
Textometrica created by Simon Lindgren and Fredrik Palm, HUMlab,Umeå
University. Free for academic and non-profit use. Please cite in any
publication: ”S. Lindgren and F. Palm (2011), Textometrica Service Package,
online at http://textometrica.humlab.umu.se”.
feare : feare
desire: desire

Complete text of 61125881:

I say the similitude of Passions, which are the same in all men, desire , feare , Hope, &c; not the similitude or The Objects of the Passions, which are the things Desired, Feared, Hoped, &c: for these the constitution individuall, and particular education do so vary, and they are so easie to be kept from our knowledge, that the characters of mans heart, blotted and confounded as they are, with dissembling, lying, counterfeiting, and erroneous doctrines, are legible onely to him that searcheth hearts

Complete text of 61125971:

For the impression made by such things as wee desire , or feare, is strong, and permanent, or, (if it cease for a time,) of quick return: so strong it is sometimes, as to hinder and break our sleep

Complete text of 61126019:

Another is, when many use the same words, to signifie (by their connexion and order,) one to another, what they conceive, or think of each matter; and also what they desire , feare , or have any other passion for, and for this use they are called Signes

Complete text of 61126269:

For there is no such thing as perpetual Tranquillity of mind, while we live here; because Life itself is but Motion, and can never be without desire , nor without Feare, no more than without Sense

Complete text of 61126661:

But the acknowledging of one God Eternall, Infinite, and Omnipotent, may more easily be derived, from the desire  men have to know the causes of naturall bodies, and their severall vertues, and operations; than from the feare  of what was to befall them in time to come

Complete text of 61126702:

For seeing all formed Religion, is founded at first, upon the faith which a multitude hath in some one person, whom they believe not only to be a wise man, and to labour to procure their happiness, but also to be a holy man, to whom God himselfe vouchsafeth to declare his will supernaturally; It followeth necessarily, when they that have the Goverment of Religion, shall come to have either the wisedome of those men, their sincerity, or their love suspected; or that they shall be unable to shew any probable token of divine Revelation; that the Religion which they desire  to uphold, must be suspected likewise; and (without the feare  of the Civill Sword) contradicted and rejected

Complete text of 61126769:

The Passions That Incline Men To Peace The Passions that encline men to Peace, are feare  of Death; desire  of such things as are necessary to commodious living; and a Hope by their Industry to obtain them

Complete text of 61126873:

So that before the time of Civill Society, or in the interruption thereof by Warre, there is nothing can strengthen a Covenant of Peace agreed on, against the temptations of Avarice, Ambition, Lust, or other strong desire , but the feare of that Invisible Power, which they every one Worship as God; and Feare as a Revenger of their perfidy

Complete text of 61127733:

Otherwise, because many eyes see the same thing in divers lines, and are apt to look asquint towards their private benefit; they that desire  not to misse their marke, though they look about with two eyes, yet they never ayme but with one; And therefore no great Popular Common-wealth was ever kept up; but either by a forraign Enemy that united them; or by the reputation of some one eminent Man amongst them; or by the secret Counsell of a few; or by the mutuall feare  of equall factions; and not by the open Consultations of the Assembly