
Textometrica created by Simon Lindgren and Fredrik Palm, HUMlab,Umeå
University. Free for academic and non-profit use. Please cite in any
publication: ”S. Lindgren and F. Palm (2011), Textometrica Service Package,
online at http://textometrica.humlab.umu.se”.
truth : truth
false: false

Complete text of 61126303:

And they that believe that which a Prophet relates unto them in the name of God, take the word of the Prophet, do honour to him, and in him trust, and believe, touching the truth  of what he relateth, whether he be a true, or a false  Prophet

Complete text of 61126637:

Adhaerence To Custome, From Ignorance Of The Nature Of Right And Wrong Ignorance of the causes, and originall constitution of Right, Equity, Law, and Justice, disposeth a man to make Custome and Example the rule of his actions; in such manner, as to think that Unjust which it hath been the custome to punish; and that Just, of the impunity and approbation whereof they can produce an Example, or (as the Lawyers which onely use the false  measure of Justice barbarously call it) a Precedent; like little children, that have no other rule of good and evill manners, but the correction they receive from their Parents, and Masters; save that children are constant to their rule, whereas men are not so; because grown strong, and stubborn, they appeale from custome to reason, and from reason to custome, as it serves their turn; receding from custome when their interest requires it, and setting themselves against reason, as oft as reason is against them: Which is the cause, that the doctrine of Right and Wrong, is perpetually disputed, both by the Pen and the Sword: whereas the doctrine of Lines, and Figures, is not so; because men care not, in that subject what be truth , as a thing that crosses no mans ambition, profit, or lust

Complete text of 61126865:

For Torture is to be used but as means of conjecture, and light, in the further examination, and search of truth ; and what is in that case confessed, tendeth to the ease of him that is Tortured; not to the informing of the Torturers: and therefore ought not to have the credit of a sufficient Testimony: for whether he deliver himselfe by true, or false  Accusation, he does it by the Right of preserving his own life

Complete text of 61127127:

It is true, that in a Common-wealth, where by the negligence, or unskilfullnesse of Governours, and Teachers, false  Doctrines are by time generally received; the contrary Truths may be generally offensive; Yet the most sudden, and rough busling in of a new truth , that can be, does never breake the Peace, but onely somtimes awake the Warre

Complete text of 61127988:

If a man come from the Indies hither, and perswade men here to receive a new Religion, or teach them any thing that tendeth to disobedience of the Lawes of this Country, though he be never so well perswaded of the truth  of what he teacheth, he commits a Crime, and may be justly punished for the same, not onely because his doctrine is false , but also because he does that which he would not approve in another, namely, that comming from hence, he should endeavour to alter the Religion there

Complete text of 61132026:

Which Insignificancy of language, though I cannot note it for false  Philosophy; yet it hath a quality, not onely to hide the truth , but also to make men think they have it, and desist from further search

Complete text of 61132027:

Errors From Tradition Lastly, for the errors brought in from false , or uncertain History, what is all the Legend of fictitious Miracles, in the lives of the Saints; and all the Histories of Apparitions, and Ghosts, alledged by the Doctors of the Romane Church, to make good their Doctrines of Hell, and purgatory, the power of Exorcisme, and other Doctrines which have no warrant, neither in Reason, nor Scripture; as also all those Traditions which they call the unwritten Word of God; but old Wives Fables? Whereof, though they find dispersed somewhat in the Writings of the ancient Fathers; yet those Fathers were men, that might too easily beleeve false  reports; and the producing of their opinions for testimony of the truth  of what they beleeved, hath no other force with them that (according to the Counsell of St

Complete text of 61132036:

Suppression Of Reason With the Introduction of false , we may joyn also the suppression of True Philosophy, by such men, as neither by lawfull authority, nor sufficient study, are competent Judges of the truth 

Complete text of 61132125:

But these are contrary Faculties; the former being grounded upon principles of truth ; the other upon Opinions already received, true, or false ; and upon the Passions and Interests of men, which are different, and mutable