the whole flock of his Subjects is committed, and consequently that it is by his authority, that all other Pastors are made, and have power to teach, and performe all other Pastorall offices; it followeth also, that it is from the Civill Soveraign, that all other Pastors derive their right of Teaching, Preaching, and other functions pertaining to that office ; and that they are but his Ministers; in the same manner as the Magistrates of Towns, Judges in Courts of Justice, and Commanders of Armies, are all but Ministers of him that is the Magistrate of the whole Common-wealth, Judge of all Causes, and Commander of the whole Militia, which is alwayes the Civill soveraign 

Complete text of 61130667:

But the King, and every other soveraign  executeth his office  of Supreme Pastor, by immediate Authority from God, that is to say, In Gods Right, or Jure Divino

Complete text of 61130769:

If they please therefore, they may (as many Christian Kings now doe) commit the government of their Subjects in matters of Religion to the Pope; but then the Pope is in that point Subordinate to them, and exerciseth that Charge in anothers Dominion Jure Civili, in the Right of the Civill soveraign ; not Jure Divino, in Gods Right; and may therefore be discharged of that office , when the soveraign  for the good of his Subjects shall think it necessary

Complete text of 61132167:

Wee know that generally in all Common-wealths, the Execution of Corporeall Punishments, was either put upon the Guards, or other Souldiers of the soveraign  Power; or given to those, in whom want of means, contempt of honour, and hardnesse of heart, concurred, to make them sue for such an office